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344 Cards in this Set

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The settlement founded in the early 1600s that was the most important for the future united states was:
Spain's dream of empire began to fade with the:
defeat of the Spanish armada
The first attempt at British colonization in the Americas was:
Arrange In Chronological Order: Reformation, Founding of Jamestown Colony, Restoration, Defeat of the Spanish Armada, Colony of Georgia
Reformation, Defeat of Spanish Armada, Founding of Jamestown Colony, Restoration, then Colony of Georgia
The financial means for England's first permanent colonization in America were provided by:
A joint-stock company
The early years at Jamestown were mainly characterized by:
Starvation, disease, and frequent Indian raids
Captain John Smith's Role at Jamestown can best be described as:
saving the colony from collapse
Chief Powhatan Had Captain John Smith kidnapped in order to:
impress Smith with the power of the chief
The native people of Virginia (powhatans) succumbed to the Europeans because they:
lack unity to resist whits, died in large numbers from European disease, could be killed off by Europeans with no harm to economy, and were not a reliable labor source.
As part of the change brought about in the lives of the Lakotas, the:
became nomadic
The biggest disruptor of Native American Life was:
After the purchases of slaves in 1619 by Jamestown settlers, additional purchases of Africans were few because:
they were costly
The cultivation of tobacco in Jamestown resulted in all except the diversification of the colony's:
A major reason for the founding of the Maryland colony was to create a refuge for:
Maryland's act of toleration actually allowed less:
religious toleration than had existed before
Tobacco was considered a poor man's crop because it could be produced:
easily and quickly
Under the Barbados slave code of 1661, slaves were denied the most fundamental :
The colony of South Carolina prospered by developing close economic ties with the:
British West Indies
Some Africans became especially valuable as slaves in South Carolina because they were experienced in:
rice cultivation
North Carolina and Rhode Island were similar in that they were the two most:
Democratic colonies
Georgia's founders were determined to create a haven for people in:
debtor's prison
The Iroquois leader who helped his nation revive its old customs was:
Handsome Lake
Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were all similar in that they were all economically dependent on the export of:
a staple crop
By 1750, all the Southern plantation colonies:
relied on a staple crop, practiced slavery, payed tax support for the church of England, and had very few large cities
originally, the Virginia Compact intended to guarantee its white settlers the same rights as in:
The Mayflower compact can best be described as a promising step toward:
genuine self government
The historical significance of the pilgrims of Plymouth Bay lies in their:
moral and spiritual qualities
Unlike separatists, puritans remained members of the:
church of England
In Massachusetts, clergymen were barred from holding:
formal political office
Among the puritans, it was understood that the purpose of government was to:
enforce god's laws
As the founder of Rhode Island, Roger Williams established complete:
religious freedom for all
The city of New Haven was settled by:
The New England Indians only hope for resisting English encroachment lay in internal:
unity against the English
During the early years of colonization in the new world, England paid little attention to:
its colonies
The New England Confederation was created by the English government to make administering the colonies:
The domination of New England was:
Included by all the New England Colonies, was created by the English government to streamline the administration of its colonies, was designed to bolster colonial defense, and eventually included NY and east and west NJ
As a result of England's glorious revolution the domination of the new world:
The Dutch colony of New Netherlands, which became NY, was noted for its lack of enthusiasm for:
When the English gained control over New Netherlands the autocratic spirit:
The physical growth of English New York was slowed because the aristocrats practiced:
a monopolistic land policy
Cultural contributions the Dutch made to America included:
Easter eggs, Santa Claus, Sauerkraut, and Skating
Pennsylvania was the best:
Economically, the colony of Pennsylvania became very:
profitable very quick
The Middle colonies were notable for their unusual degree of:
democratic control
The section of the American colonies where there was the greatest amount of internal conflict was:
the Middle colonies
Arrange in chronological order: Founding of: New York, Massachusetts Bay, Pennsylvania, Plymouth
Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay, New York, Pennsylvania
John Calvin believed in:
The New England colonies included:
Massachusetts Bay
Factors leading to the first European Migration Included:
a population explosion
A result of the Pequot war of 1637:
The annihilation of the Pequot
The European explorers who followed Columbus to North America continued to view themselves as:
Which mountain range was probably created before the continental separation approximately 350 million years ago?
The Appalachians
The great ice age accounted for the origins of North America's human history because it exposed a land bridge connecting:
Eurasia with North America
In 1492, when Europeans arrived in the Americas, the total population of the two continents was perhaps:
54 Million
The crop that became the staple of like in Mexico and South America was:
The development of "three sisters" farming on the southeast Atlantic seaboard produced a rich diet that led to:
high population dengsities
The Iroquois confederacy was able to threaten its Native American and European Neighbors because of its:
military alliance, sustained by political and organizational skills
The early European voyagers of the Scandinavian Seafarers did not result in permanent settlement in North America because no:
nation-state would support them
Europeans wanted to discover a new, shorter route to eastern Asia in order to:
to eliminate Muslim merchants, lower costs of Asian goods, lower transportation time, and gain self profits
The origins of the modern plantation system can be found in the:
Portuguese slave trade
The stage was set for a cataclysmic shift in the course of history when:
Europeans wanted cheaper products form Asia, when Africa became was a source for slave labor, when the Portuguese showed that long range ocean travel was possible, and when the renaissance sparked a spirit of optimism and adventure
After Christopher Columbus's first voyage he believed that he had sailed to the:
East Indies
In the new interdependent global economic system that emerged agter Columbus's discovery, the new world provided:
raw material
The introduction of American plants around the world resulted in rapid population growth in:
Which of the following new world plants revolutionized the international economy?
Tomatoes, Beans, Potatoes, and Maize
After a century of Columbus's landfall in the Americas the Native American population fell by nearly:
The flood of precious metal from the new world to Europe resulted in the growth of:
Men became conquistadors because they wanted to:
spread Christianity, escape the past, seek adventure, and seek gold
Spain began to fortify and settle its north American border lands in order to protect its central and south american domains from the:
British and French
As a result of the pope's rebellion in 1680 the Pueblo Indians destroyed:
every Catholic church in New Mexico
The most highly developed Native Americans of N. America were the:
The treatment of Native Americans by the Spanish conquerors was at times:
brutal and exploitative
The institution of encomienda allowed the European governments to give Indians to colonists if:
they promise to Christianize them
In the last half of the 15th century, some 40,000 Americans were forced into slavery by Portugal and Spain to work on:
Plantations and the Atlantic Sugar Islands
One feature to all rebellious colonies was their:
rapidly growing populations
Average age of colonist in 1775:
Major cities in 1775:
New York, Charleston, Philadelphia, and Boston
The population during 1775 of the original 13 colonies was the most:
diverse in the world yet predominantly Anglo-Saxon
In contrast to the 17th century, by 1775, colonial Americans had become more stratified into:
social classes and had less social mobility
During the colonial era, all of the following peoples created new societies out of diverse ethnic groups in america:
english, french, indians, africans
the scots-irish can best be described as:
fiercely independent
the most honored profession in early colonial society was the:
when several colonial legislatures attempted to restrict or halt the importation of slaves, British authorities:
vetoed such efforts
one of the surest avenues to speedy wealth in the American colonies was:
a plantation
the triangular trade of the colonial american shipping industry involved the trading of:
rum for African slaves
although manufacturing in the colonies was of only secondary importance, what was mainly produced?
rum, beaver hats, lumber, and Iron
When the British parliament passed the molasses act in 1733, in intended the act to slow colonial trade with:
the french west indies
transportation in colonial America was:
was slow by any method available
colonial american taverns were all of the following:
another cradle of democracy, hotbeds of agitation for the revolutionary movement, important in crystallizing public opinion, and a place of amusement
By the 18th century, religion in colonial America was:
weaker than when colonies were established
the great awakening:
undermined the prestige of the learned clergy in the colonies, split churches into different denominations, led to Princeton, Dartmouth, and Rutgers, and was the first spontaneous mass movement of the american people
In colonial America, education was most zealous promoted:
in New England.
All of the following are achievements of Benjamin Franklin except:
famous romantic poetry
At 1775, most of the population in America lived:
in rural areas.
In colonial elections the right to vote was reserved for
property holders.
One political principle that colonial Americans came be cherished above most others was
self taxation through representation.
Government in New France Canada was almost completely
The one valuable resource in New France was
The population in catholic new france grew very slowly because of
the French want to control Louisiana because they would they control the
mouth of the Mississippi
French motives in the new world included the desire to compete with Spain for an
empire in America.
During a generation of peace following the 1713 treaty of, Britain provided its Colonies with:
Decades of salutary neglect.
The war of Jenkins year was: actually started when Captain Jenkins had his
ear cut off.
The final clash between Britain and France for control of the north American continent sprang from their rivalry for control of:
the ohio river valley
In his first military command in the French and Indian war, George Washington:
was defeated but allowed to retreat.
In the colonial wars before 1754, Americans:
demonstrated an astonishing lack of unity.
Unlike the first three anglo-French wars, the French and Indian war:
was fought initially on the north American continent.
The long range purpose of the Albany Congress and 1754 was too:
achieve colonial unity and common defense against the French direct.
As a result of General Braddock's defeat a few miles from Ft. InDuqesne the frontier from Pennsylvania to North Carolina was:
open to Indian attack.
When William Pitt became prime minister during the French and Indian war, he focused his military strategy on the capture of
French Canada
In the peace arrangements that ended the French and Indian war:
France surrendered all of its territorial claims to North America.
With the end of the French and Indian war, the disunity, jealousy, and suspicion that had long existed in the American Colonies:
began to decrease a bit.
France had to give up its vision of a North American new France when:
it was defeated by the British and 1713 and 1763.
In isolation of Louisiana's Cajun Communities ended:
with bridge building in the 1930s.
In a sense, the history of the United States began with the:
fall of Quebec and Montreal.
Chief Pontiac decided to try to drive the British out of the Ohio valley because:
the Indians were in a precarious position.
The proclamation of 1763 was initiated mainly to:
work out a fair settlement of the Indian problem.
Early wars between France and Britain in North America were notable for the:
large number of troops committed by both sides, lack of Indian participation, carryover of European tactics to America, use of primitive guerrilla warfare.
The French and Indian wars were also known as:
the seven years war.
The 1759 battle of Quebec:
ranks as one of the most significant victories in British and American history.
The founding of the American Colonies by the British was:
undertaking in a haphazard way.
The first navigation laws were designed to:
eliminate the Dutch shippers from the American carrying trade.
The British crown's "royal veto" of colonial legislation:
restraint the colonies from printing paper currency.
If the 1763, the navigation laws:
were only loosely enforced by the British.
A new relation between Britain and its American colonies was initiated in 1763 when
George Granville assume charge of colonial policy.
The first law ever passed by parliament for raising tax revenues in the colonies for the crown was the:
sugar act.
Unlike the stamp act, the sugar act and a townshed act were both indirect taxes on
trade goods arriving in American ports.
Colonists objected to the stamp act because:
parliament, not the courts, pass that at.
actions taken by the colonists that helped them unite included:
the stamp act Congress, non importation agreements, spinning bees, the making and wearing of homemade woolen
Colonial protest against the stamp act took the form of:
convening a colonial Congress to request repeal of the act, a colonial boycott against British goods, violence in several colonial towns, wearing homemade woolen parents.
As a result of American opposition to the townshed acts:
British officials sent regiments of troops to Boston to restore law and order.
Arrange the events and chronological order: Boston massacre; townshed acts; Tea acts; intolerable hacks:
townshed acts; Boston massacre; Tea act; intolerable acts.
The tax on Tea was retained when the townshed acts were repealed because:
it kept alive the principle of parliamentary taxation
the local committees of correspondence organized by Samuel Adams:
kept all opposition to the British alive through propaganda.
The Boston tea party of 1773 was:
not the only such protests to occur.
The Quebec act:
denied Quebec a representative assembly.
The first continental Congress called for a complete boycott of:
British goods
The following were weaknesses of the British military during the war for independence:
secondly officers, the need to keep many soldiers in Europe in case of trouble there, the long supply lines, brutal treatment of their soldiers.
As the war for independence began, the colonies had the advantage of:
many outstanding civil and military leaders.
African Americans during the revolutionary war:
fought for both the Americans and the British.
As as noted in "varying viewpoints", historian since the 1960s have interpreted the revolutionary struggle as:
one in which economic concerns played a crucial role.
In some ways, the navigation laws were beneficial to the colonists because colonies were paid subsidies for producing:
ships' parts and stores.
In response to the Boston tea party, parliament:
restricting town meetings in New England.
Under marcantilist doctrine, the American Colonies were expected to all of the following except:
become economically self sufficient as soon as possible.
Arrange the of following events in chronological order: sugar act; declaratory act; stamp act; repeal of the stamp out:
sugar act; stamp act; repeal of the stamp act; declaratory act.
The house of representatives decided the 1824 presidential election when no candidate received a:
majority of the vote in the electoral college.
As president, john Quincy Adams was one of the least:
successful presidents in U.S. history.
The two new party political system that emerge in the 1830s and 1840s became an important part of the nation's:
checks and balances.
By the 1840s new techniques of "politicking" included all the following:
the use of banners, free drinks, parades, and baby kissing
Andrew Jackson's political philosophy was based on his suspicion of the
Federal government.
The spoils system under Andrew Jackson has resulted in the appointment of many corrupt and incompetent officials to:
Federal jobs.
The section of the united States most hurt by the tariff of 1828 was:
the south.
John C Calhoun's "South Carolina exposition" was an argument for:
States' rights.
The force bill of 1833 provided that the president could use the army and navy to:
collect Federal tariff duties.
The nullification crisis of 1833 resulted in a clear cut victory for:
neither Andrew Jackson nor the nullifies.
The nullification crisis started by South Carolina over the tariff of 1828 ended when Congress passed the:
compromise tariff of 1833.
In an effort to assimilate themselves into White Society, the Cherokees did all of the following:
adopt a system of settled agriculture, develop a written constitution, become cotton planters, and develop a notion of private property
The policy of the Jackson administration toward the eastern tribes was:
forced removal.
Andrew Jackson made all of the following charges against the bank of the United States except that it refused to:
lend money to politicians.
A culture colonial of America was generally
ignored and unappreciated
Southerners disliked the tariff of 1828 because it represented the growing power of the:
Federal government.
While he was president, john Quincy Adams was roundly criticized for his:
land policy
The two political parties of the Jacksonian era tended to:
be socially and geographically diverse.
William Henry Harrison, the whigs party's presidential candidate and 1840, was:
a true "common man"
Presidents Jackson and Van Buren hesitated to extend the cognition and to annex the new Texas republic because:
anti slavery groups in the U.S. opposed expansion of slavery.
Texans won their independence as a result of victory over Mexican armies at the battle of:
San Jacinto.
The panic of 1837 was caused by all of the following:
rampant speculation, the bank war, financial problems abroad, and failure of wheat crops
The whigs hope to win the 1836 election by:
forcing the election into the house of representatives.
Supporters of the wing party included all of the following excerpt:
opponents of public education.
Innovations in the election of 1832 included:
adoption of written party platform.
Andrew Jackson based his veto of the recharter of the bank of the U.S. on the fact that he found the bill:
harmful to the nation.
The population of the Chesapeake colonies throughout the first half century was notable for its:
scarcity of women
A "headright" system, which made some people very welcome, entailed giving the right to:
aquire 50 acres of land to the person paying the passage of a laborer to america
17 century colonial tobacco growers usually responded to depressed prices for their crop by:
growing more tabbaco to increase their volume of production
For their labors in the colonies, indentured servants received all of the following:
Passage to America, a suit of clothes, a few barrels of corn, and at times a small parcel of land
throughout the greater part of the 17th century, the Chesapeake colonys acquired most of the labor they needed from:
white servants
over the course of the 17th century, most indentured servants face increasingly:
harsh circumstances
Bacon's rebellion was supported mainly by young men frustrated by:
their inability to aquire land
The majority of African slaves coming to the new world:
went to English North America
For those Africans who were sold into slavery, the middle passage can best be descibed as:
the gruesome ocean voyage to America
The physical and social conditions of slavery of harshest in:
South Carolina
While slavery might have begun in America for economic reasons:
Racial discrimination also powerfully molded the American slave system
The slave society that devloped in North America is one of the few slaves societies in history to:
perpetuate itself by its own natural reproduction.
As slavery spread in the south:
Gaps in the social structure widened
Urban development in the colonial south:
Was slow to emerge
The New England family can best be described as:
A very stable institution
Southern colonies generally allowed married woman to retain separate title to their property because:
Southern men frequently died young
During the Salem witchcraft trials, most of those accused of witches were:
From family's associated with salem's growing market economy
As a result of poor soil, all of the following conditions prevailed in New England:
Hard work was required to make a living, the area was less ethnically mixed than its southern neighbors, frugality became essential to economic survival, diversification in agriculture and industry were encouraged
In contrast to Chesapeake colonies, those in New England:
Any more diverse economy
The expansion of New England Society:
Preceded in an orderly fashion
The Puritan System of congressional church government logically led to:
Democratcy in political government
The English justified taking land from the native inhabitants on the grounds that Indians:
wasted the earth by under utilizing its bounty
The impact of New England on the rest of the colonies can best be described as:
Extremely important
Compare with most 17th century Europeans, Americans lived in:
affluent abundance
Which of the following is a product of the American slave culture?
A new language, gullah
The British attack on Baltimore:
Inspired the writing of the "star-spangeled banner"
The Battle of New Orleans unleashed a wave of:
nationalism and self-confidence.
At the peace conference at ghent, the british began to with draw many of itts earlier demands for all of the following:
reverses in upper new york, a loss at Baltimore, increasing war weariness in britain, and concern about the still dangerous france
From a global perspective, the war of 12 was:
of little importance
the outcome of the war of 1812 was:
A stimulus to patriotic nationalism in the U.S.
One of the nationally recognized authors 1820s was:
Washington Irving
The post-war of 1812 nationalism could be seen in all of the following:
The way in which American painters painted landscapes, the building of a more in some National Capital, and expanded army, and the development of a national literature
The tariff of 1816 was the first in American history that aimed to protect:
American industry
Democratic-republicans opposed Henry clay's American System because:
they believed that it was unconstitutional
With the demise of the federalist party of democratic republicans established:
One party rule
The panic of 1819 brought with all of the following:
Unemployment, bank failures, soup kitchens, bankruptcies
The western land boom resulted from all the following:
It was a constitution of the old western movement, when exhaustion in older tobacco states, speculators accepting small downpayments, the frontier being pacified with defeat of the Indians
When the house of representatives passed the talamadge amendment in response to missouris request for admission to the union, the south thought that amendment:
would threaten sectional balance
As a result of the Missouri compromise:
Slavery was banned north of 36 30 in the Louisiana purchase territory
In interpreting the constitution, john Marshall:
Favorite loose contraction
In McCulloch Vs. Maryland, Chohens Vs. Virginia, and Gibbons Vs. Ogden, chief john marshall's rulings limited the extent of:
State's rights
Settlers from the south who moved into the old northwest territory were known as:
John marshall's ruling upheld a defense of property rights against public pressure in:
Gibbons vs. ogden
The u.s.'s most successful diplomat in the era of good feelings was:
John Quincy Adams
Spain sold Florida to the United States because it:
Could not defend the area and would lose it in any case
Britain opposed spain's reestablishing its authority in Latin American countries that have successfully revolted because:
The ports of these nations were now open to lucrative trade
At the time it was issued, the Monroe document was:
Incapable of being enforced by the U.S.
The russo American treaty of 1824 face the southernmost limits of Russian occupation of North America at:
54° 40'
Sectional ism was stimulated by the:
Tallmadge amendment
In the Florida purchase treaty:
Spain ceded ownership of east Florida to the United States
And perhaps a single most important action of the second continental Congress was to:
Select George Washington to head the army
The revolutionary war began fighting in New England; then in 1777 to 78, fighting was concentrated in the middle colonies; and fighting concluded in:
The south
George washington's selection to lead the colonial army was:
Largely political
King George the third officially declared the colonies in rebellion just after:
The battle of bunker hill
The olive branch petition:
Professed American loyalty to the crown
The colonis invasion of Canada and 1775:
Was unsuccessful
One purpose of the declaration of independence was to:
Explain to the rest of the world why the colonis have revolted
Thomas Paine argued that all government officials:
Should derive their authority from popular consent and
The feasibility of representative government had been demonstrated in the:
Militia movement, olive branch petition, declaration of independence, committees of correspondence
Most Americans considered which of the following to be necessary for any successful republican government?
citizen virtue
Which individual privately advocate equality for women?
Abigail Adams
Americans who oppose independence for the colonys were largely labeled loyalists or Tories, and the independent seeking patriots were also known as:
The patriot militia played a crucial role in the revolution in the following ways:
Taking up the task of political education, being affected regions of revolutionary ideas, convincing people that the British army wasn't a reliable friend, Mercilessly harrasing small british detachments
Which of following fates befell loyalists after the revolution?
Some fled to England, some reestablish themselves in America, some had the their land confiscated, some were exiled
Loyalists were least numerous in
New England
General Howe did not purse and defeat washington's army after the battle of Long Island for all of the following reasons:
He remembered the slaughter of bunker hill, the country was rough, supplies were slow in coming, and he did not look forward to the rigorous of a winter campaign
Basic strategy of the British in 1777 was to try to:
isolate New England
Arrange in chronological order: Trenton; Saratoga; Long Island; Charleston
Long Island, Trenton, Saratoga, Charleston
The battle of saratoga was a key victory for the Americans because it:
Brought the colonists much needed aid and informal alliance with France
Redskins america's leading the revolution because it wanted:
Revenge against Britain
The armed neutrality leage was started by:
Catherine the great of Russian
French aid to the colonies greatly aided america's struggle for independence, was motivated by what the French considered their national interest, forced the British to change their military strategy in America, and:
Helped the French protect their own west Indies islands
Some Indian nations joined the British during the revolution because:
They believe that a British victory would restrain American expansion into the west
The most important contribution of the seagoing "privateers" during the revolution was that they captured hundreds of:
British merchant ships
Britain gave America generous terms in the treaty of Paris as British leaders were trying to persuade America to abandon its alliance with:
One of the major criticisms of the constitution as drafted in Philadelphia was that it:
Do not provide guarantees for individual rights.
The bill of rights was intended to protect individual liberties, against the potential tyranny of the:
Strong central government
All the following are guarantees provided by the bill of rights:
Freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, right to trial by jury
Alexander Hamilton's financial program for the economic development of the U.S. favored:
the wealthy
As secretary of treasury, Alexander hamilton's first objective was to:
Bolster the national credit
Alexander Hamilton believed that a limited national debt would be:
State rights was not related to:
Lose construction
The founding fathers did not envision the existence of permanent political parties because they:
Saw opposition to the government as disloyal
Opposition by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison to the financial plan of Alexander Hamilton result in:
The formation of permanent political parties
The political party of the "outs" that provided the "loyal opposition" to the party in power in the 1790s was:
Started by Jefferson and Madison
The Franco-American alliance of 1778 bound the U.S. to help France:
Defend their west Indies
Washington's neutrality proclamation of 1793 was based on calculations of:
American self interest
The treaty of Greenville signed in August with the Miami confederation resulted in all of the following:
Giving to the U.S. vast tracts of land in the oldnorthwest, the Indians receiving a 20,000 lump sum payment, and annual community of $9000 to the Indians, and the right of the Indians to hunt in the land they had ceded
The U.S. acquired free navigation of the Mississippi River in:
The pinckney treaty
John jay's treaty with Britain created deeper splits between the federalist and:
Democratic republicans
Washington's farewell address of 1796 warned against the dangers of:
Permanent foriegn alliance
The 1796 presidential campaign focused heavily on:
The candidates personalities
Foreign relations between the U.S. and France deteriorated in the 1790s over:
French seizure of American merchant ships
The U.S. finally negotiated a peace settlement with France in 1800 mainly because Napoleon wanted to concentrate on:
gaining more power in Europe
The Sedition Act:
Threatened first amendment freedoms
According to the compact theory Advocated by Jefferson and Madison the national government was the creation of:
The 13 sovereign states
Federalists strongly supported:
Law and order
For its continued success, hamilton's financial program relied heavily on:
Trade with Britain
To Jeffersonian a republican, the ideal citizen was an:
independent farmer
Jeffersonians believed in all of the following:
Opposition to a national debt, agriculture was the perfect occupation, freedom of speech, keeping central authority to a minimal
one of the greatest problems that john Adams and federalists faced in the election of 1800 was:
Adams refusal to take the country to war against France
In the 1800 election, Thomas Jefferson won the state of New York because:
Aaron Burr used his influence to turn the state to Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson receive the bulk of his support from the:
South and west
Thomas Jefferson was elected president of the house of representatives when:
a few federalists refrained from voting
as president, Thomas Jefferson's stand on political issues that he had previously campaigned:
Was reversed
Upon becoming president, Thomas Jefferson and republicans in Congress immediately repeal:
The excise tax on whiskey
The chief justice who carried out, more than any other Federal official, the idea of Alexander Hamilton concerning powerful Federal government was:
John Marshall
The legal precedent for judiciary review was established when:
The Supreme Court declared the judiciary act of 1789 unconstitutional
Thomas jefferson's failed attempt to impeach and convict supreme court justice Samuel chase for "high crimes and misdemeanors" meant that:
Judiciary independence and the separation of powers could be preserved.
Thomas jefferson saw natives less dangerous than army's because:
They could not march inland and endangered liberties
Thomas jefferson's first major foreign policy decision was to:
Send a naval squadron to the Mediterranean
Arrange in chronological order: Louisiana purchase, Chesapeake incident, burrs' treason trial, embargo at
Louisiana purchase, Chesapeake incident, burrs' treason trial, embargo act
Napoleon chose to sell Louisiana to the United States because:
He had suffered misfortunes and santo Domingo, he hoped that one day the land would help the U.S. thwart British ambitions, he did not want to drive the U.S. into the arms of the British, and yellow fever killed many French troops
Lewis and clark's expedition through the Louisiana purchase territory yielded all of the following:
A rich harvest of scientific observations, maps, hair raising adventure stories, knowledge of the Indians of the region
After killing Alexander Hamilton in a duel, Aaron Burr engaged in a plot to separate the western part of:
The United States from the east
The British policy of impressive it was the kind of:
Forced enlistment
The Chesapeake incident involved the flagrant use of:
President jefferson's foreign policy of economic policy involved stimulating:
Manufacturing in U.S.
President James Madison made major foreign policy mistake when he accepted napoleon's promise to:
Recognize america's rights
By 1810, the most consistent demand for a declaration of war against Britain came from:
The West and South
Tecumseh argued that Indians should:
not cede control of land to whites and unless all Indians agreed
The battle of Tippecanoe result in:
defeat of the British
Seafaring New England opposed the war of 1812 because all the following:
The northeast and federalist synthesized with England, it resented the republicans sympathy with Napoleon, federlists oppose the acquisition of Canada, it could result in more agrarian states
Great American leader tecumseh was killed in 1813 at the:
Battle of the thames
Early 19th century America:
The urban population was growing at an unprecedented rate
Ecological imperialism can best be described as:
The aggressive exploitation of the west's bountiful resources
George Catlin advocated the preservation of:
Nature as nation policy
The Irish immigrants to the early 19th century America:
Were mostly roman Catholics
When the famish irish came to America, they mostly remained in the poor cities of:
The northeast
German immigrants to United States:
Let their homeland to escape economic hardships and autocratic government
Those who were frightened by rapid influx of Irish immigrants organized the order of the:
Star spangled banner
Immigrants coming to the U.S. before 1860 helped to:
fuel economic expansion
Eli Whitney was instrumental in the invention of the:
Cotton Gin
The American phase of the industrial revolution first blossomed with:
Textile mills
The early Factory System distributed its benefits mostly to the:
The American workforce in the early 19th century was characterized by:
Substantial employment of women and children in factories
The cult of domesticity glorify the traditional role of:
Woman as homemakers
one of the goals of the child centered family of the 1800s was to:
Raise independent individuals
With the development of cash crop agriculture in the Trans allegany west:
Farmers quickly faced mounting indebtness
Western road building base of the following:
Expenses, opposition from States' rights advocates, opposition from eastern states, and competition from canals
The canal era of American history began with the construction of the:
Erie Canal in New York
Most early railroads in the U.S. were built in the:
Compared with canals, railroads:
Could be almost anywhere
In general, steamboats tended to bind the west and south together, while canals and railroads
connected west to east
A major economic consequence of the transportation and marketing revolutions was:
A steady improvement in average wages and standard of living
Factors encourage the growth of immigration rates in the first half of the 19th century included the:
Rapid growth rate of the European population
The northeastern became the center of early 19th century American industry because it had:
Abundant water power
Buying 1850, america's Factory System was producing:
Boots and shoes
Clippers ships and the pony express in common:
A brief existence
Most white southerners were:
Non slave owning substance farmers
Most slaves in the south are owned by:
Plantation owners
Some southern slaves gain their freedom as a result of:
Purchasing their way out of slavery
Northern attitudes for free blacks can best be described as:
Very racist
The profitable southern slaves system restricted the economic development of:
The region as a whole
Perhaps the slaves greatest horror, and the theme of Harriet Beecher stowe's uncle tom's cabin, was:
The enforced separation of slave families
As a substitute for the wage incentive system, slave owners most often used the:
Whip as a motivator
Forced separation of spouses, parents, and children was most common:
On small plantations and the upper south
Slaves fought the system of slavery with the following ways:
Slowing down work pace, sabotaging expensive equipment, stealing goods their labor had produced, and running away when possible
As a result of white southerners brutal treatment of their slaves and their fear of potential Slaves rebellions, the south:
Developed a theory of biological racial superiority
Arrange the following in chronological order: the founding of: American colonization society, American into slavery society, liberty party
American colonization society, American into slavery society, liberty party
Many abolitionists turn to political action in 1840 when they backt the presidential a candidate of the:
Liberty party
In arguing for the continuation of slavery after 1830, southerners:
Place themselves in opposition to most of the rest of the western world
The most current union of the white southerners were:
Mountain whites
Regarding work assignments, slaves were generally spared:
Dangerous work
William Lloyd Garrison pledged his dedication to:
The media abolilition of slavery in the south
Those in the north who opposed the abolilitionists believe that these opponents of slavery:
We're creating disorder in the U.S.
Cotton became very important to prosperity of the north as well as the south because:
Cotton accounted for about ½ the value of all U.S. exports after 1840
Before the Civil War, free blacks were disliked in the north as well:
The south
The slave culture is characterized by:
Widespread iliteracy among slaves
The south's positive good argument for slavery claimed that:
Slavery was good for the barbarous Africans because enslavement brought them Christianity
For free blacks living in the north:
Discrimination was common
As their main crop, southern substance farmers raise:
Which of these helped secure financinag for the abolition movement?
Wendell Phillips