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38 Cards in this Set

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Adipose tissue

Loose connective tissue dominated by fat cells.

Areolar tissue

Loose connective tissue that lies beneath almost all epithelia.

Articular cartilage

Hyaline cartilage found at ends of bones in movable joints.


Cartilage forming cells

Columnar epithelium

Epithelial tissue composed of cells having a tall, columnar shape.

Connective tissue

The most widespread, and the most varied, of all the tissues; serves to connect the body together and to support, bind, or protect organs.

Cuboidal epithelium

Epithelial tissue consisting of cells having a cube like shape.

Elastic cartilage

Provides flexible support to external ear and epiglottis.

Endocrine gland

A gland that secretes its product, called a hormone, directly into the bloodstream.


The layer of cells forming the epidermis of the skin and the surface layer of mucous and serous membranes.

exocrine gland

A gland that secretes its product into a duct, which then empties onto a body surface or inside a body cavity.


sheet of dense connective tissue that binds organs and muscles.


cells that secrete collagen, which forms scar tissue inside a wound.


the strongest cartilage; forms the discs between vertebrae.


The repair and replacement of damaged tissue with connective , mainly collagen.


Bacterially-infected necrotic tissue.


A collection of epithelial cells that specializes in secretion of a particular substance.

glandular epithelium

type of epithelium consisting of glands that secrete a particular substance.

Goblet cell

Modified columnar cell containing secretory vesicles that produce large quantities of mucus.

Granulation tissue

Newly formed tissue inside a wound.

Hyaline Cartilage

The most common type of cartilage; found in joints, larynx, and trachea.


Dense, cord like connective tissue that binds bones to bones.

Metabolic syndrome

A cluster of conditions that include increased blood pressure, elevated blood glugose, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels.

Mucous membrane

Epithelial membrane that lines body surfaces that open directly to the bodys exterior.

Muscle tissue

Tissue consisting of contractile cells or fibers that effect movement of an organ or body part.


Irrevesible cell injury and death in tissues and organs.

Nervous tissue

Tissue with a high degree of excitability and conductivity that makes up the nervous system.

Osseous tissue

Bone tissue


bone forming cells


the liquid matrix of blood.


Type of tissue repair that involves damaged tissue cells being replaced with the same type of cells; results in functional new tissue.

Reticular tissue

tissue consisting of a loose network of reticular fibers and cells; forms the framework of the spleen,lymph nodes, and bone marrow.


loss of muscle mass, strength, and function due to aging.

Serous membrane

Membrane composed of simple squamous epithelium resting on a thin layer of areolar connective tissue; lines some of the closed body cavities and also covers many of the organs in those cavities.

Squamous epitheilum

epithelial tissue consisting of thin, flat cells.

Stem cell

specialized cell that can differentiate into many different types of cells.


Dense, cord like connective tissue that attaches muscles to bones.


Groups of similar cells that perform a common function.