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48 Cards in this Set

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What is learning?
The process of acquiring and enduring relatively enduring information or behaviors
What is associative learning?
-our minds naturally connect events that occur in sequence
-events may be two stimuli (classical conditioning) or
-a response and its consequence (operant conditioning)
what is associated in classical learning?
-two stimuli are associated together and to expect the event.
What is associated in operant conditioning?
-we learn to associate our response (behavior) and the consequence
-we learn to repeat acts that are followed by good results
classical conditioning
-developed by Pavlov
-a type of learning in which one learns to link two or more stimuli and anticipate subsequent events.
-unconditioned stimulus
-a stimuli that naturally triggers a response
- in experiement: the food/ meat powder
-Unconditioned response
-an unlearned naturally recurring response to an unconditioned stimulus
-In experiment: The dogs drooling in response to meat
-Conditioned response
-a learned response to a previously neutral, but now conditioned stimulus.
-in experiment: salivation in response to the tone
-conditioned stimulus
-an originally irrelevant stimulus that, after association with an unconditioned stimulus comes to trigger a conditioned response
-In experiment: tone after training
Neutral stimulus
-a stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning
delay conditioning
-the conditioned stimuli is presented and overlapped by the unconditioned stimuli
backward conditioning
-occurs when a conditioned stimuli immediately follows an unconditioned stimuli
-the conditioned response to the given conditioned stimuli is inhibitory
Between delay conditioning and backward conditioning which works better?
-Delay conditioning
-the initial learning of the stimulus response relationship
-the linking of the NS to the US so that the NS begins triggering the CR,
-the diminished responding that occurs when the CS no longer signals an impending US.
-the tendency to respond likewise to similar stimuli after a response has been conditioned
-the learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and other irrelevant stimulus
spontaneous recovery
-the reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response
systematic desensitization
-helps overcome phobias
conditioned taste aversion
-examples of single trial learning
-it requires only a one time pairing of a previously neutral stimulus and an unconditioned response to establish an automatic response.
How does conditioned taste aversion differ from other classical conditioning?
-resistant to extinction
-one trial can last a long time
-doesn't occur with visual, auditory, or tactile stimuli
Why is taste easily associated with illness
-because our biology prepares us to learn taste aversion to toxic food
Operant conditioning
-organisms associate their own actions with consequences
-behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer
-diminished if followed by a punishment
b.F Skinner
College englsih major who then pursued a career in psychology and as a result became one of behavioral psychology's most influential and controversial figures.
Skinner Box
-an operant chamber
-has a bar or a key that an animal can press to release a reward of food or water.
hte Law of effect
-Rewarded behavior is likely to recur
-behavior that is followed by consequence becomes less likely to recur.
Positive reinforcer
-strengthens a response by presenting a pleasurable stimulus after a response
-add a desirable stimulus
negative reinforcer
-remove an aversive stimulus
-strengthens a response by reducing or removing something negative
-but is not a punishment
What are some possible problems with punishment?
-stops all behavior
-increases aggressiveness
-reappears in safe settings
-punished fears the punisher
primary reinforcer
-innate reinforcing stimulus
might be one that satisfies a biologic need
conditioned (secondary) reinforcer
-gets power through learned association with primary reinforcer
-money, good grades, rewards, are secondary because they are all linked with more basic rewards
-anything over the quota is extra
-the quota continues to go up
delayed reinforcer
-marshmallow experiment
-if there is too long of a delay between a response and reward, the reinforcer will not work
-subject associates pleasure with desired behavior
-an event that tends to decrease the behavior that it follows
discriminative stimulus
-differentiating between 500 Hz and 700 hz and responding to them differently
Continuous reinforcement
-reinforcing the desired response every time it occurs
-results in quick learning, but little resistance to extinction
partial reinforcement
reinforcing a response only part of the time
-results in slower learning but greater resistance to extinction
What are the 4 basic schedules of reinforcement?
-fixed ratio schedule
-variable ratio schedules
-fixed interval schedules
-variable interval schedule
fixed ratio
-reinforce behavior after a set number of responses
-high rate of responding
variable ratio
provide reinforcers after a seemingly unpredictable number of responses
-high rate of responding
fixed interval
-reinforce the first response after a fixed time period
-not a steady response, but stop-start pattern
variable interval
-reinforce the first response after varying time intervals
-we don't know when the waiting will ever be over
Which type of schedule does a slot machine use?
-variable ratio schedules
Observational learning
-learning by observing others
-learn without direct experience
the process of observing and imitating a specific behavior
mirror neurons
-neurons that fire in response to performing an action or seeing others do an action
-imitation or empathy
Bobo doll
-by watching a model we experience vicarious reinforcement or vicarious punishment
-the children lashed out at the bobo doll after observing adults to the same