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125 Cards in this Set

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What do hormones during pregnancy promote in terms of breastfeeding?

They promote growth and branching of duct system & milk producing cells in preparation for lactation

What are the 2 key lactation hormones?

Prolactin and Oxytocin

What is the main function of prolactin?

milk production

What is the main function of oxytocin?

Cause mammary glands to eject milk into ducts

Is breastfeeding an instinct or learned behavior?


What are the difficulties of breastfeeding?

-Not "natural" experience

-Can take weeks to get adjusted

-Can be initially painful

What are major factors that influence the success of breastfeeding?

Your partner and adequate nutrition and rest.

Hormones contributing to breast development and lactation

How does the development of the mammary glands progress?

During puberty-system of ducts, lobes, alveoli develop

Pregnancy- system remains inactive, proliferates with ductal branching and lobular-alveolar development proceeding at a spectacular rate, yet in an orderly fashion

Physiology of Breast Tissue

Breast Tissue & Duct System

What % of mothers begin breastfeeding?


True or False: At three months there is a significant drop of breastfeeding mothers.


Where are the lobes of the breast tissue(adipose) located?

in between the fatty tissue

Why does the areola get dark?

When infant is born, has limited vision so they can see where to latch on better

What is the pathway of the milk?

Hormone → Alveoli →Alveolus → cluster of cells → milk production in cells → middle duct → nipple

What is lactogenesis?

milk production

What are the stages of Lactogenesis?

I →(birth to 2-5 days) milk formation begins

II→(begins 2-5 days after birth) increased blood flow to breast; milk "comes in"

III→(begins at about 10 day after birth) milk composition is stable

Do babies need a lot of milk right away?

NO about 1/2 oz maybe

What are the lactation hormones?

Prolactin and Oxytocin

How does prolactin and oxytocin function in lactation?

Prolactin- stimulates milk production, released in response to suckling, stress, sleep

Oxytocin - stimulates letdown, tingling of the breast may occur corresponding to contractions in milk duct, cause uterus to contract, seal blood vessels, & shrink in size (prepping for another pregnancy)

True or False: Breastfeeding actually helps a woman return to normal much faster.


Breastfeeding Cascade System and Hormones Involved

What is the cascade of breastfeeding to milk ejection?

Suckling→Hypothalmus→Post Pit→Oxytocin→contraction of myoepithelial cells surrounding alveoli→milk ejection

What is the cascade of breastfeeding to milk secretion?

Suckling→Hypothalmus→Anterior Pituataryuckling→Hypothalmus→Prolactinuckling→Hypothalmus→secreition by alveolar epithelial cells→milk secretion

Which pituitary glands go with what hormones?

Ant Pit- Prolactin

Post Pit - oxytocin

*simultaneously work together for it to occur

What is the Let Down Reflex for Lactation?

Suckling→Hypothalamus→prolactin and oxytocin released→Oxytocin promotes milk letdown→prolactin acts on the milk-producing glands to stimulate milk synthesis

Why is infant suckling important?

It causes the nerve receptors in the nipple to send signals to the hypthalamus which triggers the release of prolactin and oxytocin

What influences the taste of the breastmilk?

Whatever the flavor foods are in the mother's diet

When are the infants more interested in the breastmilk?

If the mother's milk flavor is new

How can new breastmilk flavors benefit the child?

Exposure to a variety of flavors may contribute to infant's interest and acceptance of new flavors in solid foods

What are some benefits of breastfeeding to the mom?

Hormonal benefits- increased oxytocin stimulates uterus to return to prepregnancy status

Physical benefits- Delay in monthly ovulation resulting in longer intervals between pregnancies(not reliable contraceptive measure)

Psychological Benefits- Increase self-confidence and bonding with infant

What are health benefits of breastfeeding for mom?

-Conserves iron stores(delay of menstruation)

-May protect against ovarian and breast cancer, reduce risk of type 2 diabetes

-Increases energy expenditure, contributing to weight loss (mom uses stored fat to make breast milk

What are benefits of Breastfeeding to the Infant?

-optimal nutrition

-balanced nutrients

-isosmotic human milk

-meets protein needs without overloading kidneys

-contains soft, easily digestible curd

-provides generous amounts of the right lipids(long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are present)

-enhanced availability of minerals

What are some health benefits of breastfeeding for an infant?

-Immunological benefits and lower infant mortality (infection protection)

-Fewer acute illnesses and reductions in chronic illnesses (reduce risk of celiac, IBS, leukemia, allergies and asthmatic disease)

What is a weight benefit of breastfeeding to the infant?

Typically breastfed infants are leaner at one year. With breastfeeding the child feeds at will. Formula sometimes child is overfed, maybe deters internal cures of self regulating appetite.

What are cognitive benefits of breastfeeding?

Increased cognitive ability, some studies suggest higher IQ among bf babies, better neurological development.

What are analgesic effects to bf baby?

Reduction of infant pain, also decreased need for medical care and lower medical costs

When does a babies need to learn to regulate their own intake begin?

Starts at breastfeeding

True or false: Formula can give antibodies like mother's milk

False, only breastmilk will have antibodies

What factors is milk synthesis related to?

-How vigorously an infant nurses

-How much time infant is at breast

-How many times per day infant nurses(10-12x a day when first born)

Can women make enough milk?

As long as nothing is wrong with breast tissue/alveoli/function

Does the size of the breast limit a woman's ability to nurse her infant?


What is a baby friendly hospital?

Give babies to mom right away, can bond and breastfeed. Encourage breastfeeding.

Is feeding frequency related to the amount of milk a woman makes?

Rate of milk synthesis is variable between breasts and between feedings

Can women breastfeed after breast reduction or augmentation?

Depends: Usually as long as duct system is intact and functional.

Does silicone from breast implants leach into the milk?

No evidence of direct toxicity to the infant

What is the best alternative to breastfeeding?

Pumping breast milk, milk has to be frozen right away

Can women pump or express enough milk?

Stimulating adequate milk may require 8-12 expressions a day

What are the different types of pumps that can be used?


-hand pumps

-commercial electric pumps

-hospital grade electric pumps-best

What are the benefits of an electric pump versus a hand or manual pump?

They are faster, can pump both breast simultaneously

True or False: In CA, by law, employers have to supply a place and time to pump breastmilk.


What does AAP reccommend in regards to breastfeeding?

AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommends exclusive bf for the first 6 months after birth, and bf in combo with solid foods until at least age 1

Why is breastmilk ideal?

-Breastmilk contains the right balance of nutrients for baby and boosts baby's immune system

-considered gold standard for infant nutrition

When should you give solid food?

When they can sit up and have good muscle control(in neck especially)

What is the colostrum?

The first milk secreted during the first few days postpartum, slightly yellow when milk comes in "dirty"(betacarotene-Vit A makes milk yellow)

What is unique about the colostrum?

It is very high in proteins such as secretory IgA & lactoferirin. Mild milk-highly protective against disease

Water in breastmilk

-major component in human milk

-isotonic with maternal plasma

Energy in breastmilk

-about 0.65 kcal/mL

-calories may vary with fat, protein and CHO composition

-Lower in calories than infant formula

Why is breastmilk high in fat?

Need fat in milenation of nerves, brain development

Why is cow's milk bad for baby?

20% protein, hurts infant's gut, too heavy protein level, infant can't support it.

Lipids in Human Milk

-provide 1/2 the calories of human milk(more fat in bm than infant formula, 55% vs. 49%)

What is the effect of maternal diet on fat composition?

-fatty acid profile reflects dietary intake of mother

-Very low fat diet w/ adequate CHO & protein, milk is high in medium-chain fatty acids

DHA(docosahexaenoic)-found in breastmilk

-Essential fatty acid

-For retinal development(eyes)

-associated with higher IQ scores

-Can be found in fatty fish, walnuts

Cholesterol in Human milk

-Higher in human milk than infant formula

-early consumption of cholesterol through breast milk appears to be related to lower blood cholesterol levels later in life(weight control, better ability to maintain appetite)

Total proteins in human milk

-lower than in whole cow's milk(.32 vs. .96 g/fl oz)

-Have antiviral & antimicrobial effects

Casein in human milk.

-Main protein in mature human milk

-facilitates calcium absorption

True or False: Infancy to 11 months the protein composition of the milk changes


Whey in Human Milk

-Soluble protein that precipitates by acid or enzyme

-some minerals, hormones & vitamin binding proteins are part of whey

-includes lactoferrin, an iron carrier

Non-protein in nitrogen in Human milk

-about 20-25% nitrogen in human milk

-used to make non-essential amino acids

Lactose in human milk

-dominant CHO

-enhances calcium absorption


-medium-length CHO(carbohydrate)

-Prevent binding pathogenic microorganisms to gut, which prevents infection & diarrhea

Fat Soluble Vitamins in Human Milk

Vitamin A - content in colostrum is double that of mature milk. Yellow color from beta-carotene

Vitamin D - Exclusively bf infants need supplements at 2 months, content reflective of mother's exposure to sun

Vitamin K - about 5% bf infants at risk for deficiency based on clotting factors, those who didn't get an injection at birth may be deficient

What is VKDB?

Vitamin K deficiency bleeding.

Why is a Vit. K shot important at birth?

Can be fatal, no blood clotting

What are some water soluble vitamins?

B6 & B12, content reflective of mother's diet or supplements. Vitamin most likely to be deficient is B6

Vitamin B12 and folate

-Bound to whey proteins

-Low B12 seen in women who:

Have hypothyroidism or pernicious anemia

Vegans or malnourished

Had gastric bypass

What deficiency can a B12 deficiency lead to?

Folate deficiency

Minerals contribute to osmolality

-Content related to growth of infant

-concentration decreases over first 4 months, except for magnesium

What is the bioavailability of minerals?

-Most have high bioavailability

-exclusively bf infants have very low risk of anemia despite low iron content of human milk

How can you prep the breast for breastfeeding?

Gentle massage, helps begin flow

IS positioning important in breastfeeding?


How should the breast be presented to the suckling infant?

Women can use their hand to shape and position the breast so the infant can easily latch

What are the 3 positions for breastfeeding?

Lay back hold, football hold, cross cuddle hold

Positioning during breastfeeding

What are the different infant reflexes?

Gag reflex - prevents infant from taking food and fluids into lungs

Oral search reflex - infant opens mouth wide when close to breast & thrusting tongue forward

Rooting reflex - infant turns to side when stimulated on that side(could be a sign baby is hungry)

What's a sign it is too late and a baby is VERY hungry?


What is hunger signaled by?

Infant bringing hands to mouth, sucking on them & moving head from side to side

What is the hindmilk?

Last bit of milk in breast, has high fat content that provides satiety, reason you should allow infant to nurse on one breast as long as they want

Feeding frequency:

-10-12 feedings/day are normal for newborns(small stomach)

-stomach emptying occurs in about 1 and 1/2 hours

-infant stomach capacity is small

-isosmatic formula is best for easy digestion

What is normal weight loss for newborns?

-about 7% of birthweight in 1st week

-weight loss of 10% needs evaluation by lactatin consultant

What are symptoms of malnourished infants?



-weak cry

-wet few diapers

What is the diaper expectations for newborn for first week?

By day 5-7, infants should have 6 wet diapers & 3-4 soiled diapers= about 10-12 diapers/day

Maternal Diet:Energy and Nutrient Needs for Lactation

-MyPlate Food guide, 1/2 plate veggies

-Energy needs vary by activity level

-Additional 500 kcal/day for 1st 6 months & +400kcal/day afterward (If woman overweight prior to pregnancy may be cut back)

-recommendation does vary for individual variation in energy needs

If mom isn't breastfeeding, does she need extra calories?

No, they already have fat stores from pregnancy

Protein-calorie Malnutrition results in what?

reduction in milk volume but NOT quality

Weight loss during breastfeeding:

-Caloric DRI assume a loss of 0.8 kg/month

-most women do not reach pre-pregnancy weight by 1 year after birth

-Modest or short term energy reductions do not decrease milk production

Why can't moms exercise at same level as prior to pregnancy?

-Baby to take care of

-Sleep deprived

-Body hasn't healed

What may help women lose weight & body fat?

Modest energy restriction combined with increased activity

Why must women be careful in exercising after pregnancy?

Joints loosen during pregnancy

Why is exercise beneficial to breastfeeding?

It promotes neurotransmitters, less risk of postpartum depression

Are vitamin and mineral supplements needed in well-nourished women?

no, if they are eating healthy balanced meal

How much fluids should you drink with bf?

Drink to thirst, need more liq. At least 10-12 eight oz cups

What is infant colic?

crying for more than 3 hr/day, no medical cause

Components of maternal diet may be related to infant colic:

Cow's milk, onions, cabbage, broccoli, & chocolate (science not clear)


American Academy of Pediatrics(AAP) and Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics(AND) recommend bf continue for at least 12 months, and thereafter as long as mom and baby desire.


US Surgeon General: Exclusively for 6 months, best to bf for 12 months


World Health Organization(WHO) recommends continued breastfeeding up to 2 years of age or beyond.

Breastfeeding Goals vs. Actual

Proportion ever bf(79.2-82%)

Exclusive bf at 6 months(18.8-25.5%)

Breastfeeding at 1 year(26.7%-34.1%)

(From year 2011ACTUAL, to our Healthy People 2020 GOALS)

Barriers to breastfeeding initiation


-time & social constraints

-lack of support from family & friends

-lack of confidence (self efficacy ability to think you can do it)

-concerns about diet & health

-fear of pain (engorgement and mastitis)

Lactation support in hospitals and birthing centers:

-Hospital practices can influence bf

-distribution of free formula samples is discouraged

-Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative in 1992

-UNICEF and WHO - Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding 2002

When should a pediatrician, nurse or other knowledgeable health care practitioner see all breastfed infants?

At 2-4 days of age

What is the Le Leche League?

Founded in 1956, international organization that provides education, info, support and encouragement to women who want to bf. Oldest non-profit lactation organization

What are some barriers of bf support at work?

-Lack of on-site day care

-insufficiently paid maternity leave

-rigid work schedules

-lack of understanding/knowledge by employers

-legislation support bf or pumping in workplace

What are some bf support barriers in the community?

-Lack of access to reliable & culturally appropriate sources of info and social support

-cultural perceptions of bottle feeding as norm

-aggressive marketing by formula companies

-laws that prohibit bf in public

What is the nestle infant formula scandal about?

Went into African community, low income. Problem: no clean water, many babies died. Internation code of Marketing was put out by WHO.

What is WIC?

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children.

What does WIC do?

-Serves 53% of all infant births in US

-Federally funded USDA nutrition program

-provides nutritious supplemental food package, education and breastfeeding support to low-income pregnant and postpartum women, infants and children up to age 5

-improvement in program makes huge impact

-provides supplemental package-very restricted, specialized

-covers:pregnant, bf mom, mom w/ child up to age of 5

-package tailored to meet needs iron level tests

-nutrition education

-breastfeeding support, can get a free pump

Is WIC a nationwide program?


Does WIC work?

-Improved birth outcomes containing health care costs.

Every $1 spent on prenatal WIC resulted in:

-longer pregnancies ( less lbw babies, less medical care required)

-greater likelihood of receiving prenatal care

-fewer premature births and infant deaths(connection hub)

-lower incidence of moderately low and very low birth weight infants - less babies in NICU

What are the savings in health care for WIC?

$1.77-$3.13 within first 60 days after birth

What is the impact of WIC around US?

-Higher mean intakes of Fe, Vit C, thiamin, niacin, and vit B6, without an increase in food energy intake, indicating an increase in the nutrient density of diet

-pos effects on intakes of ten nutrients without an adverse effect on fat or cholesterol

-decline in rate of iron deficiency anemia

What is a package like for no/some breastfeeding?

Some food for mom first 6 months then none 6-12 months. baby gets food 1-12 months.

What is a package for mostly breastfeeding?

Mom gets good food supply and baby get same amount of rice cereal and formula.

What does the fully breastfeeding package get?

Mom gets ton of food, baby gets a ton of food starting at 6 months.