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14 Cards in this Set

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internal respository of stored information
long term memory
information that is acquired in the course of an experience and that persists so that it can be retrieved long after the experience is past.
declarative memory
consists of episodic and semantic memory, can be conciously recalled, both depend on the medial temporal lobes
episodic memory
memory of events in our own personal past
semantic memory
more generic memory, general knowledge about things in the world and their meaning.
non declarative memory, implicity memory
nonconscious forms of ltm tha are expressed as a change in behavior without any conscious recollection
patient h.m.
cannot form new memories, removed his medial temporal lobes, removing the hippocampus, amygdala. can remember things prior to the surgery but has not been able to form a declarative memory since. can form new motor skills, nondeclarative memories
anterograde amnesia
the inability consciously to remmeber information encountered after brain damage
retrograde amnesia
the forgetting of events that occured before the damge to the brain
three stages of memory processing
encoding, consolidation/storage, retrieval
various processes by which information is transformed into a memory representation
levels of processing
there are various aspects of any given stimulus that can be attended and processed. elaborating or exploring mulitple aspects of new information
incidental learning
non intential learning, happens as a result of performing a task.
a process that modifies representations such that they become more stble over time and ultimately exist independently of the medial temporal lobes