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79 Cards in this Set

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operant beavhior

Behaviors that are influenced by their consequences

operant conditioning

The effects of those consequences upon behavior. called this because the response operates on the environment to produce a conseqence

Operant conditioning is aka

instrumental conditioning

operant behaviors are influenced by their


Elicited behavior is a function of what _____ it


operant behavior is a function of what ____ it


Who was the first to experiment in operant conditioning?


Thorndike was famous for

puzzle box

law of effect

behaviors leading to a satisfying state of affairs are strengthened or "stamped in" Behaviors unsatisfying or annoying are "stamped out"

Skinner produced one of the best-known apparatuses in experimental psychology known as the ___________

skinner box

Skinners procedure is known as the __ because the rat freely responds with a particular behavior


Thorndike's cats learned to solve the puzzle box problem ________


Based on his research with cats, Thorndike formulated his famous ________ which states that behaviors that lead to a satisfying state of affairs are strengthened, while behaviors that lead to an unsatisfying state of affairs are weakened.

law of effect

According to Thorndike, behaviors that worked were ________ while behaviors that did not work were __________-

stamped in; stamped out

The operant conditioning process can be conceptualized as involving three components:

1. a response that produces a certain consequence

2. the consequence that serves to either increase or decrease the probability of the response that preceded it

3. a dsicriminative stimulus that precedes the response and signals that a certain consequence is now available.

operant behavior

is a class of emitted responses that result in a certain consequences; these consequences in turn, affect the future probability or strength of those responses.

operant behaviors are technically said to be ______________

elicited by the organism

operant behaviors appears to have more ________ _________ quality to it compared to elicited behavior, which is generally more reflexive and automatic.

voluntary; flexible

operant behavior is usually defined as a _____ _____ with all the responses in that _____ capable of producing the consequence.

class of responses

Skinners definition of operant conditioning differs from Thorndikes law of effect in that it views consequences in terms of their effect upon the strength of behavior rather than whether they are _________ or __________

satisfying or annoying

Operant conditioning is similar to the principle of natural selection in that an individuals behaviors that are _________ tend to increase in frequency, while behaviors that are ___________ tend to decrease in frequency


Classically conditioned behaviors are said to be _______ by the stimulus, while operant behaviors are said to be _______ by the organism

elicited; emitted

The second component of an operant conditioning procedure is the consequence that either ________ or __________ the frequency of a behavior

increases( strengthen); decreases (weakens)

Consequences that strengthen a behavior are called _______

Reinforcer; it follows that behavior and the future probability of that behavior increases


it follows a behavior, and the future probability of that behavior decreases

Strengthening a roomates tendency toward cleanliness by thanking her when she cleans the bathroom is an example of ______ , while the thanks itself is a ________

reinforcement; reinforcer

Eliminating a dogs tendency to jump up on visitors by scolding her when she does so is an example of _______, while the scolding itself is a _________

punishment; punisher

Reinforcers and punishers are defined entirely by their _________ on behavior. For this reason the term reinforcer is often preferred to the term ___ because the latter is too closely associated with events that are commonly regarded as peasant or desirable.

effect; reward

When Moe stuck his finger in a light socket, he received an electric shock. as the result, he now sticks his finger in the light socket as often as possible. By definition the electric shock was a _______ because the behavior it followed has _______ in frequency

Reinforcer; increased

Each time Edna talked out in class, her teacher immediately came over and gave her a hug. As a redsult, Edna no longer talks out in class. By definition, the hug is a _________ because the behavior it follows has ______ in frequency

punisher, decreased

When we give a dog a treat for fetching a toy, are we attempting to reinforce:

(a) the behavior of fetching the toy

(B) the dog that fetched the toy

the behavior of fetching the toy

Weakening a behavior through the withdrawal of reinforcement for that behavior is known as ___________


Clayton stopped plugging in the toaster afer he received an electric shock while doing so. This is an example of __________


Manzar stopped using the toaster after it no longer made good toast. This is an example of __________


Three-term contingency

The discriminative stimulus, operant behavior, and the reinforcer or punisher

discriminative stimulus

a stimulus that signals that a response will be punished (S dp)

a water bottle signals that meowing will result in being sprayed with water. The water bottle is the _____

Discriminative stimulus

discriminative stimulus for extinction

stimulus that signals the absence of reinforcement.

Operant conditioning procedure usually consists of three comonents

discrimative stimlus, operant response, conseqence

a discriminative stimulus is said to ____________ for the behavior, meaning that its presence makes the response _____- likely to occur

set the occasion; more

The three-term contingency can also be thought of as the ABC sequence, where

A- antecedent event

B- behavior

C- consequence

Another way of thinking about the three-term contingency is that you ________ something ___ something, and ______ something

notice, do, get

A stimulus in the presence of which a response is punished is called a ___________ for __________. it can be given the symbol ____

discrimative stimulus; punishment; Sp

4 basic types of contingencies

1) positive reinforcement

2) negative reinforcement

3) positive punishment

4) negative punishment

When combined with the words reinforcement or punishment, the word ______ means only that the behavior is followed by the presentation or addition of something.


The event of a positive reinforcement or punishment can be either

pleasant (receiving compliment) unpleasant (getting yelled at)

The word positive, when combined with the words reinforcement or punishment, means only that the behavior is followed by the _________ of something.


When combined with the words reinforcement or punishment, the word negative means only that the behavior is followed by the ________ of something.


The word positive, when combined with the words reinforcement or punishment _______ mean the consequence is good or pleasent

does not

Within the context of reinforcement and punishment, positive refers to the _____ of something, and negative refers to the _______ of something

addition; subtraction

Reinforcement is related to a _______ in behavior, whereas punishment is related to a _________ in behavior

increase; decrease

Positive reinforcement:

consists of the presentation of a stimulus following a response, which then leads to an increase in the future strength of that response.

Negative reinforcement:

is the removal of a stimulus following a response, which then leads to an increase in the future strength of that response

Escape behavior:

results in the termination (stopping) of an aversive stimulus. (ex: taking asprin stops a headache)

avoidance behavior

occurs before the aversive stimulus is presented therefore prevents its delivery. ex: umbrella were opened before stepping out into the rain, the person would avoid getting rained on.

Negative reinforcement involves two types of behavior:

escape behavior; avoidance behavior

When you reached toward the dog, he nipped at your hand. You quickly pulled your hand back. as a result, he now nips at your hand whenever you reach toward him. The consequence for the dogs behavior of nipping consisted of the ______- of a stimulus and his behavior of nipping subsequently ___________ this is an example of ______________

removal; increased; negative reinforcement

when the dog sat at your feet and whined during breakfast one morning, you fed him. As a result, he sat at your feet and whined during breakfast the next morning. The consequence for the dogs whining consisted of the _________- of a stimulus, and his behavior of whining subsequently _______--- this is an example of __________

presentation; increased, positive reinforcement

positive punishement

consists of the presentation of a stimulus following a response, which then leads to a decrease in the future strength of that response.

Negative punishement

consists of the removal of a stimulus following a response, which then leads to a decrease in the future strength of that response.

When sasha was teasing the dog, it bit her. as a result, she no longer teases the dog. The consequence for sashas behavior of teasing the dog was the ________ of a stimulus, and the teasing behavior subsequently _______--- this is an example of:

presentation; decreased; positive punishment

Whenever Sasha pulled the dogs tail, the dog left and went into another room. as a result, sasha now pulls the dogs tail less often when it is around. the consequence for pulling the dogs tail was the _______- of a stimulus, and the behavior of pulling the dogs tail subsequently _______- in frequency, this is an example of __________

removal; decreased; negative punishment

in general the more _ _______ the reinforcer, the stronger its effect on the behavior.


It is sometimes difficult for students to study in that the reinforcers for studying are _________ and therefore ________, whereas the reinforcers for alternative activities are _______ and therefore ________-

delayed; weak

immediate; strong

It has been suggested hat delayed reinforcers ______ function in the same manner as immediate reinforcers.

do not

primary reinforcer

aka unconditioned reinforcer: those things we are born to like rather than learn to like. ex: food, water, proper temperature

Secondary reinforcer

conditioned reinforcer: is an event that is reinforcing because it has been associated with some other reinforcer. events that we have learned to like because they have become associated with other things that we like.

generalized reinforcer

type of secondary reinforcer that has been associated with several other reinforcers. for example; money is a powerful generalized reinforcer for humans because it is associated with an almost unlimited array of other reinforcers.

Events that are innately reinforcing are called ___________

primary reinforcers.

Events that become reinforcers through their association ith other reinforcers are called _______

secondary reinforcers

Honey is for most people an example of _____-

primary reinforcer

a coupon that is used to purchase honey is an example of

secondary reinforcer

A ___ that has been associated with an appetitive ______ can serve as a secondary reinforcer for an operant response


a generalized reinforcer is a secondary reinforcer that has been associated with

many other reinforcers

Two generalized secondary reinforcers that have strong effect on human behavior are

money; attention

intrinsic reinforcement

reinforcement provided by the mere act of performing the behavior

Extrinsic reinforcement

is the reinforcement provided by some consequence that is external to the behavior (example: paid to do so)


gradual creation of new operant behavior through reinforcement of successive approximations to that behavior

a discriminative stimulus is a stimulus that signals that a ______ is available
