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37 Cards in this Set

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sensory memory
holds a large amount of perceptual inpput for a very brief time, typically less then one second
short term memory
memory that holds relatively little information (5-9 items) for as long as 30 seconds
long term memory
memory store that holds a huge amount of information for a long time. (hours, years)
a type of mental representation, an internal "representation" of a stimulus or event.
verbal code
verbal description of visual
visual code
visualization of verbal description
process of converting information stored dynamically in LTM, into structural change in the brain
-hippocampus involved
primary effect
increased memory for the first few stimuli, reflecting storage information on the LTM
recency effect
increased memory for the last few stimuli in a set, reflecting storage on the STM
Unconditioned Stimulus
A stimulus that elicits an automatic response, without requiring prior learning
ex- food.
conditioned response
A response that depends, or that is conditional on pairing of the conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus; once learned, the conditioned response occurs when the conditioned stimulus is presented alone.
conditioned stimulus
An originally neutral stimulus that acquires significance through pairings with an unconditioned stimulus
ex- tone
unconditioned response
the reflexive response elicited by a particular stimulus
ex salavation
in classical conditioning, the initial learning of the conditioned response. (obtaining the imposed/direct behavior)
“unpairing” of the Conditioned Stimulus and the Unconditioned Stimulus.
spontaneous recovery
The process of extinction is achieved by repeatedly giving the conditioned stimulus (tone) without the unconditioned stimulus (food)
Operant conditioning
Process by which behavior becomes associated with its consequences. Includes voluntary behavior such as generalization, discrimination, and extinction. Includes Stimulus, response, and consequence.
Classical conditioning
A type of learning that occurs when neutral stimulus becomes paired (associated) with a stimulus that causes a reflexive behavior and, in time, is sufficient enough to produce that behavior
decrease the likelihood that a certain behavior will occur.
increase likelihood that a certain behavior will occur.
Positive Reinforcement
Occurs when a desired reinforcer is presented after a behavior, thereby increasing the likelihood of a recurrence of that behavior. (reinforcer is given after good behavior)
Negative Reinforcement
Occurs when an unpleasant event or circumstance is removed, thereby increasing the likelihood of a recurrence of the behavior. (bad event or action that was given prior to behavior is removed, in hope of continuous behavior)
Negative Punishment
Occurs when a behavior leads to the removal of a pleasant event or circumstance, thereby decreasing the likelihood of a recurrence of the behavior. (Removal of pleasant event or circumstance to decrease repetition of that behavior)
Positive Punishment
Occurs when a behavior leads to an undesired consequence, thereby decreasing the likelihood of a recurrence of that behavior. (Behavior produces undesired consequence, to decrease reoccurrence of that behavior.)
ability to emit a learned behavior in response to a similar stimulus. Ex- child learns to wipe nose on tissue, may then wipe nose on anything else that may resemble a tissue, such as cloth, sleeve, etc.
ability to engage in a learned behavior in response to a particular stimulus but not in response to a similar one. (punishment or reinforcement for certain objects. Child is reinforced when using tissue, rather then using a sleeve)
Successive approximations
series of smaller behavior involved in shaping a complex behavior
gradual process of reinforcing an organism for behavior that gets closer and closer to the behavior you wish to produce.
Fixed Interval
reinforcement schedule in which reinforcement is given for a response emitted after a variable interval of time.(reinforcement given on a strict schedule ex- every 10 minutes)
Variable interval schedule
reinforcement schedule in which reinforcement is given after a variable interval of time (given randomly, rather than every 10 minutes.)
Fixed Ratio
Reinforcement schedule in which reinforcement is given after a fixed number of responses.
Variable Ratio
Reinforcement schedule in which reinforcement is given after a variable number of responces
can be continuous or partial; if partial reinforcement can be given based on after an interval of time (interval scheduling) or based on emitted responces (ration scheduling).
Cognitive learning
acquisition of information that often is not immediately acted on but stored for later use. Ex- planning, evaluating, and other forms of thinking, but not acted on immediately)
Latent learning
occurs without behavioral signs, and
Insight learning
occurs when a person or animal suddenly grasps what something means and incorporates that new knowledge into old knowledge. Ex- “ah-ha” experience.
Social (observational) learning
that occurs through watching others, not through reinforcement.