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9 Cards in this Set

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Marbury v. Madison

Supreme Court decision of 1803 that created the precendent of judicial review by ruling as unconstitutional part of the Judiciary Act of 1789. This was sparked by Jeffersons refusal to recognize Adam's "midnight judges". Pg #281

War of 1812

War fought between the United States and Britain from June 1812 to January 1815 largely over British restrictions on American shippings. The u.s navy and army was weak compared to the British. Pg #291

American System

The program of government subsides favored by Henry clay and his followers to promote American economic growth and protect domestic manufacturers from foreign competition. James Monroe was a supporter of this American System. Pg #295

Monroe doctrine

Declaration by President James Monroe in 1823 that the western hemisphere was to be closed off too further European colonization and that the u.s would not interfere in the internal affairs of European nation. This was created by John quincy Adam's and presented by James Monroe. This fixed relations with the British. Pg #298


A constitutional doctrine holding that a state has a legal right to declare a national law null and void within its borders. Madison and Jefferson had proposed this before during the alien sedition acts in 1798. Pg #293

Battle of tippecanoe

A battle between tecumseh and Harrisons forces over resistance of Indians to move from their land for Americans. Even though Harrison won both side lost about the same amount of casualties. Pg 289-290

Adam's-Onis Treaty

Also known as transcontinental Treaty of 1819. It was a treaty between the u.s and Spain in wich Spain ceded Florida to the United States, surrendered all claims to the Pacific Northwest, and agreed to a boundary between the Louisiana purchase territory and the spanish southwest. Pg #297

Lewis and Clark expedition

Lewis and Clark ventured West in 1804 and their task was to chart the exact path of Grays Columbia River. Pg #279

Missouri compromise

The Missouri compromise admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state. This also dealt with the issue of slavery In the new territory. Henry clay played a key role in reaching the compromise. Pg #300-301