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66 Cards in this Set

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The skeleton is divided into two regions called:
Axial Skeletion
Appendicular skeleton
__________ formed the central supporting axis of the body, includes the skull, auditory ossicles, hyoid bone, vertebrate column, and thoracic cage.
Axial skeleton
____________ includes the bones of the lower limb and pelvic girdle.
Appendicular skeleton
____________ that form within some tendons in response to stress.
Sesmoid bones
Reason for adults variation is that come people have extra bones in the skull called _________ or ____________
Sutural / Wormian bones
______________ is visible as seams on the surface.
________ encloses the brain.
Cranial cavity
The cranium is a figid structure with an opening the _________________
foreman magnum
The _________________ forms the roof and walls.
The relatively shallow _________________ is crescent shaped and accommodates the frontal lobes of the brain.
Anterior cranial fossa
The _________________ dops abruptly deeper, is shaped like a pair of outstretched bird's wings and accommodates the temporal lobes.
middle cranial fossa
The ___________________ deepest and houses a large posterior division of the brain called the cerebellum.
posterior cranial fossa
The _____________ extends from the forehead back to a prominent coronal suture, which crosses the crown of the head from right to left and joins the frontal bones to the parietal bones.
frontal bones
Deep to the eyebrows it has a ridge called the ____________.
supraoribital foramen
The smooth area of the frontal bones just above the root of the nose is called the _________________.
The right and left ______________ form most of the cranial roof and part of its walls.
parietal bones
the ________ suture is between the parietal bones.
the _________ suture at the anterior margin.
____________ occurs near the corner of the lamboid and sagittal sutures.
paritetal foramen
________________ is relatively flat and vertical. It is enriched by the _________ suture.
squamous part
the ___________ extends anteriorly to form part of the ___(B)______, and the ____(C)____ , a depression where the mandible articulates with the cranium.
Zygomatic process
(B) zygomatic arch
(C) mandibular fossa
_____________ is a small ring of bone that borders the external acroustic meatus, the opening into the ear canal.
tympanic part
______________ lies posterior to the tympanic part. It bears a heavy mastoid process, which you can palpate as a prominent lump behind the earlobe.
mastoid part
Deep to the eyebrows, its ridges is called ____________.
supaorbital margin
____________ is a passage for the internal _______ artery, a major blood supply to the brain.
carotid canal
___________ is a large, irregular opening just medial to the styloid process, between the temporal and occiptal bones.
jugular foramen
__________ bone forms the rear of the skull and much of its base. Its features the foramen magnum, admits the spinal cord to the cranial cavity and provides a point of attachment for the dura mater.
occipital bone
The bone continues anterior to the foramen magnum as a thick medial plate called ______________.
basilar part
Either side of the foramen magnum is a smooth knob called the _________.
occipital condyle
At the anterolateral edge of each condyle is a ______________, named for the ________ nerve that passes through it to supply the muscles of the tongue.
hypoglassal canal
Prominent medial bump called the ______________________; the attachment for the nuchal ligament, which binds the skull to the vertbral column.
external occipital protuberance
_______________ has complex shape with a thick medial body and outstretched greater and lesser wings, which give the bone as a whole a somewhat ragged mothlike shape.
sphenoid bone
_____________ is an anterior cranila bone located between the eyes,
ethmoid bone
___________________ is a thin median plate of bone that forms the superior two thirds of the nasal septum.
perpendicular plate
______________ are those have no direct contact with the brain or meninges.
facial bones
____________ form the upper jaw and meet each other at a median intermaxillary suture.
____________ form the rest of the hard plate, part of the wall of the nasal cavity, AND part of the floor of the orbit.
palatine plate
____________ forms the angles of the cheeks at the interolateral margins of the orbits and part of the lateral wall of each orbits; they extend about halfway to the ear.
zygomatic bones
_________________ is discussed in connection with hearing.
auditory ossicles
The ________ bone is a slender bone between the chin and larynx.
hyoid bone
vertabrate is divided into 5 groups using numbers like:
7 cervical vertbrate
12 thoraric vertebrate
5 sacral vertbrate
The _______________have unique structures that allows for head movements.
cervical vertebrate
_____________ s called the atlas b/c it supports the head in a manner reminiscent of the Titan of greek mythology who was condemned by Zeus to carry the world on his shoulders
Vertbrae C1
_________________ allow for passage of nerves arteries to the pelvic organs.
anterior sacral foramina
The spinous processs of the vertbrae fuse into a ridge called _______________.
median scral crest
The posterior side of the sacrum, there are four pairs of openings for spinal nerves is called ____________.
posterior sacral foramina
The _________ can be fractured by a difficult childbirth or hard fall to the buttocks.
Ribs 8 to 12 are ________
false ribs or floating ribs
_________ supports the arm proper, extends from shoulder to elbow. it contains only one bone, the humerus.
_________ supports the arms. it consists of two bones on each side of the body; the clavicle and scapula.
pectoral girdle
the medial end of the clavicle articulates with the sternum at ________________ joint; and its lateral end articulates with the scapula at the ________(B)_____ joint.
sternoclavicular joint
(B) acromioclavicular joint
The scapula articulates with the humerus at the _______________ joint. THey also make the shoulder joint easy to dislocate.
humeroscapular joint
_____________ is a slightly S-shaped bone, somewhat flattened verticaly, and easily seen and palpated on the upper thorax.
________________ is a triangular plate that posteriorly overlies ribs 2 to 7.
arm proper extends from shoulder to elbow is _____________.
forearm, extends from elbow to wrist and contains two bones; the radius and ulna is _________.
wrist, contains eight small bones arranged in two rows is ___________.
hand contians 19 bones in two groups 5 metacarpals in the palms and 14 phalanges in the fingers is called ____________.
_________________ has a hemispherical head that articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula.
The proximal head of the _______ is a distinctive disc that rotates freely on the humerus when the palm is turned forward and back.
__________ form the wrist, and are arranged in two rows of four bones each.
carpal bones
Latin for boat, moon, triangle, and pea shaped respectively.
scaphoid, lunate, triguetrum, pisiform
two ossa coxae is called __
pelvic girdle
__________ is the most anterior portion of the coxae .
Arches are held together by short strong ligaments called ______________.
pes planus
____________ essentially extends from heels to halux, which formed form the calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuneiforms, and metatarsal.
medial longitudinal arch