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35 Cards in this Set

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How did Titchner parallel the goals of structuralism and functionalism to the work of the anatomist and physiologist?

Structuralism = anatomy

- the purpose is analysis, organizing knowledge of body/mind into components so does structural psych analyze it into elements

Functionalism = physiology

- examines how various parts of the body/mind operate and function to keep alive/adapt to the environment

Using this anatomy/biology metaphor Titchner throughout which work should be completed first?

Must study the structure of mind before function in order to provide a foundation.

What should the goal of the psychologist be according to Titchener?

To ascertain the nature and number of the mental elements

Take up mental experiences bit by bit, dividing and subdividing until the division can go no further

"qualitative" experiments in Titchener's Manuals?

observer would experience some sensory, perceptual or affective event, give an introspective account of it and then answer some specific questions about it in their notebooks

"quantitative" experiments in Titchener's Manuals?

involved number data

such as stimulus intensities ID as ind, in psychophysics or response times in reaction-time studies

Why were women excluded from the "Experimentalists" club formed by Titchener?

Cultural norms of the day

So men could converse freely on any subject without being concerned about behaving "properly" in front of women

What was the role of the "observer" in an experiment?

Person who we would call research subject

would be observing their own mental processes and would give a description of these processes at the close of the experiment

Systematic Experimental Introspection

observers would give detailed reports of the conscious events occurring while completing some task (eg. word association)

What were Titcheners 3 solutions for the problem of introspection?

rely on memory - delay the introspective observation until the processes is done, then call it back to memory to describe

break the experiment into stages

get introspective habit

The Introspective Habit

the result of practice with introspection, this was a dissociative ability to make mental notes about the experience while the experience was occurring

Stimulus Error

to be avoided in proper introspection

the tendency to report the products of conscious experience instead of the conscious experience itself

What are the 3 basic elements of conscious experience according to Titchener?




What are the attributes of Sensations according to Titchener?

basic element of more complex processes of perception

What are the attributes of Images according to Titchener?

elementary components of ideas

What are the attributes of affections according to Titchener?

(feelings) the building blocks of out emotions

Did Titchener's definition of psychology have any role for individual differences or studying children, animals, and the insane?

No - generalized the human mind

Why was there no role for individuals differences or studying children, animals and the insane?

Systematic experimental introspection was its prime method

needed training therefore limited to motivated adult observers

What were some features of the American national character that was being formed in the late 19th century?

sustained growth, expansion, railroad building, technological advances, and industrialization

Social Darwinism

believed that evolutionary forces were natural and inevitable therefore any attempt on the part of humans to alter these forces was misdirected and harmful

Reflex Arc (Dewey)

model of the reflex that substituted a functional for structural approach

best conceived reflex as an integrated, coordinated whole that serves the function of adapting the organism to its environment

Dewey's criticism of the traditional reflex arc?

oversimplified a complex action

What conception of the reflex did Dewey argue for?

How the act functions to promote the organism's well being in the struggle to adapt to its ever changing world.

Example of child reaching for a flame:

Difference between reflex arc account and Dewey's analysis?

not just seeing the candle but also seeing the pain that happens when you touch the flame

How did Angell distinguish between structuralist and functionalist thinking?

Structuralists - interested in mental contents = "What"?

Functionalists - wants to study mental operations, the "how" and "why"?

How did Angell respond to Titchener's biology metaphor?

Rejected his metaphor, anatomy had material objects that can be manipulated, observed, and measured with some precision

mental events are fleeting, can try to isolate them but they are fundamentally different

Thorndike's attitude towards reliance on anecdotes in comparative psychology?

critized when they relied on anecdotes to support claims of higher mental powers in animals

Puzzle box experiments

repeated experiments controlled the learning history and environment

Trial-and-Error Learning

Explanation for behaviour of cats in puzzle boxes

Escaped by trying various behaviour until hitting on one that worked

Why was Thorndike's learning model called "connectionism"?

emphasizing the development and strengthening connections between stimulus situations and responses that become stronger with trial-and-error learning

How did learning occur in the puzzle boxes?

Trial-and-Error learning

Law of Exercise

learned connections between stimuli and responses were strengthened with additional practice

Law of Effect

Behaviours that were effective in problem solving would be strengthened, while behaviours that were not effective would be weakened

What were Wesley Mills's criticisms of Throndike's research?

Rejected due to artificiality to the environment the puzzle boxes created

How did Thorndike Respond to Mills Criticisms?

denied that cats were in a panic

asked what makes the environment more "natural" then the other, animals constantly face new situations


study of animal behaviour in its "natural" surroundings