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37 Cards in this Set

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Overordnede hukommelsesbegreber
- Declarativ (explicit)

- Nondeclaratic (implicit)
Hvad ligger under "Declarative memory"?
- Facts
- Events

-- Are conscious aware of
Hvad ligger under "Nondeclarative memory"?
- Skills and habits
- Priming
- Simple classical conditioning
- Nonassociative learning

-- Consciousness not needed
- Episodic memory

- Semantic memory
- memory of the personally experienced and remembered events

- general world knowledge
Repetition priming er?
- Det sker ubevidst (et ord vises) og næste gang det vises en en normal sammenhæng læses det HURTIGERE
Mnemonic device
an active, strategic learning device or method, a rehearsal strategy
Method of loci
there are two method of loci:
1. memorized physical locations
2. the mental images of the to-be-remembered items.
-- place thing to-be-remember together with what you want to remember
Peg word mnemonic
a prememorized set of words serves as a sequence of mental "pegs" onto which the to-be-remembered material can be "hung".
-- the peg words rely on ryhmes with the numbers one through ten, such as "One is a bun, two is a shoe"
Three mnemonic principles
1. it provides structure ofr learning, for acquiring the information
2. using visual images, rhymes, or other kinds of associations and the effort and rehearsal necessary to form them
3. guides you through retrieval by providing effective cues for recalling the information.
Ebbinghaus research relearning task + result
- a list is originally leraned, set aside for a period of time, then later relearned to the same criterion of accuracy.

-- SAVINGS SCORE: the reduction if any in the number of trails (or the time) necessary of relearning, compared to original learning

result: it took 10 trails to originally learn a list but only 6 for relearning, there was 40 % savings (4 fewer trails on relearning divided by the 10 original trails)
knowledge about (meta) one's own memory, how it works, and how it fails to work.
Knowledge about one's own cognitive system and its functioning.

- eg helpful on multiple choice exams - about when to change the answers
region of proximal learning
- studying information that is just beyond one's current knowledge and saving the more difficult material for later.
(reason: people are often poor judges of what they have and have not learned).
Hvad gør de også nemmere at huske ting
- isolation effect / Von Restorff effect:

improved memory of one piece of information that is distinct from the information around it, such as printing one word in a list in red ink or changing its size

Ved skade på hippcampus > ser ikke særpræg
- a deliberate recycling or practing of the contents of the short-term store.
Hjælper gentagen repetition?
- JA: the more frequently an item was rehearsed, the better it was retained across the distracting period.
De 2 former for gentagelse (rehearsal)
- Maintenance rehearsal:
(low-level, repititive information recycle - at terse > eks. med telefonnummer

- Elaborative rehearsal:
is a more complex rehearsal that uses the meaning of the information to help store and remember it. (forstå mening i dybden // more deeply)
Craik and lochart memory model?
- levels of processing / depth of processing:
information gets different amount of attention - some get a lot > process deeply, and other gets only a little bit of attention (when daydreaming etc)
Hvor der der bedst score ved - genkaldelse eller genkendelse?
- Genkendelse
og genkendelse er afgjort af "recollection" og "familiarity"
Hvad er generation effect, og hvad viser resultaterne af bruget af dette?
- information you generate or create yourself is better remembered compared to information you only heard or read
Hvad er "enactment effect"?
- shows improved memory for participant-performed tasks, relative to those that are not
-- resultater bekræfter dette

-- dual coding kan være forklaring (resultater for og imod)
Hvad forstår vi ved "organization"
- the structuring or restructuring of information as it is being stored in memory

-- resultater understøtter, og viser høj score når materiale er vel-struktureret
Hvad viser sig, når man lader folk fremkalde ting med "free recall"
- De deler selv (uden at blive bedt om det) ting ind i kategorier (siger eks. i denne række følge: dog, cat, cow)

- når folk lavede hirakisk organiseret systemer kunne de fleste opnå 100 % korrekt (side 227)
Subjective organization?
- organization developed by a person for structuring and remembering a list of items without experimenter-supplied categories

-- in other words, even "unreleated" words become orginazied through the mental activity of a person imposing an organization
Hvad forstår vi ved "visuel imagery"?

-- og herunder hører?
- the mental picturing of a stimulus that affects later recall or recognition

-- paired-associate learning:
to bogstaver vises i et sæt > the task is to leran the list so that the correct response item can be reproduced whenever the stimulus item is presented

-- dual coding hypothesis
states that words that denote concrete objects, as opposed to abstract words, can be encoded into memory twice, once in terms of their verbal attributes and once in terms of their imaginal attributes > book enjoys an advantage in memory - because it can be recorded twice, once as a word and once as a visual image
Spiller emotioner og ting med værdi for overlevelse en rolle i at huske ting?
- JA: mennesker husker som regel ting som er emotionelt intensive bedre end ting som skaber neutrale emotioner

- JA: forsøgsdeltagere skal vurdere ord - ord med høj overlevelses værdi blev husket bedre senere hen
Tusving og Thompson's Encoding specificity?
- each item is encoded into a richer memory representation, one that includes the context an item was in during encoding

-- result in test: hukommelse var bedre når stedet hvor ting blev indkodet og genkaldelses stedet var det samme.
Spiller "internal state" ind, og hvilke teorier er der herom?
- mood congruent learning:
the finding that it is easier to remember things if you are in the same emotional state now as you were when you originally learned the information.

- dependent learning:
is the finding that people are more likely to remember things when their physiological state at retrieval matches that at encoding.
- Hvad gør det svæere at genkalde information?

- Consolidation
- Decay and interference

- the more permanent establishment of memories in the neural architecture.
-- specielt søvn hjælper på "consolidation"
Hvad tænkes der på med "forgetting"

- herunder: tip-of-the-tongue
- mest det at man har svært ved at genkalde information, eller i en periode helt ikke kan, og IKKE at man har "mistet informationerne"

- : momentarily unable to recall information, often a person's name, that they know is stored in long-term memory
Hvem husker i forsøg mest?
- dem med "free recall" eller dem med "cues"?

Info i LTM er tilgængeligt, men hvad handler succesfuld genkaldese om?
- dem med cues! > de huskede 62 % og dem med
free recall huskede 40 %

- the degree to which information can be retrieved from memory
- Hjælper tests

- er cues altid godt
- JA: ekstra prøve giver erfaringen igen

- ***, men NEJ: Hvis der kun er cues til "en del" af det som skal huskes - huskes dem uden cues dårligere, end hvis ingen cues havde været til stede.
- is the loss of memory or memory abilities caused by brain damage or disease (caused by mental disruptions or brain injury and damage)
- Hvordan bestemmes graden af amnesi? og hvilke slags findes der?
- Ud fra tid:

- retrograde amnesia:
loss of memory for events before the brain injury (interfere backward in time)

- anterograde amnesia:
disruption of memory for events occurring after the brain injury, especially a disruption in acquiring new long-term memories.
- Disocciation?
- refers to a disruption in one component of the cognitive system but no impairment of another > process A is disrupted while B remains the same
- Double dissociated
- reciprocal patterns of cognitive disruption > both process A and process B are impaired
Skade i frontal region hos K.C. > hvilke evner mister personen

- er der forskel i hjerneaktivitet (og områder) under genkaldelse af epesodisk og semantisk hukommelse?

- Kan nogle ting stadig læres ved anterograde amnesia?
Mister: epesodisk hukommelse
Beholder: semantisk hukommelse

- JA! : studier tyder på, at der er høj aktivitet i de forskellige områder når:
epesodisk hukommelse skal genkendes (anterior regions) og
semantisk hukommelse (posterior (rear) regions of the brain

- JA!: motor skills, classical conditioning etc. > H.M bliver bedre og bedre til at tegne tegning, MEN: kan selvfølgelig ikke huske, at han har tegnet den