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20 Cards in this Set

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What were the social classes like during this time in Rome?

Gap between rich and poor grew wider

Who was Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus?

Two brothers that attempted to help Rome's poor. As tribunes the proposed to limit the size of estate and give land to the poor. Senator felt threatened by them. They both met violent deaths

Who was in the Triumvirate?

Julius Caesar,Crassus,and Pompey

How did Caesar become so popular?

His success in Gaul made him popular with the people in Rome

How was Caesar as an emperor?

Strong leader and a genius military strategist.

What did Casear become?

A dictator in 44 B.C.

Who was in the second triumvirate?

Octavian,Mark Antony,and Lepidus

What was between Mark Antony and Clepoatra?

Mark fell in love with her and he followed her to Egypt

What is Pax Romana?

Rome was at its peak of power from the begininning of Augustus' rule in 27 B.C. To 180 A.D. peace reigned throughout the empire except for fighting with tribes along the borders "Roman Peace"

What are some accomplishments of Augustus?

Stabilized the frontier,glorified Rome with splendid buildings,and created a system of government that survived for centuries

How was the empire able to thrive after Emperor Augustus' death?

Effectiveness of the civil service in carrying out day-to-day operations

What was the empires main industry?


What is gravitas?

Having the values of discipline,strength,and loyalty

What were the people in Roman cities like?

Merchants,soldiers,slaves,foreigners,and philosophers

Where did most slaves come from and how did they become slaves?

Slaves came from any previous civilization,conquered people brought back to victorious Roman armies. Slaves worked both in the city or on the farm.

What does numina mean?

Powerful spirits or divine forces

What are Lares?

Guardian spirits of each families

Examples of two Roman gods?

Jupiter and Juno

What were the different classes like during this time?

Classes had little in common.

Rich lived extravagantly

Poor barely had life's necessities

How does Christianity start out in the Roman Empire?

Early christians would meet brutality and hardship for their beliefs.