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26 Cards in this Set

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Macroeconomics studies...
the entire economy
What implies the greatest degree of confidence in an economic generalization?
a principle
Microeconomics studies...
individual economic units and specific markets
"Want" exceeds "Have" because...
productive resources are limited
An economic model is...
an ideal (utopian) type of economy for which society should strive to achieve through the use of economic policy
Economists use both...
the economic perspective and the scientific method
Economic perspective entails...
a comparison of marginal benefits and marginal costs in decision making
Rational individuals may make different choices because...
their preferences and circumstances differ
Economics is the study of...
how to use scarce resources efficiently
The production possibilities curve is a....
frontier between all combos of two goods that can be produced and those combinations that cannot be produced
The production possibilities curve has...(what kind of slopes)
a negative slope that increases as we move along it from left to right
Normative economics incorporate...
value judgments or recommendations
Positive economics focuses on...
facts and cause-and-effect relationships
In order to operate at some point on the PPCurve, the economy must...
produce anywhere along the line while using all the resources
If marginal cost is higher than marginal benefit, then buy or not?
If marginal benefit is higher than marginal cost, then buy or not?
A Boeing 757 airplane would be an example of ...
a capital good
In a competitive economy prices influence...(3)
consumers in their purchases of goods and services, businesses in their purchases of economic resources, and workers in making occupational choices.
The market system can negotiate reallocations of resources that are appropriate to change in consumer tastes. technology, and resource supplies" best describes...
the guiding function of competitive prices.
An increase in Marsha income will...
shift her budget to the right
The market system's answer to fundamental question "What will be produced?" is essentially....
goods and services that are profitable
the negative slop of the production possibilities curve illustrates that....
when resources are fully employed are fully employed, an economy can produce more of thing only by producing less of something else
A microeconomist would most likely study...
how consumers respond to a change in gasoline prices
The fundamental problem of economics implies that...
individual and communities must make choices among competing alternatives
staying home and studying is an example of ...
opportunity cost
studying an extra hour will be..
if marginal benefit of studying an extra hour exceeds its marginal cost