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20 Cards in this Set

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From the functionalist perspective, the media can be dysfunctional in what way?

They desensitize us to events

Sociologist Robert Park studied how newspapers helped immigrants to the United States adjust to their customary habits and by teaching them the opinions held by people in their new home country. His study was conducted from which sociological perspective?

the functionalist perspective

There are problems inherent in the socialization function of the mass media. For example, many people worry about

-the effect of using the television as a babysitter

-the impact off violent programming on viewer behavior

Media advertising has several clear functions, but it also has dysfunctions. Sociologists are concerned that

- It creates unrealistic expectations of what is required to be happy

-it creates new consumer needs

-advertisers are able to influence media content

Gatekeeping, the process by which a relatively small number of people control what material reaches an audience, is largely dominant in all but which of the following media

the internet

Which sociological perspective is especially concerned with the media's ability to decide what gets transmitted through gatekeeping?

the conflict perspective

Which of the following is not a problem feminist theorists see with media coverage?

The increasing frequency of single moms in the media is providing a negative role model for women

Which of the following is not true concerning how men and women use the internet?

Men account for 100 percent of players in online sports fantasy leaugues

Sociologist Paul Lazarsfeld and his colleagues pioneers the study of

opinion leaders

In his study of how the social composition of audience members affected how they interpret the news coverage of riots in Los Angeles in 1992, sociologist Darnell Hunt found what kind of differences in perception?


The mass media increase social cohesion by presenting a more or less standardized, common view of culture through mass communication. This statement reflects the_____________ perspective


Paul Lazarsfeld and Robert Merton created the term ___________ ___________ to refers to the phenomenon in which the media provides such massive amounts of information that the audience becomes numb and generally fails to act on the information, regardless of how compelling the issue.

narcotizing dysfunction

________ ________ is the term used to describe the set of culture beliefs and practices that helps that helps to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests.

Dominant ideology

Sociologists blame the mass media for the creation and perpetuation of ___________, or generalization about all members of a group that do not recognize individual differences within the group.


The ________ perspective contends that television distorts the political process


We risk being ____________ if we over stress U.S dominance and assume that other nations do not play a role in media culture exports


Both ________ and ________ theorists are troubled that the victims depicted in violent imagery are often those who are given less respect in real life: women, children, the poor, racial minorities, citizens of foreign countries, and even the physically disabled

conflict; feminist

The ______________ perspective examines the media on the media on the micro level to see how they shape day-to-day social behavior


From a sociological point of view, the current controversy over privacy and media censorship illustrates the concepts of _______ ___

culture lag

Nearly 50 years ago, Canadian media theorist ________ _______ predicted that the rise of the electronic media would create a "global value"

Marshall McLahun