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90 Cards in this Set

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Describe the role the skeletal systme plays in each of the following functions Support, protection, muscle attachment, blood prodution, store minerals
supports the weight ot the body and structures of the body, protects the brain and thoracic cavity hear lungs, moves levers that attatch to the muscles red bone marrow Stores minerals calicum and phosphorates
What are some of the various tissues that are contained with in the bone?
Bone, Blood, nervous cartilage and dense connective tissue
Expanded ends of bones that form joints wiht adjacent bones are called?`
epiphysis articlulates
What covers the ends of the joints?
hyaline cartilage
The shaft of the bone is called what?
What type of bone makes up the outside of the diaphysis?
Compact bone
What is the tough layer of vascular connective tissue called?
The hollow chamber in the compact bone or the diaphysis is what?
medullary cavity
Bones form by replacing connective tissue in the fetus are called?
Intramembranous bone ( skull bones?
Endochrodral bones are formed how?
They begin as masses of cartilage that bone tissue later replaces (skeleton bones)
Cells of the membranous connective tissue that lie outside the developing bone give rise to the outer covering called the?
What is the fontanel?
The soft spot on baby head covered with membrane tissue
What is the Axial part of the body?
Skull, hyoid bone, vertebral column and thorax
What is the Appendicular part of the body
arms and legs pectoral girdle, upper limbs pelvic girdle and lower limbs
The skull is made up of how many bones?
how many bones are cranial?
how many bones are facial?
what makes up the cheeks?
which two form the nasal septum?
Which form the hard palate?
Maxilla and the palatine
Which two for m the zygomatic arch?
the sygomatic and the temperal
Which two contain the teeth
the maxilla and the mandable
What is the drum shaped part of the vertebrae called that supports the weight of the head and the trunk?
the body
What is the name of the tow lateral processes?
What is the function of the pedicle?
Form the sides of the vertibral column ( spinal cord)
What is the name of the dorsal process?
Nave the first two vertebrae
Atlas and axis
How many lumbar vertebrae are there?
What is the anatomical name for tail bone?
How many vertibrae dose the tail bone have or the coccyx
What makes and incomplete ring that supports the upper limbs?
The pectoral girdle
The what can be recognized because it forms and s shape?
What is the longer of the two bones that makes up the forearm?
The ulna
The what is located on the thumb side of the forearm?
The radius
The wrist consist of what bones?
8 carpal bones
What does the pelvic girdle consist of for bones?
Two coxal and the sacram
What does the pelvic girdle support?
The trunk of the body on the lower limbs
What is the largest portion of the coxal bone
the iluim
What forms the L shaped portion of the coxal bone during sitting?
the Ischium
What porvides the framework for the thigh?
The bones of the lower limb
what is the longest bone in the body?
the Femar
What suppors the wight of the body and articulates wiht the femar?
The Tibia
What bone does not bear weight?
The fibula
How many tarsal bones is the ankle composed of?
Tendons and ligaments are attatched to which part of the body?
How many cranial bones are there?
how many facial bones are there
The cranial bones and facial bones make up what?
The skull
living bone consist of
marrow blood nerves and cartilage
non living bone consist of
bone matrix
Bone growth in childhood and adolescence occurs in
The periostem
Adults have red marrow in
the spongy bone ribs and pelvic
A muscle fiber is what?
Muscle cells
Individual muscle cells are separated by what?
Skeletal muscles contain what?
many nuclei and mitochondria
Sarcoplasim is what part of a cell?
Sarcolemma is what part of a cell?
Cell membrane
sacoplasmic reticulum is what part of the cell?
endoplasmic reticulum
sarcoplasim contains what part of the cell
myofibral, nucleus and mitchondria
Cardiac muscles have very rapid response due to what feature?
intercalated disk
What is the difference between smooth muscle and skeletal muscle?
Smooth muscle contracts and relaxes more rapidly than skeletal muscle
what are fascicals?
bundles of muscle fibers?
myofibrils are composed of what filaments?
myosis (thick) and actin (thin)
Muscle organs are comprised of what tissues?
Skeletal muscle, connective, nervous and blood tissue.
Layers of cnnective tissue that closely surround a skelatal muscle ( inside the fascia) are what?
Epimysium outside
What tissue surrounds and seperates each muscle from surrounding muscles?
What seperates the muscle tissue (individual bundles of fibers) into small compartments?
The perimysium
The compartments of bundles or skeletal muscles fibers are called
each muscle fibers within a fasicle have a thin covering called an
endomysium (inside)
Energy for contraction comes form molecules of what?
ATP adenosine triphosphate
what accumulates as an end product of anaerobic respiration?
Muscle craps occur due to the lack of what?
A muscle fiver remains unresponsive to stimulation unless the stimulus is of certain strength this strengh is called?
Elongated ends are tappered on what kind of muscle cell?
smooth muscle
How is a smooth muscle different that a skeletal muscle?
they do not have striations
a rectangular shaped cell wiht one nucleus is what kind of cell
cardiac muscle cell
The immovable end of a muscle is the
the moveable end of a muscle is the?
When a muscle contracts what does it do?
pulls the insertion towards the origin.
Temporalis muscle does what?
closes the jaw
what does the sternocleidomastiod muscle do?
pulls the head toward the chest
What does the trapezius do?
raises the arm
pectoralis muscle does what
pulles arms anterior toward the front
latissimus dorsi does what?
extends arms
external obliques do what?
tenses the wall of the abdoment
Gluteus maximus does what?
extends the thigh
Glueteus medius does what?
moves thigh away
sartoruis does what?
flexes thigh
Rectus femoris does what
extends leg at knee
tibialis anterior does what
dorsoflexion of the foot