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28 Cards in this Set

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who was the "father" of genetics

Gregor Mendel

What is the probability that the offspring of a homozygous dominant cross between _______ generations with opposing traits.

1.0 (or 1)

The first filial (F1) generation is the designation for Mendels original "True-breeding" strains of plants?

P and F2

which of the following is the designation for Mendel's original True- breeding strains of plants?


The passing of traits from parents to offspring is called


A genetic trait that is always expressed in the offspring is called what?

Dominant trait

If one parent is recessive and the other is heterozygous, the probability of recessive offspring is?


To explain distribution of multiple traits during gamete formation, Mendel proposed the law of what?

independent assortment

the phenotype of an organism _____.

reflects traits that are actually expressed

If an individual has two recessive alleles for the same trait, the individual is said to be ____.


Tallness (T) is dominant over shortness (t) in pea plants. Which of the following represents the genotype of a pea plant that is homozygous for shortness?

tt (two little t's)

How many different phenotypes can be produced by crossing heterozygous parents with co-dominant alleles?


a red flower is crossed with a yellow flower resulting in all orange flowers. This condition is called what?

incomplete dominance

The expected genotype ratio resulting from a homozygous recessive x heterozygous monohybrid cross is?

1:1 ratio

In a dihybrid cross, what fraction of the offspring would we expect to be homozygous recessive for both traits when both parents are heterozygous for both traits?


what is the expected genotype ratio resulting from a heterozygous x heterozygous monohybrid cross?

1:2:1 ratio

the expected phenotype ratio resulting from a homozygous dominant x heterozygous monohybrid cross is?

1:0 ratio

an organism that has inherited two of the same alleles of a gene from its parents is called what?


in pea plants, yellow seeds are dominant over green seeds. What would be the expected genotype ratio in a cross between a plant with green seeds and a plant that is heterozygous for seed color?

1:1 ratio

what fraction of the offspring resulting from a heterozygous x heterozygous dihybrid cross would we expect to express both dominant traits?


a cross of two individuals for a single contrasting trait is called a ______ cross.


blood type is inherited as a combination of two alleles from three possible, to form how many genotypes?


if one parent is heterozygous for type 'A' blood and the other is heterozygous for type 'B' blood, then their children could have what blood type?

they could have"





when 2 orange snapdragon flowers are crossed, we would expect the resulting phenotypes to be _____

one red

two orange

one yellow

human blood type alleles (A,B,O) can combine to form how many phenotypes?


crossing two pink snapdragon flowers will likely result in ______ red snapdragons.


since eye color traits are carried on the 'X' chromosome in fruit flies, crossing a heterozygous red eyed female with a red eyed male will result in _______ of males having white eyes.


given the facts from question #27 the genotype of a white eyed female fruit fly would be ______.
