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15 Cards in this Set

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noun: stimulus; plural noun: stimuli

a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue

EX: dog hears bell, salivation occurs


the learned reaction to a conditioned stimulus

ex: bell rings before but now can trigger salivation


another word for learning, stimulus response connections in which the response is conditional on the stimulus

EX: training dogs to salivate when bell rings

Classical Conditioning

A learning procedure in which associations are made between a neutral stimulus and an unconditional stimulus

EX: a person's or animals old response becomes attached to a new stimulus we leave cause the bell rings

Unconditional Stimulus

an event that elicits a certain predictable response typically without previous training

EX: dog salivate when seeing meat shivering, blushing, being startled

Unconditioned Response

An organism's automatic (or natural) reaction to a stimulus

EX: salivation when seeing food


the gradual disappearance of a conditioned response when the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented without the unconditioned


EX: after Pavlov's dog was conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell, it eventually stopped salivating to the bell after the bell had been sounded repeatedly but no food came

Spontaneous Recovery

A phenomenon of learning and memory which was first seen in classical (Pavlovian) conditioning and refers to the re-emergence of a previously extinguished conditioned response after a delay.


A rat is taught to push a lever when a light is flashed. Later, he is taught to push the lever when the bell is rung. He stops pushing the lever when the light is flashed. Months later, when the light is flashed he begins to push the lever again


responding similarly to a range of similar stimuli

EX: dog to salivate at the sight of a circle, saw an oval as well


the ability to respond differently to similar but distinct stimuli

EX: circle, never oval

Taste Aversion

Learned avoidance of a certain food

EX: you were eating apple pit when you learned that you were not going to graduate. You can no longer see a piece of apple pie without feeling a little bit nauseous.


Exposing a person to a harmless stimulus until the fear response goes away.

EX: a person who fears clowns is put in a small room with 20 friendly clowns and she must stay there until the fear is gone.

Systematic Desensitization

Being gradually introduced in a safe setting to a feared item while staying relaxed.

EX: To help him overcome his fear of elevators, he Is taught a calm breathing method to help him relax. Then with a friendly therapist he walks down the hall toward an elevator, stopping anytime he begins to feel anxiety or fear. Step by step they approach, open the doors, step inside and travel down a floor going on only when he is relaxed


Pairing a pleasant stimulus with a fearful one

EX: You like eating pizza but you fear taking tests. So, you are permitted to eat pizza anytime you must take a test.

Albert and Watson/ Raynor

Two scientist who did a classic study back in 1920 with a little boy

11 month old who was taught to fear rats and all white things