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30 Cards in this Set

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Adams-Onis Treaty
Spain gave the US Florida in exchange for paying $5 million of claims by American citizens against Spain.
Claims Association
Preemption Rights
Squatters who had settled on unclaimed land and built a home and farmed the land could not have that same land taken from them by land speculators.
Erie Canal
364 miles long, 40 feet wide, and 4 feet deep. It contained 84 locks and connected Buffalo to Albany.
Cotton Gin
Invented by Eli Whitney, it greatly decreased the time it took to clean cotton, making it easily marketable.
Balance Of Power Between North and South
The South believed that they weren't as powerful as the North and slavery helped to balance this difference out. The North thought that slavery and the 3/5 Compromise gave the South an nfair advantage in the government.
"Putting Out" System
Capitalists provided materials to at home workers, who were paid to create goods that the capitalists would distribute.
Lowell Factories
The first major industrial textile mills were centered around Lowell, Massachusetts. One of the main being the Boston Manufacturing Company.
Second Bank of the U.S.
Created in order to regulate other state banks, but did not get going for a few years.
Era of Good Feelings
The Federalist party had faded into the background, leaving the Republicans to rule the government. The lack of fighting and political party controversy gave the name to this time.
Tallmadge Amendment
Banned any further introduction of slaves in Missouri and took steps to try and abolish slavery in the state.
McCulloch vs. Maryland
Led to Marshall's implied powers. Maryland had taxed a branch of the Bank of the United States. The Court believed the tax to be unconstitutional. The main subjects of the debate were whether or not Congress had the right to establish a national bank and whether a state had the power to tax or regulate an agency or institution created by Congress.
John Calhoun
Representative who was set on the idea of internal improvements and believed that the governments role in the canals and transportation was crucial.
John Quincy Adams
Convinced Monroe to write the Monroe Doctrine instead of becoming an ally of the British.
James Monroe
Served two terms starting 1816, he was uncontested in both elections. He wanted national harmony between Northern and Southern states above all else.
Stood up against American forces when they tried to take Sac and Fox lands. He was driven out and almost exterminated along with his warriors.
Henry Clay
Congressman from Kentucky who lead the discussion of the American Systems.
Dartmouth College vs. Woodward
Daniel Webster argued that because of a charter Congress had written Dartmouth College, the state could not convert it from a private college to state university. It was ruled in favor of Webster.
Implied Powers
Things not clearly stated in the Constitution could be taken from general parts. This went against strict construction.
Monroe Doctrine
Declared that the US opposed further colonization of the Americas or any efforts by Europeans to extend their territory out of their hemisphere. In return the US pledged not to get involved with oversea affairs.
European Grand Alliance
Group of European monarchs (except Britain) who banded together.
Missouri Compromise
Missouri was admitted as a slave state while Maine became a free state. A line was drawn at the 36 30, and slavvery was only allowed below the line.
Gibbons vs. Ogden
A steamboat monopoly was challenged by a competing ferry service and the grant given to the steamboat company was deemed unconstitutional because the state was interfering with Congress's power.
Gold and silver, normally paid in exchange for banknotes.
National Road
First major federal transportation project, it linked Maryland to Virginia (extended later to Illinois) The toll road was made of crushed stone and made a huge impression on transportation, though not great enough.
Whig Party
One of the two parties the Republicans were split into.
Panic Of 1819
Financial panic that brought ruin to tracts on credit.
Robert Fulton (Clermant)
Inventor of the steamboat. (Demonstrated with Clermont)
John Jacob Astor
New York merchant who founded the fur trading post of Astoria.
American Systems
Placed a high protective tariff in order to stimulate the industrial growth and helped to keep the United States self sufficient, instead of relying on European goods.