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34 Cards in this Set

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John Locke
English Philosopher who developed the theory of natural rights.
Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom
Stated the human was created free and that government control over religion was tyrannical
Judith Sargent Murray
One of the first female playwrights in the United States. She began to redefine the ideal of motherhood.
Republican Motherhood
they proposed that American women could influence politics and society through their work in the home.
Benjamin Franklin
An early supporter of a confederation of states was American's elder statesman
Articles of Confederation
A confederation, or associations, of states while guaranteeing each state its "sovereignty, freedom, and independence."
Land Ordinance of 1785
The ordinance marked off the land into townships and divided each township into 640 acre tracts.
Northwest Ordinance
established a system for governing the Lakes and west of Pennsylvania to the Mississippi River.
a sharp drop in business activity accompanied by rising unemployment.
Daniel Shays
a former Revolutionary War captain, angry farmers took up arms against the government.
Shay's Rebellion
Angry farmers took up arms against the government.
Constitutional Convention
A meeting to strengthen the government.
James Madison
He was one of the people who served as a delegate to the Continental Congress.
Edmund Randolph
He triggered a heated debate when he presented the Virginia Plan.
Virginia Plan
A proposal to restructure the government was a bold departure from the Articles of Confederation.
The division of powers between a strong central government and the state governments.
Made up of two houses.
Roger Sherman
He proposed a two-house legislature that would allot for both equal representation and representation based on population
Great Compromise
It granted each state, regardless of size, an equal voice in the upper house. In the lower house, representation would be according to population.
Three-Fifths Compromise
Only three fifths of a state's population would count in determining its representation.
Taxes on imports and exports, overseas buyers would have to pay more for southern agricultural products.
Favored ratification.
They feared a powerful national government.
The Federalist
Known as the Federalist Papers.
Delegated powers
The rights to coin money, to regulate trade with foreign nations and among the stats and to raise and support an army and navy
Reserved powers
All powers not specifically granted to the federal government or denied to the states are kept, or reserved, by the states.
Concurrent powers
The powers that are held jointly by the federal governments and state governments.
Supremacy clause
Ranks the U.S. Constitution and all federal laws above state constitutions and state laws.
Separation of powers
Prevents any one branch from becoming too powerful.
Checks and balances
Gives each branch the means to restrain the powers of the other two.
The most powerful restriction on presidential authority. The House of Representatives may impeach, or charge, a president who is thought to be guilty of "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."
Reject bills passed by Congress
Overrule, a presidential veto, the two-thirds majority necessary to do so is often difficult to obtain.
Elastic clause
Increased the document's flexibility.