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24 Cards in this Set

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Where does the carbon come from in photosynthesis?
What is the energy source of photosynthesis?
What does the term autotroph mean?
Auto means self.
troph means feeding.
Give an example of an autotroph.
Plants or some bacteria or many types of protistans.
How do phototrophs's get energy?
They produce it themselves.
What does the term heterotroph mean?
hetero means different
troph means feeding
How do heterotrophs get their Carbon and energy?
They get it by feeding on autotrophs or one another.
Photosynthesis and Aerobic respiration are ________ _________.
linked processes
Describe how photosynthesis and aerobic respiration are linked.
Photosynthesis is an energy storing pathway that releases oxygen and requires co2. Aerobic respiration is an energy releasing storing pathway that requires oxygen and releases co2.
What is the electro-magnetic spectrum?
The full range of energy radiation from the sun.
__________ runs on a fraction of the electro-magnetic spectrum.
Sunlight is a ______________ input from the solar energy into earths atmosphere.
How much energy from sunlight is reflected back into space?
How much of the energy that reaches the earth's surface is intercepted by photoautotrophs?
Visible light are the wavelengths that we perceive as ________.
What is the range of colors we can see?
From violet (380 nm) to red (750 nm).
Photons are _______ of light energy.
Each photon has a ________ fixed amount of energy.
Photons having the most energy travel on the _______ wavelength.
What are pigments?
Light absorbing molecules.
Pigments _________ some wavelengths and __________ others
absorb, transmit
Are the colors we see absorbed or transmited by pigments?
The colors we see are transmitted by pigments. We can see these colors because they are not absorbed.
In a pigment strucure, the light catching part of the molecule has ___________ single and double bonds.
The bonds in a pigment structure contain electrons that are capable of being moved to a higher energy state by _____________ _________.
absorbing light