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57 Cards in this Set

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What is Totalitarianism?
A system of govt. that has total control of all aspects of life.
What is centralized govt?
Federal System typically associated with totalitarianism systems
Who makes the decisions in a centralized govt.?
Decisions for the entire country are made from 1 central location. (For example, Berlin makes decisions for all of Germany)
Who makes the decisions in a decentralized govt.?
Each state or country makes decisions for itself at a local level. (For ex, governors, mayors)
What is the Divine Right of Kings?
How the monarchs of Europe claimed their rights to rule
How did rulers of Totalitarian govt's get their power?
Claimed their right to rule through the will of the people
Compare and Contrast what monarchies sought versus what totalitarian regimes sought.
Monarchies sought loyalty to the crown, totalitarian regimes sought blind obedience
When does a "Cult of Personality" rise?
It rises when a country's leader uses mass media to create a messianic image
What is the definition of Fascism?
A totalitarian state of govt. that emphasizes nation and race
What style of govt. do Fascist have?
Fascist regimes have a strong centralized, or national govt.
Why does fascism not like Capitalism?
It is motivated by self-interest/ greed
Why does fascism not like socialism?
It created conflict with labor and management
The people have a heroic connection to the Romans
Taking charge and getting things done
Over reason
Social Darwinism/ Survival of the Fittest
What do fascist believe in?
That great nations show their greatness by conquering and ruling weak nations. Fascist also believe the state can survive only if it successfully proves its military superiority in war.
What did Mussolini call himself?
Il Duce is what he called himself, meaning "leader"."Il Duce is always right."
What were the three major beliefs with Mussolini?
"Believe, Obey, Fight"
What made Mussolini not stand the Jews in Italy?
His new-found relationship with Adolf Hitler
Did Mussolini want to take control of the Church?
What type of propaganda was used to interest kids?
Cartoon Propaganda
What was the symbol used by the "Equal Soviet Union"?
The Hammer and Sickle
What was the first Key point of Nazism?
"A strong dose of German antisemitism
What does antisemitism mean?
Persecution of the Jews.
What was the second point of Nazism?
"War is the ultimate test of national strength and worth."
What is the third key point of Nazism?
"A belief in the German Nation and the 'Aryan' German race as an entity with a special, heroic destiny."
What is the final (fourth) key point of Nazism?
"Conquest- involving (ethnic cleansing)- to create more 'living space' for the German people."
Who was the Nazi Propaganda Minister?
Joseph Goebbles
What is propaganda?
Mess media designed to persuade the masses
What were Hitler youth told to do at home?
Report their parents if they spoke against Hitler
What is the "Gestapo"?
The Nazi secret police
What country was Adolf Hitler born in?
Austria Hungary
Describe what eh Ostara Pamphlets described. What race did the pamphlet say the Aryan race descended from?
The were the race of Giants
What was the shortened name of the National Socialist German Workers Party?
What is the German word for leader?
How was the swastika used as an ancient symbol?
As a symbol of evil power
What book did Hitler write in prison?
Mein Kampf
Transalte Hitler's book's title in English.
My struggle.
What were some of Rudolph Hess' contributions to Hitler's career?
Wrote Mein Kampf as Hitler dictated it
Who were the Brown shirted Storm Troopers loyal to?
The Nazi Party
What was the Black-shirted paramilitary unit personal loyal to Hitler called?
The SS
Who was the SS' leader?
Who did Himmler believe Hitler was related to?
Various kings and former rulers
What were some of the requirements to becoming an officer under Himmler?
Aryan descendants of 175+ years
What was Hitler prohibited from doing after being released from prison?
He wasn't allowed to make speeches
How did Germany's humiliation after defeat and economic chaos after WWI make most Germans feel?
Victimized and Abused
How did Hitler come to power when his group did not have a majority?
Because of his popularity
Whose operas contained mythology that supported Nazism?
Richard Wagner
What did the German knight Parsifal look after?
The Holy Grail
How did the Nazis select the youth for the Hitler Youth?
Blonde and Blue eyed
Why was Hitler so concerned with modeling behavior at such a early age?
To achieve blind obedience/ brainwash them
The goal of a master race was of a distortion of what theory created by Charles Darwin?
Survival of the Fittest
What area of the world did Hitler send Archeologists to search for the origins of the Aryan race?
How did Hitler describe Christianity?
The worst trick the Jews had played on humanity
Who did Hitler marry on his last full day alive?
He was in a bunker, Ava Braun
How did Hitler die?
Committed suicide