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21 Cards in this Set

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Article of Confederation

First Constitution governing the US after the Rev. It was weak.

Old Northwest

Northwest territory of the Ohio River

Land Ordinance of 1785

letter law which states that disputes the land the Old Northwest was to be equally divided into townships and sold for federal income;promoted education And ended legal disagreements over land

3/5 Compromise

3/5 of the AA population would account for voss in the House of Representatives.

Northwest Ordinance

(1787) Sections of land were similar to colonies for a while and under control of the fed gov. After the pop reached 60,000 then it can be admitted as a states(slavery was illegal there)

Shay's Rebellion

Uprising in western Massachusetts were vets demanded cheap paper money, lighter taxes, and suspension of mortgage for closures.

Virginia Plan

Made by delegates of Virginia for a bicameral legislative branch. (Having two legislative chambers and tends to require a concurrent majority to pass legislation)

New Jersey plan

One vote per state regardless of of the population

Great Compromise

Resolved resolved that there would be representation by population I'm the House of Representatives and equal representation in the Senate

Common Law

Provide only general organization framework for the new federal government

Civil law

Body of written law enacted through legislative statues or constitutional provisions . judges must apple the statues precisely as written


Opponents of the 1787 Constitution, they see the document and antidemocratic , objects tot the subordination of the states tot he central government, and feared encroachment of individuals liberties in the absence of a bill of rights


Proponents of the 1787 Constitution, they favored a strong national government, arguing that the checks and balances on the new Constitution would safehouse the people's liberties

Societies of Cincinnati

Exclusive ,hereditary organization of former offices in the continental army. Many resented the pretentiousness of the order, viewing it as a vestige of pre-rev traditions


To separate the official states church from it connection with the gov. (Anglican Church, though some states established Congregational churches)

Virginia State for Religious Freedom

(1786) Measure enacted by the Virginia legislature prohibiting state support for Religious institutions and recognizing freedom of worship. Served as a model for the religious clause of the first amend to the Constitution

Civic Virtue

Willingness on the part of citizens to sacrifice personal self-interest for the public good Deemed necessary component of a successful Republic

Republican motherhood

20th century time for an attitude toward women's roles present in the emerging US before, during, and after the RW

Lord Sheffield

British writer who argued that Brit would ultimately won back America's trade

Daniel Shays

A veteran of the Rev who led a rebellion about the back country fold who were losing their farms to tax or foreclosures l

Patrick Henry

Became an anti Federalist. Felt the drafter Constitution was destroying all liberty