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50 Cards in this Set

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An external rotation places the proximal humerus in a ...... position
true AP
A neutral rotation places the proximal humerus in a ...... position
Identify the location of the lesser tubercle in a true AP position
Name the 2 bones of the shoulder girdle
clavicle and scapula
name and identify the 3 main parts of the clavicle
acromial extremity
sternal extremity
what is the difference in size and shape b/w males and females clavicles
female clavicles are shorter and less curved
name the articulation between the humeral head and the scapula
glenoid cavity/ scapulohumeral joint
Name the fossa that articulates with the humeral head
glenoid cavity (fossa)
Name the areas of the anterior, posterior, and lateral scapula
Acromion, Corocoid process, Scapular notch, Superior angle, Body, Inferior angle, Costal surface, Neck, Lateral angle, Glenoid cavity
Name the angles and border of the scapula
lateral angle, superior inferior angles, medial border, superior border, lateral border
Hand placement for an external rotation of the shoulder
supination of hand
Hand placement for an internal rotation of the shoulder
pronated hand
hand placement for a neutral rotation of the shoulder
palm facing inward
the greater tubercle is seen in profile in which rotation
external rotation
The lesser tubercle is seen in profile in which rotation
internal rotation
Avg adult kVp range
Higher..... with ..... exposure times
mA / short
.....AEC cell
Minimum ...... inches SID; except use..... inch SID for ..... joints
40 / 72 / AC joints
Shielding is
Close ..... required due to proximity to thyroid, lungs, and breast
What rotations allows for humeral epicondyles angled 45 degrees to image receptor
neutral rotation
What rotation allows for epicondyles perpendicular to IR
Internal rotation
Supination of the hand is what rotation
External rotation
Palm of hand against thigh is what rotation
neutral rotation
Epicondyles parallel to IR is what rotation
External rotation
Greater tubercle profiled laterally is what rotation
lesser tubercle profiled medially is what rotation
internal rotation
proximal humerus in a lateral position is what rotation
external rotation
proximal humerus in position for an anteroposterior (AP) projection
external rotation
t/f The use of a grid is not required for shoulders that measure less than 10cm
t/f the kV range for adult shoulder projections is between 80 and 90 kV
t/f low mA with short exposure times should be used for adult shoulder studies
t/f large focal spot setting should be selected for most adult should studies
t/f a high-speed screen-IR system is recommended for shoulder studies when using a grid
t/f a 72 inch SID is recommended for most shoulder girdle studies
t/f the use of contact shields over the breast, lung, and thyroid regions is recommended for most shoulder projections.
What is the kV range that should be used for the shoulder series on an average adult.
if physical immobilization is required, who should be asked to restrain a child for a shoulder series
parent or gaurdian
t/f CT arthrography of the shoulder joint requires the use of iodinated contrast media injected into the joint space
t/f MRIk is an excellent modality for demonstrating nondisplaced fractures of the shoulder girdle
t/f nuclear medicine bone scans can demonstrate signs of osteomyelitis and cellulitis
t/f radiography is more sensitive than nuclear medicine for demonstrating physiologic aspects of the shoulder girdle.
t/f ultrasound can provide a functional evaluation of joint movement that MRI cannot
which pathologic indication requires a decrease in manual exposure factors?
a. impingement syndrome
b. bursitis
c. bankart lesion
d. osteoporosis
which two basic shoulder projections are routinely taken for a shoulder and proximal humerus
AP internal rotation/ AP external rotation
Where is the CR placed for an AP projection of the shoulder?
scapulohumeral joint
Which lateral projection can be performed to demonstrate the entire humerus for a patient with a midhumeral fracture?
To best demonstrate a possible Hill-Sachs defect, which additional positioning technique can be added to the inferosuperior axial projection?
rotate affected arm externally 45 degrees
What type of CR angulation is required for the inferosuprerior axial projection for the shoulder?
25-30 degrees medially