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29 Cards in this Set

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data type

defines a collection of data values and a set of predefined operations on those values


collection of the attributes of a variable

in implementation it is an area of memory that stores attributes of a variable

what are the four memory pools



explicit heap dynamic

implicit heap dynamic

What is the lifetime for variables stored in the static/global memory pool?

the length of the program

what are the five parameter passing techniques discussed in class

by reference

by value

by name

by result

by value/result

how does passing by reference work?

Pass the memory location to a function as a parameter so the actual value of thevariable pointing to that memory location can be modified

how does passing by value work?

input type of passing; supply a value by making a copying the value of a variable, nochanges are made to the original variable.

how does passing by name work?

Name: function code replaces an argument name with predetermined text

macros (#define)

how does passing by result work?

A function is supplied a variable it can copy data into

how does passing by value result work

computation done is done in a function and the new value gets copied back out

what are the three types of subprogram abstraction?




widening conversion

no issues with int to float

narrowing conversion

issues with int to float

What are two ways to deal with dangling pointers

tombstones and lock & key

how does tomb stone work?

after deallocation it sets the tombstone pointer to null

how does lock and key work?

set keys to a special illegal value upon deallocation

what are the two type conversions

explicit and implicit

what are two type compatability

arguments -> parameters

operators and operands

how do you do explicit conversions?

through casting

how do you do implicit conversions

through coercion

what is a scalar type

values that can be ordered

what is an ordinal type

values that have one unique predecessor and successor

what is aliasing

when two variables reference the same address

What is binding

the association between attribute and entity

what is binding time

when the association between attribute and an entity take place

what is a variables scope

the range of statements in which a variable can be referenced

what is lifetime

how long a variable exists in memory

activation record contains

Local Variables

Parameter Values

Dynamic Link

Return Address

Function calls within functions

Dynamic Link

Base of Activation Record of calling routine.

Where does it start?