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30 Cards in this Set

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Mental Operations
the mental process of combining separating or transforming information in a logical manner
Pre operational Stage
the stage of thinking between infancyt and middle childhood in which children are unable to decenter their thinking or to think through the consequences of an action
tendency to "center oneself"
to consider the world entirely from ones own point of view
precausal reasoning/thinking
the reasoning of young children that does not follow the procedures of either deductive or inductive reasoning
deductive reasoning
reasoning from general premises to particular cases
induction reasoning
specific cases to general ones
transductively thinking
Piagets account during preoperational
thinking from one particular to another
information processing approach
a strategy for explaining cognitive development based on an analogy with the workings of a digital computer
Nature and nurture play equal roles
Sensory register
That part of the information porcessing system that stores incoming information for a fraaction of a second before it is selectievly processed
Short term working memory
that part of the information processing system that holds incoming sensory information until it is taken up into long term memory or forgotten
Long term memory
memory that is retained over a long period of time
Priveleged Domains
cognitive domains that call upon specialized kinds of information require specifically designated forms of reasoning and appear to be of evoluionary importance to the human species
Naive physics Domain
refering to an early understanding of mechanical and material phenomena - ice melting to water
Naive psychology Domain
to designate a domain specific tendency for children to understand the actions of other people in terms of those peoples mental states
Theory of Mind
the ability to think about other peoples mental states and form theories of how they think
Naive biology Domain
natural knowledge in the domain of biology would develop later than knowledge about physical and psychological phenomena
Naive Social Domain
applies to children knowledge about the rules of interpersonal interacion and the social conventions that govern behavior in everyday events

1. TEMPORAL SEQUENCE: the order in which actions follow eachother

2. structure to them that the events procide a FORMAT that supports language dev.
Mental Modules
innate mental faculaties that receive inputs from particular classes of objects and produce corresponding information about the world
a mental condition defined primarily by an inability to relate normally to other people and low scores on IQ tests
Social development
a twosided process in which children simutaneously become integrated into the larger social community and differenetiated as distincetive individuals
the process by which children acquire the standards,values and knowledge of there society
personality formation
the process through which children develop their own unique patterns of feeling thkning and behaving in a wide variety of circumstances
social roles
categories that reflect adult expectations about the childs rights duties and obligations as well as appropriate forms of behavior
the unique patttern of temperatment emotions interests and intellectual abilites that a child develops as the childs innate propensities and capacities are shaped by his or her social interactions with kin and community
Self Concept
the way in which children come to conceive of themselves in relation to other people
Gender segregation
the term for the preference of girls to play with other girls and boy with to play with other boys
a psychological process in which children tory to look act feel and be like significant people in their environment
Phallic stage
in freudian theory the period around the fourth year when chilren begin to regard their own genitials as a major source of pleasure
the process by which children observe and imitate individuals of the same sex themselves
Differential reinforcement
the process by which girls and boys are differently rewarded for engaging in gender appropriate behavior