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81 Cards in this Set

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what is another name for the shoulder girdle?
the scapulothoracic joint
the scapula moves along what?
the ribcage
the majority of the scapulothoracic joint movment occurs where?
the SC joint (sternoclavicular)
the lesser amount of the joint motion occurs where?
the AC joint (acromialclavicular)
the SC joint is what type of joint classification?
The SC joint has support from what ligaments?
the anterior/posterior SC ligament
what ligaments provide stability against superior displacement?
costoclavicular and interclavicular ligaments
The AC joint is what type of joint classification?
what type of motion occurs in the AC joint?
total gliding and rotational movements
the AC joint is often injured. T/F?
the scapulothoracic joint is a true synovial joint. T/F?
this joint as a whole dpends on what?
the SC and the AC joints which allow the scapula to move
the scapulothoracic joint is dynamically supported by what?
its muscles with ligamentous support
scapula movements are primarily focused on what bony features?
inferior angle, glenoid fossa, and the acromion process
shoulder girdle movements equal what?
scapula movements
in terms of the scapula, what is another name for abduction?
what is protraction?
the scapula moving laterally away from the cpine
in terms of the scapula, what is adduction?
retraction which is moving the scapula medially toward the spine
what is downward rotation?
returning the infer. angle inferiomedially towards the spine and the glenoid fossa to normal position
what is upward rotation?
turning the glenoid fossa upwards and moving inferior angle superiolaterally away from the spine
in terms of the scapula, what is depression?
downward or inferior movement, or returning to normal position
what is elevation?
upward or super movement as a shoulder shrugg
the shoulder girdle movement is not dependent upon the shoulder joint and its muscles. T/F?
ab- and ad- duction occur in what plane?
the frontal plane
shoulder girdle muscles stabilize the scapula so the shoulder joint muscles will have a stable base in which to exert force for humeral movement. T/F?
shoulder girdle muscles contract to maintain scapula in a relativley static position during shoulder joint actions. T/F?
shoulder girdle muscles enhance extreme ranges of motions and all upper extremity movements. T/F?
during some scapulothoracic movements, rotation or ____ must occur?
what is lateral tilt?
it is outward tilt that occurs during abduction.
exodus or migration; Muhammad's departure from Mecca to Medina
what is medial tilt?
return from lateral tilt or inward tilt, extreme adduction
what kind of motions are involved in lateral tilt?
the scapula rotates about its vertical axis resulting in anterior movement of medial border posterior movement of the lateral border
what plane does lateral and medial tilt occur in?
the transverse plane
anterior tilt is also known as what?
upward tilt
what occurs in anterior tilt?
-rotational mov't of the scapula about frontal axis occuring in GH hyperextension
-superior border moves anterioiferiorly and inf. angle moves posterosuperioly
posterior tilt is also called?
downward tilt
what motion occurs in post. tilt?
-rotational mov't of scapula abt frontal axis occuring during GH hyperflexion
-superior border moves posterioiferiorly and inf. angle moves anteriosuperiorly
all tilts help the GH joint to be ?
if the scapula cannot move, humerus cannot ____ or ____ at what necessary ROM?
90 degrees
there is what with muscles with the GH joint muscles?
all shoulder girdle movements are in which majority plane?
how many muscles are primarily involved in shoulder girdle movements?
the muscles that are responsile for scapulothoracic joint movement attach to the humerus and cause shoulder joint actions. T/F?
the 5 muscles are responsible for what?
providing dynamic stability of the scapula so it can serve as a relative base of support for shoulder activities like throwing, batting, and blocking.
what are the 5 primary scapulothoracic muscles?
trapezius, rhomboids, levator scapula, serratus anterior, and the pec minor.
serratus anterior is on what side of the ribcage?
serratus anterior completes what motions for the scapula?
abduction and upward rotation
serratus anterior are located where?
posterior and laterally
pec minor is responsible for what actions?
abduction, downwar rotation, and depression
the subclavius is responsible for what actions?
the trapezius have how many sets of fibers and what are they?
upper, middle, and lower fibers, 3 sets
upper fibers of the trapezius do what?
elevation and extension of the head
middle fibers of the trapezius do what?
elevation, adduction, and upper rotation
lower fibers of the trapezius do what?
adduction, depression, and upper rotation
what is more posterior, rhomboids, or trapezius?
trapezius, rhomboids are deeper so they lay more anteriorly
rhomboids do what actions?
adduction, depression, and upper rotation
levator scapulae does what?
origin is a ____ attachment?
attachment is ____?
which ever way the head turns, which side of the trap is worked? the oposite or the same side that is turning?
which ever way the head turns, the opposite side will contract
action of the synergist muscles that cause the one motion we want is called ???
aggregate muscle action
abduction of the pec minor does what?
draws the scapula forward and tends to tilt lower border away from the ribs.
downward rotation of the pec minor does what?
as it abducts it draws the scapula downward
depression of the scaoula does what?
it assists in depression.
what does the subclavious muscle do?
stabilizes and protects the sternoclavicular joint, depresses, and abducts.
in scapula abduction, the scapula move laterally away from the spine w/out rotation. T/F?
scapula adduction occurs with retractions, T/F?
what are two agonists of scapula adduction?
middle trapezius, and rhomboids
what are two examples of scapula abduction?
pushup portion of a push up and bench press
name two agonists of scapula abduction?
pec minor, serratus ant.
what directions does scapula upward rotation go in?
laterally and upwards
name 3 agonists for scapula upward rotation?
middle trap, lower trap, serratus ant.
what directions does scapula downward rotation go in?
downward and medially
explain downward rotation.
glenoid fossa is rotated downward when downward mov't of shoulder joint occurs
what is an example of dwnward rotation?
lat pulldowns
name the agonists for dwnward rotation?
pec minor and rhomboids
what is scapula elavation?
lifting the scapula w/out rotating in anatomical position
example of scap. ele.?
agonists of scap elev.?
rhomboids, levator sca, upper trap
what is an example of scapula depression?
the press up motion of a dip
what are the agonists of scapula depression?
lower trap, pec minor