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85 Cards in this Set

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same number of protons and electrons but differing neutrons thus atomic mass
posted charge from loss of an electron
new charge by gaining an electron
ionic bonds
attraction between pos. and neg. that hold ions is a crystal lace
covalent bond
when shred electrons to reach chemical stability..non polar mean equal sharing...polar means unequal sharing
molecular compounds
formed by 2 diff elements covalent bonded together
4 types of lipids
triglyccerides, phospholipids, sterioids, eicosanoids
composed of glycerol and 3 fatty acids. used for long term energy storage
glycerol,2 fatty acids, phosphate group. polar head and 2 non polar tails....found in cell membranes..hydrophilic/phobic
multilingual structures, 4 rings, 3 rings=6CARBON, 1ring=5 carbon
mono, di, or polyccharides...mono is the basic building blocks...they are fuel and storage, most are polar
basic unit of proteins
amino acids
breaks down protein by taking off amino acids
enzyme that speeds up reaction rates
protein primary structure
long chain
protein secondary structure
protein tertiary structure
addition coiling/clumpy
protein quaternary structure
additional polypeptide
nucleic acid 3 parts
phosphate group, sugar, nitrogen base
holding cells environment at a steady state. essential for survival, each cell contributes
study of funtion...regional VA systemic....different categories aka neuro or patho
small molecules are joined to fork larger ones...requires ATP...ex triglycerides..glycogen production
large molecules broken down into smaller...ex eating/digestion
levels of organization
metabolism, growth and development, responsivness, regulation, reproduction
factors homeostatically controlled
concen of nutrient molecules, gas reg, waste, ph, h20 and salt, blood pressure, temperature
body systems that maintain homeostasis
receptor, control center, effector
extracellular fluid
plasma, interstitial fluid
intracellular fluid
cytosol, inside the cell
extrinsic control
begins outside of an organ system, maintain homeostasis, ex nervous, endocrine
intrinsic control
begins inside an organ system, local...ex digestion secretion of enzymes
negative feeback
fine times homeostatic conditions by through small adjustments
positive feedback
amplifies results, away from homeostasis
anything that has mass and takes up space, 3 phases
made up of subatomic particles, overall nuetral, they bond to reach stability, atoms with 8 electron is outer shell are stable
charged atom that is either pos or neg due to gaining or losing
2 or more atoms bonded together
2 or more diff elements bonded together. ..compound do can be molecules EXCEPT ironically bonded compounds
common elements in the body
26, but 96% composed of O, C, H, N
hydrogen bonds
weakest bond that involves partially charged atoms between molecules
properties of water
3 phases, cohesion is attraction of water molecules, and adhesion is attraction of other subtances
ph scale
measures hydrogen ion concen. ,,,
helps prevent ph changes by absorbing and releasing hydrogen ions.....
made up of C, H, O and used for energy and storage, most are polar and dissolve in water. ex are sugars and starch..location in the cell=mitochondria
C, H, O..but less O than carbs...structural component for cell membranes, essential for hormones. used as fuel by cells..fatty acid is basic unit...water insoluable...triglyccerides are the most common..located in the cell in cell membranes
C, O, N, H, S....used is growth and repair of tissues....somtimes fuel. catalysts (enzymes)....amino acid is the basic unit of all proteinss...deamination is the breaking down of proteins by taking off amino acids. in the cell= plasma membrane, cytoskeleton
nucleic acids
used by cells for instructions and holding energy....nucleotides are basic unit...DNA? AND REA AND ATP..found in nucleus of cell
ability to produce or change in state or motion of matter or capacity to do work
types of energy
mechanical (potential or kinetic)....chemical, nuclear, radiant, heat, electrical
potential energy
energy of position or stored
energy of motion
reactants have more energy within their chemical bonds than do the products...energy out
reactants have less energy within their chemical bonds than do the products ...energy in
activation energy
energy required to start conversion from potential to kinetic...energy required to break existing chemical bonds..ex rock on hill
biological catalysts...increase rate of reaction by decreasing the activation energy needed to start a reaction...ASE ending
enzymes can be affected by..
1. enzyme and substrate concentration 2. temperature 3. changes in ph
what control enzymes?
competitive inhibitor...
binds to active site
noncompetitive inhititors...
bind to allosteric site
cellular respiration
aerobic respiration used by most cells to produce ATP...o2 required...4 stages
takes place in cytoplasm ....anerobic so don't me O2...ending outcome...2NADH, ATP, 2 PYRAMID ACIDS
intermediate stage
takes place in mitochondira..outcome..2NADH,2 ACETYL COA,2CO2...TWO CARBONS!!!
citric acid/Krebs cycle
in mitochondira. ..cycles TWICE...end==2ATP,6NADH, 2FADH2, 4 CO2..
electron transport system
"wow" step..in mitochondira, takes all NASH AND FADES the release...series of ENZYMES and Co enzymes...accept e- @ higher energy level and release at lower level. ..e- combines with O2 and H to make water at the end ..BULK of ATP is and here
released energy..ATP synthesis
anaerobic respiration
ATP where no o2 is required...muscle cells can do both
rough ER
produces proteins
smooth ER
produces lipids
golgi apparatus
modifies,packages and sorts materials
maintains intracellular structural support and organization of cells...helps cell division...helps with movement
transports cellular material
digests materials
detoxify specific harmful substances
synthesize most ATP DURING aerobic respiration by digesting food molecules
the passive movement of water through a selectively permeable membrane..water always moves across the plasma membrane from an area of high water concen. to an area of low until equilibrium is reached
relative concentration of two fluids...isotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic
lingands (cell communication)
molecules released from one cell that bind to receptors within the plasma membrane of another cell
channel linked receptors (cell communication)
permit ion passage into or of of the cell in response to neurotransmitter binding..initiate electrical changes
enzymatic receptors (cell communicatin)
add phosphates to other enzymes within the cell. aka alters enzyme signals
Good protein - coupled receptors
alter enzymes directly through the Game protein enzyme
tight junction
don't allow materials to go between cell membranes
gap junction
ex cardiac muscle...provide a direct passageway for substances to pass between cells
snaps between adjacent cells, prevents resistance from mechanical stress...holding structure anchoring cell membranes
protein within water (collagen aka geletan)
keep moving to stay mixed....ex water and oil
the amount of energy available to do work can be found in....
chemical bonds