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45 Cards in this Set

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What is multitasking?

Multitasking is the simultaneous execution of more than one application on a computer and is managed by the operating system.

What is Multi-threading?

Multi-threading permits multiple concurrent tasks to be performed within a single process.

What is multiprocessing?

Multiprocessing is the use of more than one processor to increase computing power.

What is multi-programming?

Multi-programming is similar to multitasking but takes place on mainframe systems and requires specific programming.

What is the difference between single state processor and multi state processor?

Single state processors are capable of operating at only one security level at a time,

Multi state processors can simultaneously operate at multiple security levels.

What is a dedicated system?

Dedicated systems require that all users have appropriate clearance, access permissions, and need to know for all information stored on the system.

What is system high mode?

System high mode removes the need-to-know requirements and allows access at the same level (review this)

What is compartmented mode?

Compartment mode removes the need-to-know requirement and the access permission requirement.

What is Multi-leveled mode?

*Some users do not have a valid security clearance for all information processed by the system. Thus, access is controlled by whether the subject’s clearance level dominates the object’s sensitivity label.

*Each user must have access approval for all information they will have access to on the system.

*Each user must have a valid need to know for all information they will have access to on the system.

Explain the two layed operating modes used by most modern processors?

User applications operate in a limited instruction set environment known as user mode.

The operating system performs controlled operations in privileged mode, also known as system mode, kernel mode, and supervisory mode.

What is ROM?

Read only memory is a non-volatile and can't be written to by the end user.

What is PROM?

Programmable Read Only Memory allows the end user to write data to the chips only once.

What is EPROM?

Erasable Programmable Read only memory chips may be areased through the use of ultraviolet light and then can have new data written on them.

What is EEPROM?

Electrically Erasable Programmable Read only memory chips may be erased with electrical current and then have new data written to them.

What is RAM

Random access memory are voltile and lose their contents when the computer is powered off.

What are the security issues surrounding memory compenents?

Three main issues:

1. Data may remain in the chip after power is removed.

2. Memory chips are highly pilferable.

3. security issue concerning control of access to memory in a multiuser system.

What is primary storage?

Primary storage is the same as memory

Example RAM or PROM.

What is secondary storage?

Secondary storage consists of magnetic and optical media that must be first read into primary memory before the CPU can use the data.

What is random access storage?

Random access storage devices can be read at any point.

What is sequential storage?

Sequential access devices require scanning through all data physically stored before the desired location.

What risks can input output devices pose?

Input/Output devices can be subject to eavesdropping and tapping, used to smuggle data out of an organization, or used to create unauthorized, insecure points of entry into an orgs systems and networks.

What is the purpose of firmware?

Firmware is software stored on a ROM chip. At the computer level, it contains the basic instructions needed to start a computer.

Firmware is also used to provide operating instructions to peripheral devices such as printers.

What is process isolation?

Process isolation ensures that individual processes can access only their own data.

What is layering?

Layering creates different realms of security within a process and limits communication between them.

What is abstraction?

Abstraction creates "black box" interfaces for programmers to use without requiring knowledge of an algorithms or devices inner workings. (review this)

What is Data hiding?

Data hiding prevents information from being read from a different security level.

What is hardware segmentation?

Hardware segmentation enforces process isolation with physical controls.

Walls, guards, ect.

How does security policy drive design, implementation, testing, and deployment?

The role of security policy is to inform and guide the design, development, implementation, testing, and maintenance of some particular system.

Explain cloud computing

Cloud ocmputing is the popular term for referring to a concept of computing where processing and storage are performed elsewhere over the network connection rather than locally. Cloud computing is often thought of as Internet based computing.

Explain mobile device security

Device security involves the range of potential security options or features that may be available for mobile devices. BYOD networks have the capabilities of :

full device encryption

remote wiping

lockout, screen locks


application control

storage segmentation

asset tracking

inventory control

mobile device management

device access control

removable storage

What is BYOD?

Bring your own device is a policy that allows employees to bring their own personal mobile devices to work and then use those devices to connect to the company network, accessing business resources, and the internet.

Although BYOD may improve employee moral and job satisfaction, it increases security risks to the organization.

What are embedded systems?

Embedded systems are typically designed around a limited set of specific function in relation to the larger product of which it's component.

What is static environment?

Static environment are applications, OS, hardware, or networks that are configured for specific need, capabilities, or functions, and are remained unaltered.

What is the principle of least privilege?

The principle of least privilege ensures that only a minimum bumber of processes are authorized to run in supervisory mode.

What is separation of privilege?

Separation of privilege increases the granularity of secure operations (look more into this)

What is the accountability in regards to computer system?

Accountability ensures that an audit trail exists to trace operations back to their source.

What are covert channels?

Covert channels is any method that is used to pass information but that is not normally used for information.

What is buffer overflow?

Buffer overflow occurs when the programmer fails to check the size of input data prior to writing the data into a specific memory location.

What is input checking

Input checking is the process that restricts input from a subject to predefined input. If not done properly, it can cause security violations such as buffer overflow

What are common flaws to security architectures?

In addition to buffer overflows, programmers can leave back doors and privileged programs on a system after it is deployed.

Even well-written systems can be susceptible to time-of-check-to -time-of-use (TOCTTOU) attacks. Any state change could be potential window of opportunity for an attacker to compromise a system.

What type of electrical component serves as the primary building block for dynamic RAM chips?

RAM chips are built from a large number of capacitors, which holds a signle electrical charge.

What type of memory is directly available to the CPU and is often part of the CPU>

Registers are small memory locations that are located directly on the CPU chip itself. The data stored within them is directly available to the CPU and can be accessed extremely quickly

In what type of addressing scheme is the data actually supplied to the CPU as an argument to the instructions?


What type of addressing scheme supplies the CPU with a location that contains the memory address of the actual operand?

In indirect addressing, the location provided to the CPU contains a memory address. The CPU retrieves the operand by reading it from the memory address provided.

Which security priciple mandates that only a minimum number of operating system processes should run in supervisory mode?

The principle of least privilege states that only processes that absolutely need kernel-level access should run into supervisory mode. The remaining processes should run in user mode to reduce the number of potential security vulnerability.