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77 Cards in this Set

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Study of tissue
Define tissue
a group of similar cells that perform a common function.
What are the 4 priniciples types of tissues?
1) Epithelial
2) Connective
3) Muscle
4) Nervous
What are the components of extracellular matrix (ECM)?
Water, proteins, and Proteoglycans (carbohydrates attached to protein backbones)
What are the 3 primary germ layers? Name the body system each layer develops.
1) Endoderm - Endomorph
2) Mesoderm - Mesomorph
3) Ectoderm - Ectomorph
Define the term Gastrulation
The process by which blastocyst cells move and then differentiate into the 3 primary germ layers.
What are the 2 subdivisions of epithelial tissues called?
1) Membranous
2) Glandular Epithelium
What are the functions of the epithelial tissues?
- Protection *most important*
- Sensory functions
- Secretion
- Absorption
- Excretion
The epithelial tissue attaches to an underlying layer of connective tissue by means of a thin non-cellular layer of adhesive, permeable material called? Which is formed by the union of the? and ?
Basement Membrane
Basal Lamina
Reticular Lamina
Name the 4 membranous epithelial cell shapes.
1) Squamous
2) Cuboidal
3) Alumnae
4) Pseudostratisfied
Which of the 4 membranous epithelial cell shapes appears flat and plate-like?
Which type of gland is often called the "Ductless gland"?
Endocrine gland
What are the fuction of the connective tissue?
1) Connects
2) supports
3) Transports
4) Protects
Collagenous fibers can be found extensively in which of the 4 principle type of tissues?
Fibrous connective tissue
Which type of fibrous connective tissue is also known as areolar tissue?
Loose connective tissue
Which of the following is present in the greatest number in areolar tissue?
Fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells
What is the basic structural unit of a compound bone called? What is another name for it?
(Haversion system)
Which bone tissue is call the spongy bone tissue?
What is the only cell type that is present in Carthage called?
Which connective tissue exists in a liquid state?
What is Hematopoisis?
Process of producing RBC's
Where is circulating blood tissue formed?
Red bone marrow
Describe the following muscle tissue. 1)Skeletal 2)Smooth 3)Cardiac
1) striated; attach to bones
2) found in walls of hollow internal organs; non-striated
3) striated; involuntary; has intercalated discs
What are the 2 basic kind of cells in a nervous tissue?
Neurons and Neuroglia
Which of the 3 epithelial membranes lines the cavities that are not open to the external environment?
Serous Membranes
Which type of Serous membranes cover the abdominal viscera and the lines of the abdominal cavity
Peritoneum membrane
In an average size adult, the skin surface is approximately how many square feet?
17-18 square feet
What term is used to denote the skin and it's appendages?
Integumentary system
What cells of the skin become filled with a tough, fibrous protein and make up more than 90% of the epidermal cells of the skin?
What are Langerhans cells?
Dendritic Cells (APC)
Where do Langerhans cells originate?
Originate in Bone marrow but migrate to deep cell layers of the epidermis.
How do Langerhans cells play a role in immunity?
They find marks(antigens) on bacteria and other invaders and present to other immune systems for recognition and destruction.
What is the most superficial stratum of the epidermis and the deepest?
1) Stratum Corneum
2) Stratum Basale
Which skin layer contains eleidin?
Stratum Lucidum
Keratinization begins in which of the layers of the skin?
Stratum Granulosum
What gives Stratum spinosum it's spiny or prickly appearance?
Which skin layer undergoes mitosis? What % of cells enter mitosis each day?
Stratum Basale
How long time does regeneration time take?
About 35 days
Which skin layer is called the barrier area?
Stratum Corneum
What specialized area "glues" the epidermis to the dermis and is composed chiefly of the basement membrane?
Dermal-epidermal junction
True or False. The dermis is connective tissue and the epidermis is epithelial tissue.
What is sometimes is referred as the "True Skin"
What are the 2 layers that compose of the dermis? Which of these layers is responsible for fingerprints?
1) Papillary layer (resp. for fingerprints)
2) Reticular layer
What are arrector pili muscles?
Smooth muscles of the skin, attached to hair follicles. Causes contraction, hair stands up resulting in "goose flesh"
What are the other names for the hypordermis? What structure does the hypordermis connect?
Subcutaneous layer/ superficial fascia
- connects skin and other structures
Name some of the substances that can be absorbed through the skin
Estrogen and other sex hormones, corticoid hormones, nicotine, nitroglycerin, certain drugs.
What time of the day is body temperature generally at it's highest?
Define Evaporation
Conversion of water from a liquid state to a gaseous state
Define Radiation
Transfer of heat to another surface without contact with the body.
Define Conduction
Transfer of heat to another surface in contact with the body
Define Convection
Transfer of heat by movement of heated air or fluid particles
True or False. Hair follicle is found the dermis.
Which cells are responsible for forming hairs?
Germinal Matrix
True or False.Hair alternates between periods of growth and rest.
The name for an extremely fine and soft hair coat. Mostly lost before birth and replaced by vellus hair.
Nails grow by mitosis of cells in the Stratum_____beneath the lanula.
What are the most numerous and widespread sweat glands in the body?
Eccrine sweat glands
What parts of the body are apocrine sweat glands located in.
Axilla, areola of the breast, pigmented skin areas around anus
What skin gland secretion lubricates te hair and skin
Sebaceous gland
How are blackheads formed?
Increased secretion sebum during adolescence
Malignant melanoma is associated with changes in a what?
Describe 1st degree burn
Typical sunburn; causes minor discomfort
Describe 2nd degree burn
Has blisters; severe pain; generalized swelling, edema
Describe 3rd degree burn
insensitive to pain immediately after injury
Define tissue and the four principle tissue types
A group of similar cells that perform the same function.
1) Muscle
2) Nervous
3) Epithelial
4) Connective
List at least 3 structures derived from each of the primary germ layer
Ectoderm- Sweat and Sebaciuos glands; skin lining of mout, anus and nostrils.
Mesoderm- Connective tissue; muscles; blood
Endoderm- Epithelial lining of Urinary bladder; Thyroid, Parathyroid; urethra
What are the 5 most important functions of epithelial tissue?
2) Sensory Function
3) Secretion
4) Absorption
5) Excretion
Which of the following best describes the number of blood vessels in epithelial tissue: none, very few, very numerous.
Explain how the shape of epithelial cells is used for classification purposes. Identify the four types of epithelium described in the classification process.
Classified according to the shape and arrangement of cells.
1) Squamous
2) Cuboidal
3) Columnar
4) Pseudostratified
Classify epithelium according to the layers of cells present.
1) Simple Epithelium
2)Stratified Epithelium
3) Stratified Transitional Epithelium
4)Glandular Epithelium
List the types of simple and stratified epithelium and give examples of each
Simple- Simple Squamous; Simple Cuboidal; Simple Columnar
Stratified- Squamous(Keratinized); Stratified Cuboidal; Stratified Columnar; Stratified Transitional;
What is Glandular epithelium and give an example.
Epithelium glands specialized for secretory activity.
Discuss the structural classification of exocrine glands. Give examples of each type.
Multi-cellular; have 2 or more duct; tubular or aveolar in shape. Refer to pg 158 Table 5-5
Describe loose connective tissue
(Areolar) its stretchable fibrous tissue consisting a glue that permits movement.
How do the types of dense fibrous connective tissue differ from one another?
Dependent upon the arrangement of the fibers some are classified as regular and others as irregular.
List the 3 major types of muscle tissue
2) Cardiac
3) smooth
Identify the basic types of cells in a nervous tisue.