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47 Cards in this Set

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An activity or process of gaining knowledge or skills by studying, practising, being taught, or experiencing something

Employee Development

The combination of formal education, job experiences, relationships, and assessment of personality and abilities to help employees prepare for the future of their careers

Instructional Design

A process of systematically developing training to meet specified needs

Learning Management System (LMS)

A computer application that automates the administration, development, and delivery of training and development programs

Needs Assessment

The process of evaluating the Organization, individual employees, and employees' tasks to determine what kinds of training, if any, are necessary

Organization Analysis

A process for determining the appropriateness of training by evaluating the characteristics of the Organization

Person Analysis

A process for determining individuals' needs and readiness for learning

Task Analysis

The process of identifying the tasks, knowledge, skills, and behaviors that training should emphasize

Readiness for Learning

A combination of employee characteristics and positive work environment that permit learning

Communities Of Practise

Groups of employees who work together, learn from each other, and develop a common understanding of how to get work accomplished


Receiving training via the Internet or the Organization's intranet

Electronic Performance support systems (EPSSs)

Computer application that provides access to skill training, information, and expert advice as needed

On-the-job training (OJT)

Training methods in which a person with job experience and skill guides trainees in practising job skills at the workplace


A work study training method that teaches job skills through a combination of on-the-job training and classroom training


On-the-job learning sponsored by an education institution as a component of an academic program

Cooperative education

A plan of higher education that incorporates paid work experience as an integral part of academic studies


A training method that represents a real life situation, with learners making decisions resulting in outcomes that mirror what would happen on the job.


Computer depiction of trainees, which the trainees manipulate in an online role-play

Virtual reality

A computer-based technology that provides an interactive, three-dimensional learning experience

Experiential programs

Training programs in which participants learn concepts and apply them by simulating behaviors involved and analyzing the activity, connecting it with real-life situations

Adventure learning

A teamwork and leadership training program based on the use of challenging, structured physical activities


Team training in which team members understand and practice each other's skills so that they are prepared to step in and take another member's place

Coordinate training

Team training that teaches the team how to share information and make decisions to obtain the best team performance

Team leader training

Training in the skills necessary for effectively leading the Organization's teams

Action learning

Training in which teams get an actual problem, work on solving it, commit to an action plan, and are accountable for carrying it out


The difficulty level of written materials

Transfer of learning

On-the-job use of knowledge, skills, and behaviors learned in training


Training designed to prepare employees to perform their jobs effectively, learn about their Organization, and establish work relationships

Diversity training

Training designed to change employee attitudes about diversity and/or develop skills needed to work with a diverse workforce

Protean career

A career that frequently changes based on changes in the person's interests, abilities, and values, and in the work environment


Collecting information and providing feedback to employees about their behavior, communication style, or skills

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Psychological test that identifies individuals' preferences for source of energy, means of information gathering, way of decision making, and lifestyle, providing Information for team building and leadership development

Leaderless Group discussion

An assessment centre exercise in which a team of five to seven employees is assigned a problem and must work together to solve it within a certain time period


A measurement tool that gathers ratings of a manager's use of skills associated with success in managing

Job experience

The combination of relationships, problems, demands, tasks, and other features of am employee's job


Assignment of an employee to a position in a different area of the company, usually in a lateral move

Downward move

Assignment of an employee to a position with leas responsibility and authority


Assignment of an employee to a position with greater challenges, more responsibility, and more authority than in the previous job, usually accompanied by a pay increase


Employee development through a full time temporary position at another Organization


A leave of absence from a Organization to renew or develop skills


An experienced, productive senior employee who helps develop a less experienced employee (a potègè or mentee)

Reverse Mentoring

Pairing of a younger, junior employee acting as mentor to share expertise with an older senior colleague, the mentee


A peer or manager who works with an employee to provide a source of motivation, help him or her develop skills, and provide reinforcement and feedback


The use of information by employees to determine their career Interests, values, aptitudes, behavioral tendencies, and development needs


Information employers give employees about skills and knowledge and whereas these assets fit into the Organization's plans

Career paths

The identified pattern or progression of job or roles within an Organization

Glass ceiling

Circumstances resembling an invisible barrier that keep most women and other members of the employment equity groups from attaining the top jobs in organizations