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59 Cards in this Set

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index vectors have a higher magnitude than graphic vectors


continuing vectors result when two or more index or motion vectors point in the same direction


motion vectors command immediate attention thus they override all other vectors


which statement pertains to figure/ground phenomenon

the less stable figure overlaps the more stable ground

the magnetism of the frame always works against good composition


we need a minimum amount of information to apply psychological closure to perceive a pattern


converging vectors point in the same direction diverging vectors point toward each other and continuing vectors point away from each other


converging vectors can be useful to increase the aesthetic energy of a high magnitude event such as two trains on a collision course


in a typical two shot for television far apart on screen


what creates a graphic vector

a line

strong index vectors painting screen center cannot override the magnetism of the frame


canting the camera or tilting the horizontal plane can help stabalize a scene


index vectors can be converging and continuing


in this painting is used to heighten the agony of hanging from the cross

the pull of the top edge

according to zettl a low definition image is helpful only if it helps rather than hinders closure


we organize our environment into stable reference points against which the less stable elements can be assesed and check this is called

the figure ground phenomenon

a vector field is a combination of vectors operating from all the following except

frame to sequence

what do we call our perceptual urge to group visual information into simple and relatively stable configurations

psychological closure

what effect is occurring in this image that helps to emphasize the enormity and weight of the millstone

pull of entire frame

all of the following are examples of strong motion vectors except

a couple walking

index vectors have a relatively high magnitude because their screen direction is most conspicous or noticeable


the main directions of a rectangular television or movie screen are

vertical and horizontal

the on screen figure/ground relationship will remain static and fixed despite changes with the camera point of view


this image illustrates how using the magnetism of the top edge helps intensity the danger of working up high


the new structure that is created through psychological closure is often called


the types of vectors according to zettl are

graphic index motion

the magnetic pull of the side edges can make objects in a normally spaced long shot appear closer in a tighter shot


psychological closure leads to gestalt


using the magnetic force of a screen edge will not help emphasize the width of an object


objects placed in the left half of the screen command more attention than if they were placed in the right half because of a symmetry of the screen


what is the effect of tilting (canting) the horizontal plane

the picture becomes less stable

among the vector types, motion vectors have the lowest magnitude


the larger graphic mass

the greater its graphic weight

motion vectors have a relatively high magnitude because their screen direction is most conspicuous or noticeable


this painting illustrates how using the pull of side edges helps intensify the agony of hanging from the cross


what creates an index vector

an arrow

why do we leave headroom in a normal close up of a persons face

to neutralize the magnetism of the frame

what creates a motion vector

an object moving on screen

graphic vectors have a relatively high magnitude because their screen direction is most cospicous or noticeable


continuing vectors point in the same direction converging vectors point toward each other and diverging vectors point away from each other


regardless of what direction we learned to write from, we seem to read diagonals from left to right


what does asymmetry of the screen mean

objects placed in the right half of the screen command more attention if they were placed in the left half

the magnetic pull of the side edges can make objects in a normally spaced long shot appear closer in a tighter shot


we tend to pay more attention to an object when it is paced on the right side rather than the left side of the screen


the right left aysmmetry of the screen determines whether we perceive a slant as going uphill or downhill


the figure is more stable than the ground


probably the strongest forces operating within the screen which lead our eyes from one pint to another within or even outside the picture field are

directional forces

horizontal lines seem to suggest normalcy calm tranquility and rest while vertical lines seem more dynamic powerful and exciting


strong index vectors pointing screen center can override the magnetism of the frame


a vector is any aesthetic element that leads us in a specific space, emotional, or time direction


index vectors generally have a higher magnitude than motion vectors


the types of vectors according to zettl are

graphic index motion

emphasizing the horizontal within the frame does all of the following except

suggest power and stregnth

a large graphic mass is less likely to be disturbed in its course than a small one


a vector on screen indicates a main direction that has been established either by implication or by actual seen motion


continuing vectors establish a specific single direction, while converging vectors point toward each other either in a single shot or a series of shots


using the magnetic pull of entire frame is not recommend for framing closeups


the larger a graphic mass, the more stable it appears


the asymmetry principle that the right side of the screen commands more attention is not relevant to designing web pages
