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64 Cards in this Set

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Positive Feedback
Mechanism in which a change in a variable serves to amplify the activity
reduces blood flow and heat transfer- it is a circulatory adaptation which contributes to thermoregulation
connective tissue
connects and supports other tissues and is characterized by relatively few cells suspended in an extracellular matrixof fibers, which may be embedded in liquid, jelly-like, or solid substance
muscle tissue
made of long, contractile cells (muscle fibers) packed with myofibrils of actin and myosin
WBC amoeboid that engulf bacteria and cellular debris
allows internal conditions to vary with certain environmental changes
"steady state" or dynamic internal balance of this environment
vasodilation of superficial blood vessels increases blood flow in the skin and transfer of body heat to the environment
study of function
physiological adjustment to a different temperature range
animals maintain internal temperatures within an optimal range through this process
negative feedback
most homeostatic control mechanisms-when a variable moves above or below a set point, a control mechanism is turned on or off to counteract further change in that direction
organism's structure
epithelial tissue
lines outer and inner surfaces of body in protective sheets of tightly packed cells
nervous tissue
senses stimuli and transmits electrical signals
cells enmeshed in loose connective tissue. they secrete the protein of the extracellular fibers.
body temperature maintained at lower level, great conservation of energy allow withstand long time cold temperatures and low food supply
daily torpor
small mammals with very high metabolic rates enter this controlled by biological clock during periods when they are not feeding
use homeostatic mechanisms to control internal fluctuations
collections of cells with common structure and function
basal metabolic rate- minimal metabolic rate for a nongrowing endotherm at rest, fasting, and nonstressed
warm bodies with metabolic heat. high-energy strategy. high activity levels over range of environmental temperatures
standard metabolic rate- metabolic rate of a resting, fasting, nonstressed ectotherm determined at a specific temperature
transfer of heat by flow of air or water past a surface
direct transfer of thermal motion between ofjects in contact
the emission of electromagnetic waves by all objects warmer than absolute zero
connective tissue made of collagenous fibers embedded in rubbery substance called chondroitin sulfate
adipose tissue
form of loose connective tissue which pads and insulates body and stores fat
cardiac muscle
forms wall of heart- striated, but cells are branched and joined by intercolated discs
mineralized connective tissue formed by osteoblasts that deposit a matrix of collagen calcium, magnesium and phosphate ions
conduct signals away from the rest of the neuron
nerve cell which consists of cell body and two or more processes that conduct impulses toward (dendrites) or away from (axons) the neuron
wbcs for defense
interstitial fluid that flows through lymph nodes- they are organs of the immune system. It is fluid lost by the blood which circulates into surrounding tissue
cell fragments involved in clotting
abdominal cavity
mammals have a thoracic cavity which is separated from the abdominal cavity by the diaphragm. the abdominal cavity is the intestines
join bones together at joints. they are fibrous connective tissue with dense arrangement of parallel collagenous fibers.
red blood cells- carry oxygen
skeletal muscle
aka striated muscle- responsible for voluntary body movements
objects in organ systems which are in moist or fluid-filled body cavities which suspend the organs
it separates abdominal cavity from thoracic cavity. the diaphragm aids in respiration
conduct impulses toward neuron
interstitial fluid
internal environment of vertebrates- fluid surrounding cells, through which oxygen, nutrients, and wastes are exchanged with blood in capillaries.
thoracic cavity
mammals have thoracic cavity separated by a muscular diaphragm from an abdominal cavity. the thoracic cavity includes lungs and heart
require less energy and gain heat from external sources
smooth muscle
composed of spindle-shaped cells lacking striations
attach muscles to bone- made of dense arrangement of parallel fibers FIBROUS CONNECTIVE TISSUE
loss of heat due to conversion of surface molecules of a liquid to a gas
physiological state characterized by decreases in metabolism and activity
countercurrent heat exchange
common in marine mammals and birds... when close association of blood vessels servicing the extremities allows heat in arterial blood leaving the body core to be transferred to returning venous blood.
animals survive long stretches of elevated temperature and diminished h20 supply by entering period of inactivity and lowered metabolism
consists of a layered arrangement of tissues
What are the four types of tissues and tell me about them
Muscle: capable of contracting when stimulated by nerve impulses; myofibrils composed of proteins actin and myosin... there are three types:
Skeletal: voluntary movement (striated)
Cardiac: contractile wall of heart (branched striated)
Smooth: involuntary activities (no striations)

Nervous: senses stimuli and transmits signals from one part of animal to another

Connective: bind and support other tissues, scattered cells through matrix 3 kinds: Collagenous fibers:collagen protein/ Elastic Fibers: elastin protein/ Reticular fibers: thin branched collagen fibers
Loose connective tissue: binds epithelia to underlying tissue; holds organs (1fibroblasts-secrete extracellular proteins 2Macrophages-amoeboid WBCs;phagocytosis 3Adipose tissue-store fat; insulation)
Fibrous connective tissue: parallel bundles of cells (1Tendons: muscles to bones 2Ligaments:bones to bones; joints)
Specialized Connective Tissue
Cartilage: Collagen in a rubbery matrix (condroitin); flexible support
Bone: Mineralilzed tissue by osteoblasts: individual bone cells
Blood: Liquid plasma matrix: erythrocytes (RBC's) carry oxygen; leukocytes (WBCs) immunity

Epithelial: Outside of body and lines organs and cavities; held together by tight junctions
Basement membrane: dense mat of ECM
Simple: single layers of cells
Stratified: multiple tiers of cells
Cuboidal: like dice
Columnar: like bricks on end
Squamous: like floor tiles
Mucous membrane
Specifically; what does axon do
axon transmits signals to other neurons or effector cells which cause something to happen in the body
What does intercolated disk do
makes contraction from one muscle cell to another efficient
What do smooth muscle cells look like and where are they located
smooth muscle cells line blood vessels and have one nucleus and are not striated
what do cardiac muscles look like
cardiac muscles are striated and branched
what do skeletal muscles look like
skeletal muscles are striated and you can see actin and myosin
what is peristalsis?
peristalsis is wave-like, involuntary contractions of digestive system
Name the eleven organ systems of the human body
digestive-food processing
skeletal-support; protection
circulatory-internal distribution (transport) endocrine-coordinates body activities w/ hormones
nervous-detection of stimuli
lymphatic/immune- defense against invaders
muscular-movement; locomotion
excretory-waste disposal; osmoregulation
Respiratory-gas exchange
steps of negative feedback
detect change from set point
triggers response
go back to set point and response ends
what is metabolism
the sum of all energy-requiring biochemical reactions
how is metabolism rate determined
by size of organism
activity level of organism
if organism is endotherm or ectotherm
differentiate between endotherm and ectotherm
endotherm: heat from metabolic processes; higher metabolic rates; maintains vigorous activity for longer; needs more to eat; mammals and birds

ectotherm: heat from environment; low metabolic rate; tolerates greater range of internal temperatures; reptiles and amphibians.