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51 Cards in this Set

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beliefs about how things ought to be; what is important; right from wrong
situation in which values clash with the value system of client, agency, co-worker, or society in general
value conflict
process of exploring your values and comparing them to others for the purpose of developing an appreciation/competence
value clarification
embodiment of values into guidelines for behavior
when one or more principals contradict one another or when ethical standards and professional responsibilities are in conflict
ethical dilemma
description of behavior in the form of standards that apply to all people who subscribe to a particular code
code of ethics
category of ethics that govern how we conduct ourselves in our daily lives, in our interactions in the workplace, in our relationships with friends and family, and in the larger society
personal ethics
standards that guide our professional practices...commitment to the ethics of our discipline and an understanding of how these ethics apply to commonly occurring workplace situations is a core element of professional preparation
professional ethics
maintain that the specific circumstances of the situation should not affect the ethical decisions
rules ethics/deontological
appraise the situation, weigh the intent of the code and the intentions of the person
decide what to do by considering how we ourselves would like to be treated
care-based thinking
values of one person
individual or personal values
values of groups within society
group values
primary values of the larger social system
societal values
the values of a specific discipline or professional group
professional values
broad-based, societal values that guide a group's long term goals
ultimate values
specific, short-term values that relate to policies and rights
proximate values
toward the process of attaining a desirable end through desirable means
instrumental values
role of authority; unethical or impaired behavior of co-worker
beliefs impede effective environment; agency/societal beliefs
related to religion and belief
"hand out," "playing the system"
limited resources
identify core values
profession's core values serve as a guide
used with ethical questions
socializes new social workers- values/ethics
assess unethical conduct
purposes of the code
responsibility to clients; responsibilities to collegial behaviors
Clients(ethical standards); colleagues (ethical standards)
responsibilities to the setting in which she/he practices
practice settings
to practice ethically, competently, fairly, and honestly, and prevent unethical behaviors
commitments to the entirety of the social work community in integrity of the profession, evaluation and research
social work profession
social welfare, public emergencies, public participation, social and political action
broader society; responsible to society (ethical standards)
social work values, duties that conflict; id the individuals, groups, and orgs likely to be affected by the ethical decisions
identify the ethical issues
codes of conduct; code of discipline
relates to license board
professional code of ethics
developed by National Association of Social Workers
tells you what to do
caution you not to do
fail to do what should do
error of omission
do what not to do
error of commission
principals no accountable mechanism
aspiration standards
enforceable principals
enforceable standards
elastic terms
developed by legislative bodies
issued by those with financial or rule-making authority
regulations/administrative codes
regional or organizational level
What you want others to do in the same circumstance
consult with...
colleagues and appropriate experts
make the decision and document the process
monitor, document and evaluate
right to
privacy and confidentiality
all information held in confidence
some information can be disclosed
signed release of information
informed consent
ethical principle related to dignity and worth of the person
social worker's responsibility
sharing of personal information with a client