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90 Cards in this Set

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The absence or cessation of the menstrual period. Normally occurs before puberty, during pregnancy,and after menopause.


The lower narrow end of the uterus that opens into the vagina


Examination of the cervix using a colposcope (a lighted instrument with a magnifying lens)


Pain associated with the menstrual period.


Pain in the vagina or pelvis experienced by a woman during sexual intercourse.


The growth of abnormal cells. It is a precancerous condition that may or may not develop into cancer.


The thinning and shortening of the cervical canal from its normal length of 1 to 2 cm to a structure with paper thin edges in which there is no canal at all.


The child in utero from the time of conception to the beginning of the first trimester


The child in utero from the third month after conception to birth


The dome-shaped upper portion of the uterus between the fallopian tubes.


The period of intrauterine development from conception to birth


The total number of pregnancies a woman has had regardless of duration.


Bleeding between menstrual periods


A woman who has been pregnant more than once


The condition of having borne offspring regardless of the outcome


Before the onset menopause, the phase during which the woman with regular periods changes to irregular cycles and increased periods of amenorrhea.


Before the onset of menopause, the phase during which the woman with regular periods changes to irregular cycles and increased periods of amenorrhea.


A major complication of pregnancy the cause of which is unknown characterized by increasing hypertension, albuminuria, and edema. If this condition is neglected or is not treated properly it may develop into ecclampsia...


A woman who is pregnant for the first time


Three months or one third of the gestational period of pregnancy




Visual examination


Painful abnormal difficult


Flow, excessive discharge


Outside outer








Study of





The pelvic exam consists of..

Inspection of the internal genitalia, vagina, and cervix; collection of a specimen for a pap; bimanual pelvic exam; rectal vaginal exam

Function of the speculum

To hold the walls of the vagina apart to allow visual inspection of the vagina and cervix

Pap is used for

Early detection of cervical cancer which are caused by the human papillomavirus (hpv)

Cervical specimen is collected by

Placing the s shaped end of the plastic spatula just inside the cervical canal at the external os and rotating the blade 360 degrees

The ectocervix

Is the part of the cervix that projects into the vagina and is lined with stratified squamous epithelium.

Liquid based prep

Improves the quality of the specimen resulting in fewer slides that are unsatisfactorily for evaulation. A better quality specimen also reduces the occurrence of false-negative test results.

Liquid based steps

First it separates the cells from debris present in the specimen and then it disperses a representative cell sample onto a slide in a thin uniform layer. The slide is next immersed in a fixative to maintain the normal appearance of the cells.

Direct smear method

A vial of liquid preserves all or most of the specimens

When a pap specimen is collected, it includes unnecessary...

Debris such as blood and mucus

With the liquid based method, the automated processor..

Removes a large portion of the debris from the specimen

With the liquid based method..

The automated processor disperses the cells onto the slide in a thin, even layer.

Maturation index

Provides the physician with an endocrine evaluation of the patient, which can assist in evaluating the cause of infertility, menopausal or postmenopausal bleeding, or amenorrhea and can help assess the results of treatment with hormones.


The bethesda system

The bethesda system (tbs) does what

Provides a detailed cytologic description,rather than a numerical result.

Specimen adequacy in the bethesda system

The category refers to the quality of the specimen collected by the physician

General categorization in the bethesda system

Category provides the medical office with a quick review of the report.

Interpretive results in the bethesda system

This part of the report provides the physician with a detailed description of findings. Includes any significant benign changes and any abnormal changes in the epithelial cells.


Pear shaped , flagella(motility)

Symptoms of trich

Profuse,frothy vaginal discharge that is usually yellowish green and has an unpleasant odor, itching. And irritation.

Strawberry cervix

Cervix may exhibit small red spots

How to identify trich in the office

Wet prep, involving placing a small amount of the discharge on a slide using a sterile swab adding a drop of isotonic solution and placing the coverslip over it to protect it. Slide is examined under the microscope and observed for moving flagella.

Trich is treated with

Metronidazole (flagyl)

Conditons thats can cause a candidal infection(yeast infection)

Pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, and prolonged antibiotic therapy

Symptoms of candidiasis(yeast infection)

White patches on the mucous membranes of the vagina, A thick odorless cottage cheese like discharge , extremely irritating and results in burning and intense itching

koh dissolves celluar debris present in the smear and allows better visualization of..

Yeast buds, spores, or hyphae.

Chlamydia symptoms

Dysuria,itching and irritation..and a yellowish odorless vaginal discharge. Appear 1 to 3 weeks after infection. If not treated can lead to PID.


An infection of the genitourinary tract that is transmitted through sexual intercourse.

Men have more gonorhhea symptoms..they include

Dysuria, and a whiteish discharge from the penis which may progress to a thick creamy discharge

How is gonorrhea diagnosed

Dna probe test or a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT)

What does the NAAT test do?

Detects the presence of the genes of the gonorrhea bacterium

3 diseases that could affect mother and fetus(oast medical history)

Diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.

Gravidity (G)

Recorded using one digit, indicates number of times a women has been pregnant including current pregnancy


Refers to the condition of having borne offspring regardless of the outcome.

Term birth (T)

Delivery after 37 weeks whether child is alive or stillborne

Preterm birth (P)

Delivery between 27 and 30 weeks regardless if child is alive or stillborne


Termination of a pregnancy before 20 weeks

Living children (L)

Number of living children

Expected date of delivery formula

Add 7days, subtract 3 months and add 1 year from the last menstrual period

Purpose of initial prenatal exam

To confirm pregnancy and establishes a baseline. Includes gynecologic exam and a general physical exam

Warning signs during pregnancy

Signs of spontaneous abortion: Abdominal pain and cramping

Signs of placental or fetal problems: vaginal spotting or bleeding

If gonorrhea is present at delivery and not treated...

Could lead to blindness.

When is a woman tested for group b strep

Between 35 and 37 weeks

Rubella antibody titer

Assesses the level of antibody against rubella

Rh antibody titer

Detects the quantity of circulating Rh antibodies against red blood cells

0 to 28 weeks return prenatal visits

Every 4 weeks

Positive reaction to glucose may indicate

The development of gestational diabetes mellitus or a prediabetic condition,

Positive reaction to protein

May indicate a UTI or preeclampsia

Most common medical disorder of pregnancy


Normal fetal heart rate

Between 120 and 160 beats per minute

Lcd screen on the doppler purpose

To display the fetal pulse rate

Purpose of gel applied during doppler

To increase conductivity of the sound waves between the abdomen and the transducer

Mulitple marker test

To screen for the presence of certain fetal abnormalities which include neural tube defects, down syndrome, trisomy 18,and ventral wall defect

Primary purpose of ultrasound scan

To evaluate the health of the fetus and to determine gestational age

Transabdominal ultrasound scan

Patient must have a full bladder..32 ounces of water approximately between 1 hour before the procedure. A full bladder acts as an acoustic window through which the sound wave scan travel to provide a clear visualization of the uterus

The non stress test(NST)

Monitors changes in the fetal heart rate in response to the fetus' spontaneous movements.

The puerperium

Includes the time in which the body systems are returning to their pre pregnant or nearly pre pregnant state, usually 4 to 6 weeks after delivery

Color of the lochia after birth

First 2 days: mostly blood by 4 days:becomes pink or brownish. By 10 days: yellowish white. Becomes paler until the 3rd week after delivery

When to call office with discharge after delivery

If the amount increases instead of decreases, if it is absent with 2 weeks of delivery, if it changes to red after having been yellowish white, or if it takes a foul odor indicating infection.

6 week check up

Evaluation of the general mental status and physical appearance, breast and pelvic examination and checks to see is the muscle tone has returned to the abdominal wall. NO PAP