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58 Cards in this Set

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experimental research focuses on the past, where as descriptive research focuses on....

the present situation

how is descriptive research conducted?

1. collecting information

2. based on collected information, describing the situation.

* can include hypothesis, but does not have to.

List the types of descriptive research.

1. Survey

2. Developmental

3. Case Study

4. Correlational

5. Normative

6. Observational

7. Causal-Comparative

define longitudinal approach.

method by which a group is measured and observed for years.

what is survey research?

determines the views or practices of a group through interviews or by administering a questionnaire.

what is developmental research?

usually deals with the growth and development of humans overtime.

what are the two approaches to developmental research?

1. Longitudinal approach

2. Cross-sectional approach

define cross-sectional approach

method for testing many groups and assuming each group is representative of all other groups when they are at the point in time.

what is case study research

typically involves studying a person or event in great detail and describing what is found.

define correlational study

purpose is determine if a relationship exists between variables. (each participant must be measured on both variables).

Usually the variables are not ones that the researcher tries to manipulate.

what is the regressions approach when talking about a correlational study?

study conducted to try to explain why participants differ on a variable.

What is normative research?

the purpose of normative research is to develop performance standards.

what are the two types of references for standards?

1. Norm referenced

2. criterion-referenced

norm-referenced standards

standards to rank-order individuals from best to worst.

percentile ranks

a descriptive value that indicates the percentage of participants below a designated score; used in norm-referenced standards.

criterion-referenced standards

minimum proficiency for pass-fail standards.

define observational research

research where data are observations of people or programs. Can be very time consuming.

define action research

conducted in the natural setting where it will be applied. Lacks some control. Always conducted to try to find an answer to a problem that exists in the natural setting.

define causal-comparative research

research seeks to investigate cause-and-effect relationships that explain differences that already exist in groups or individuals; also called ex post facto research. "After the fact"

What is the most common type of research performed in kinesiology?

survey research

what does survey research provide?

a basis for making comparisons and determining trends, reveals current weaknesses and/or strengths in given situation, and provides information for decision making.

define the limitations of survey research

1. at best reveals what is, not what is best.

2. do not reveal what factors cause certain behaviors or attitudes

3. limited by the sample used and the information obtained

4. information may be inaccurate or misinterpreted.

Preliminary considerations in planning a survey

1. is the survey method the best way to investigate the research problem

2. What type of survey method to use

what type of survey research is becoming more prevalent in kinesiology?

personal interviews

list the types of survey methods/

1. Phone interview

2. Personal interview

3. Administered questionnaire

4. Distributed questionnaire

personal interview

the research meets with each member of the sample and based on the conversation the needed information is obtained. Feasable technique if sample is small an accessible

list the types of personal interview techniques

1. Structured interview

2. Semistructured interview

3. Unstructured interview

structured interview

interview for which each participant is asked the same specific questions.

semistructured interview

interview for which each participant is asked the same general questions

unstructured interview

interview for which no questions have been prepared for a participant; a conversation

what are the advantages of the personal interview technique?

1. completeness of response

2. ability to clear up misconceptions

3. opportunity for follow-up

4. increased likelihood that the respondent will be more conscientious with the interviewer present

when are phone interviews most commonly used?

1. Marketing

2. product and sales

what are the advantages of phone interviews

1. quick and inexpensive

2. useful for when sample is spread over large geographical area

what are the disadvantages of phone interview

does not allow for very many questions to be asked, and recording the answers may be difficult.

What is a questionnaire?

a series of questions or statements on paper.

administered questionnaire

the researcher meets with each participant or with several groups to administer a questionnaire.

distributed questioannaire

used when a sample is geographically spread or cannot be brought together as group.

good questionnaire research requires what?

1. considerable planning

2. good technique

open-ended item

question for which no potential response is provided; participants respond however they choose

completion item

question for which answer is left blank and participant fills in the blank

multiple choice item

question for which responses are provided and the participant selects the most appropriate response(s).

How should each question be written in a questionnaire?

1. it should not be ambiguous

2. reading level should be considered

3. attention span should be considered

4. directions should be provided

what should be determined before a questionnaire is used in a research study?

reliability and validity

define validity

the degree to which the interpretations of the questionnaire date are correct

define reliability

the consistency of response

what else should be determined before a questionnaire is used to collect data?

the goodness of the questionnaire

how is the goodness of a questionnaire determined?

a pilot study

what contributes to good appearance of a questionnaire?

1. looks professional

2. quality of paper

3. items should be arranged in rows or columns

4. ease of completion

5. demographic info should be placed at the end (this information can irritate people)

6. closed-ended items numerically coded

7. clear directions and examples

what are the biggest concerns with questionnaire distribution?

1. cost

2. obtaining a high rate of questionnaire return

what are some factors that can help with cost of mail outs?

1. use both sides of the paper

2. use smallest readable font size

3. keep it short

4. weight of paper

what can influence return of questionnaire?

1. provided self-addressed stamped envelope

what is an essential component of distributing a questionnaire?

a good mailing list.

What is the expected rate of return for questionnaires


why is a small rate of return bad?

could make the goodness of the results questionable.

what are some ways to motivate someone to return a questionnaire?

1. cover letter explaining study

2. cover letter signed by influential person

when should questionnaires be distributed?

at a time when individuals will have time to fill it out (avoid time like holiday season).

should names be asked for on a questionnaire?

generally it is better not to ask for names, because law enforcement has been know to confiscate questionnaires dealing with illegal activities.

what is one way to test the accuracy of participant responses?

can be checked by stating some items positively and some items negatively.