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25 Cards in this Set

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Generally speaking, what are sudoriferous glands?
They are sweat glands. 25,000,000 of them in the body
What are the 2 types of sudoriferous glands?
1) Eccrine glands,merocrine,perform exocytosis 2)Apocrine glands in axillary & anogenital, fatty-protein food for bacteria. Bact. excretes an odor
What is sweat?
A blood filtrate, blood vessels leaking out fluids into the gland, 99% water, salt, vitamin C, metabolic wastes, lactic acid,antibodies,& Dermacidin
What is the function or purpose of sweat?
1) Antibacterial because bacteria don't like environ. that is too salty or acidic, 2) A Coolant for the body. Energy is lost & body is cooled.
What are the 2 modified sudoriferous glands?
1) Ceruminous gland:secretes cerumen,in ear canal,odorous to insects; repellent.2)Mammarygland: induced hormonally to produce milk
What is the skin appendage called the sebaceous gland and its distinctions?
Next to hair follicle, extretions(lipids & cell fragments called sebum) released on hair:cytolysis,(a holocrine gland), shinyhair,acidic,antibacterial,
What are the terms used for blocked or infected-inflamed sebaceous glands?
A blocked seb. gland is a white head. Dried out blocked gland: blackhead. Inflamed/ infected w/S. Aureus is Acne. pus is dead wbc, leftover army
From deepest layers to superficial what are the structures.
Phalnx:bone of fingertip,dermis& hypodermis,nail matrix-nlbed, root of nail-body-to free edge,undrneath: hyponychium,proximalnl fold-eponyn
What are the characteristics of nails?
Scale-like modifications of epid-highly keratinized, on dorsal surf.-distal end of finger, prod. by high mitotic cells-n-matrix, rapid, toughens fingers.
What are the purposes for hair?
Hair: another append. not in palms & feet, protcts from insects, eyebrows shade from light, prevent sweat in eye, eylash prevent dust in eye.
What are the 8 structure parts/functions of the hair?
Pg 161
Where is the color placed in the hair?
Into the cortex, not the medula.
What are the types of injury?
Partial thick. wnd:epidermis, no bld vess involved, replaces self,noscar. Full thickness wound:dermis cuts blood vessels, not heald/reg/but fibros
3 stages of tissue repair in full thickness.
Inflammatory stage, Proliferation stage, Remodeling
What is inolved in the inflammatory stage of tissue repair
1)Hemostasis:(vasosconstriction & platelet aggregation) & 2)Inflammation(vasodilation, recruitment, vessel permeability)
What is hemostasis?
Blood stability constricts, stops blood flow called vasoconstriction
What is platelet aggregation?
Blood clotting
What is vasodilation?
Inflammation part of inflammatory stage: non-cut vessels and capillaries swell (lumen expands) and leak induced by mast and macrophage
What is recruitment?
What 2 things does phagocytosis do?
Kill invading bacteria-antibacterial
and Wound debridement: gets rid of dead material cleans up or eats dead parts.
What 3 stages are involved in the 2day to 3weeks of the Proliferation stage of tissue repair?
Granulation, Contraction, Epithelization
What is involved in the Granulation part of the proliferative stage of tissue repair.
Granulation occurs when 2 things happen:1) new vessels, new blood growth: angiogenesis, 2) fibroblast growth-making collagen
What is involved in the Contraction part of the proliferative stage of tissue repair.
Contraction is when collagen fibers pull the wound together. Fibroblasts lay down collagen fibers.
What is involved in the Epithelization part of the proliferative stage of tissue repair.
Building new Epithelium
What is the 3rd stage of Tissue Repair
Remodeling: which is continue building of scar tissue, so it's white in color, has 80% strength of the original tissue, and takes 3weeks to 2years.