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36 Cards in this Set

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When can a fetus start to process and hear music?

After the first 3 months

Conversation of Melody

When one can sing a melody round and not lose the melody

Conserve the beat

Keep a beat in an ensemble

Sensorimotor Stage

- 0 to 2yrs old

- Reacts to sounds; seeks out, fixes attention on sound source; gross body movements

- Spontaneous music making; vocal play, "babbling songs"

Preoperational Stage

- Begins to reproduce phrases of songs heard

- Conceives general plan of a melody; absolute pitch may develop if learns an instrument

- Can discriminate register of pitches; can tap back simple rhythms

- Understands louder/softer; can discriminate "same" from "different" in easy tonal or rhythmic patterns

- Improved singing in tune; tonal music perceived better than atonal

Concrete Operations

- Appreciates consonance V. dissonance

- Rhythmic performance tasks improved

- Rhythmic perception improves; melodic memory improves; two-part melodies perceived; sense of cadence

- Harmonic sense becoming established. Soe appreciation for finer points of music

Formal Operations

- Increase in appreciation, cognitively and in emotional response to music

Milestones of Musical Development

1) Sensorimotor Stage 0-2yrs

2) Preoperational Stage 2-7yrs

3) Concrete Operations 7-11yrs

4) Formal Operations 11-12yrs

Mirriam's Functions of music in any Society

1) Emotional Expression

2) Communication

3) Symbolic Representation

4) Conveyor of Social Values/conformity to social norms

5) Validates social institutions and religious rituals

6) Contributes to the continuity and stability of culture

7) Contributes to the integration of society

8) Aesthetic enjoyment

9) Physical Response

Emotional Expression

Expressionistic: Meaning results from the musical sounds themselves


Plato's Republic III: Stated that both words and music conform to the same predetermined laws. Music and language also shared the common purpose of communicating ideas. Gaston considered the communicative aspects of music to be a fundamental justification for the use of music in therapy; he, however, was primarily concerned with music's ability to communicate feelings nonverbally when words were inadequate or impossible because of cognitive deficits.

Symbolic Representation

Music conveys meaning to the listener; We imbue different timbers, different rhythmic patterns, scale patterns with meaning

Conveyor of Social Values/Conformity to social norms

Folk music' protest music, religious music, primarily through song. May help clients clarify their own values.

Plato believed that it was necessary for musical sounds to be joined ith words for the purpose of conveying value-laden messages in order to transmit and preserve societal order.

Validates social institutions and religious rituals

Contributes to the Continuity and stability of Culture

Contribute to the integration of society

Music is. by the large, a social phenomenon. Music requires coordination, cooperation, depends on the contributions of each individual to the whole.

Aesthetic enjoyment

Appreciation of the beautiful; diversional; may contribute o stress reduction for this reason, decrease awareness of pain through endorphin release, contributes to increases in self-esteem

Physical Response

Music processing and music making is a physiological phenomenon. Cannot be spearate from the body who makes it composes it, or hears it. Complex phenomenon that encompasses cognition/learning, psychological components: emotional expression as well as felt emotion; spiritual component as we learned from the function of music in preliterate societies: and motor component; sound signals do not only travel to the brain for processing; they also travel to the spinal cord where they excite the nuclei of the motor cells.

What is the musical response of a child in the sensorimotor stage of development?

Children learn about the environment through their sense and through motor activity

What types of musical activities are engaging to a child in the preoperational stage of development?

They can experiences the concepts of “fast” and “slow” by direct observation. They also begin to label these words and understand the concepts behind them.

Describe the musical capabilities of children who have reached the concrete operations stage of development:

They can start to learn musical notation and acquirer concepts of rhythm and harmony

What is the most notable cognitive characteristic of the formal operations stage of development?

The development of the ability to think abstractly.

How do the musical preferences and abilities of older adults compared to those of adults below the age of 65?

Research indicates that they enjoy intellectual and the social benefits of participating in musical activities. They also tend to enjoy the music that was popular from when they were younger.

List Merriam’s 10 functions of Music in Society:

1)Music as an influence on physical response

2) Music as a form of communication

3) Music as a form of emotional expression

4) Music as symbolic representation

5) Music to enforce conformity to social norms

6) Music to validate social instructions and religious rituals

7) Music to contribute to the continuity and stability of culture

8) Music to contribute to the integration of society

9)Music for aesthetic enjoyment

10) Music for entertainment

Compare and contrast the referentialist and expressionist view of music and emotions:

1) Referential

2) Expressionist


The belief that the meaning in music arises from connections to the listener makes between the music itself and nonmuscle object or event


Music’s meaning results from the musical sounds themselves and nothing more.

What does association through contiguity mean in the context of music and emotions?

The way in which music can refer to objects or events in life

Which psychologist is associated with the optimal complexity theory?

Indicates that we feel pleasurable feelings if the structural features of the music are at an optical or ideal level of complexity and/or familiarity.

What scholar is associated with the Theory of Expectations?

Leonard Meyer

Is music a universal language?

No. Music from one culture is not always translatable to another culture. However, it is an universal phenomenon.

Compare and Contrast the use of music for aesthetic purposes and for entertainment

1) Aesthetic

2) Entertainment


Appreciating the intrinsic beauty or importance in a work without necessarily gaining any entertainment value from the work.


Characterized by amusement or diversion. Not necessarily the appreciation of the music.

Describe our present research knowledge concerning the influence of music on autonomic response

“Research indicates that music can help with blood pressure, reduce hormones associated with stress, and help boost immune functioning.”

Clinical Process:

1. Referal

2. Assment

3. Treatment Plan

4. Implimination

5. Documentation

6. Termination or continuation

- If continuation you are back up at
