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40 Cards in this Set

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What is Anisocoria?
Two percent to four percent of people have unequal pupils normally. This condition is known as anisocoria.
What is Apnea?
absence of breathing
What is AVPU?
patient's level of responsiveness.
A=Awake and Alert, V=Verbal stimulus,
P=Painful stimulus, U=Unresponsive
What is Battle's Sign?
A discoloration of the area behind the ear; indication of the possibility of skull fracture, but considered a late sign.
What is Body Substance isolcaiton precautions?
The use of protective equipment to minimize the chances of the EMT-I being exposed to contagious diseases.
What is Cardiac Dysrhythmia?
A disorder of cardiac rhythm. EX- patient will complain that they fell dizzy, or notice skipped or extra heart beats.
What is Cerebrospinal Fluid?
clear fuid surriounding the brain and spinal cord that acts as a cushion.
What is Cheyne-Stokes?
pronounced ("chain"-stokes) -
series of rapid then slow respirations followed by aperiods of apnea.
What is Costovertebral Angle?
Angle formed where the lowest rib meets the spinal column.
What is Detailed Assessment?
A continuation fo the patient assessment process in which in-depth information is obtained concerning the patient and his or her condition.
The relaxtion of the heart, the lower number of BP
What is Eupnea?
Normal inhalation and exhalation.
What is Focused History and Physical Examination?
An in-depth examination to determine the severity and cause of the patient's condition. It includes both a hand's-on examination and a gathering of the patient's history.
What is the Glasgow Coma Scale?
A numberical scale ussed for neurologic assessment in a critical patient.
A condition of paralysis of the arm and leg on one side of the body.
What is Hypertension?
The condition of having high blood pressure.
What is Hypotension?
The condition of having low blood pressure.
What is Initial Assessment?
A quick evaluation of the patient to determine immediate life-threatening emergencies.
What is Kussmaul?
rapid and deep respirations usually found in patients with diabetes or others with imbalances of the acid content in their bodies.
Neck Vein Distension?
A bulging outward of the veins in the neck.
What is Normotension?
The condition of having normal blood pressure.
Onset, Provocation, Quality, Radiation, Severity, Time.
Orthostatic Hypotension?
A condition in which a patient's blood pressure suddenly drops upon standing up.
Paresthesia is a condiiton in which the patient complains of tingling or numbness in the arms or leges.
What is Pulse Oximeter?
A device used to determine the percent of hemoglobin bound oxygen in the blood.
What is Pulse Pressure?
Obtained by subtracting the diastolic pressure from the systolic pressure.
What is Pupillary Reactivity?
The reactivity of a patient's pupils to light.
What is Rales?
Rales are a crackling or bubbling sound in the lungs.
What is Rapid Trauma Assessment?
A quick and thorough hands-on examination of the trauma patient to evaluate his or her condition.
What is Rhonchi?
Rhonchi are a coarse gurgling sound in the lungs during the process of breathing.
What is Rigidity?
A condition characterized by hardness and stiffness.
What is Sample History?
After obtaining vital signs, take SAMPLE History...S=Signs and Symptoms, A=Allergics,M=Medicine,P=Past Pretinent medical history, L=oral intake, E=Events
What is Scene Size-Up?
the immediatioe evaluation of the an emergency scene for safety of the crew, patient, and bystanders.
What is Sclera?
The whites of the patient's eyes.
What is Subcutaneous Emphysema?
A condition in which air enters the subcutaneous tissue through a hole in the trachea. EX: described by patient as a crunching or crackling below the skin.
What is Systole?
The contraction fo the heart. The upper number of blood pressure.
What is Visual Acuity Examinaiton?
A brief exam to determine how accurately the patient is seeing. NOTE any blurring, double vision or blindness.
Wheezes are a high-pitched squeal in the lungs during the process of breathing.
Describe the Six phases of patient assessment?
Scene size-up, Initial Assessment, Resuscitation, Focused History and physical examination, Detailed assessment, On-going field management.
What is Paralysis?
The loss of movement, the loss of sensation, or both. Quadriplegia-loss of A/L, Hemiplegia-A/L on one side of body, Paraplegia is the paralysis of B-legs.