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21 Cards in this Set

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The branch of biology that deals with the mechanisms of heredity
Rodlike structures, found in all biological cells, that contain DNA molecules in the form of genes
The complex molecular structure of a chromosome that carries genetic information
The biochemical units of heredity that govern the development of an individual life
human genome
The genetic blueprint for making a complete human being
The underlying DNA sequence that an individual inherits
An organism's observable properites, physical and behavioral
Natural Selection
The evolutionary process by which some genes in a population spread more than others, causing species to change over time
Advantageous physical and psychological traits that are inherited
random gene copying errors that can spark evolution by natural selection
Inclusive fitness
The notion that an organism's genes are preserved not only thought its own offspring but also throught the offspring of genetic relatives
Kinship selection theory
The tendency for organisms to preferentially help others according to their genetic relatedness
Reciprocal Alrtuism
The tendency for organisms to help members other species, who may later reciprocate
Nature-nuture debate
The debate over the extent to which human behavior is determined by genetics and the environment
Family studies
Studies that estimate genetic influences through similarities of family member who vary in their degree of genetic relatedness
A statistical estimate of the percentage of the variability of a trait within a group that is attributable to genetic factors
Twin-study method
A method of testing nature and nuture by comparing pairs of identical and fraternal twins of the same sex
Adoption studies
A method of testing nature and nuture by comparing twins and other siblings reared together with those seperated by adoption
Gender roles
Sex-typed behaviors promoted by social learning
Gender schemas
A network of beliefs about men and women that influence the way we perceive ourselves and others
Sexual Orientation
One's sexual preference for members of the same sex, opposite sex, or both sexes