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29 Cards in this Set

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The individual demand curve shows
the relationship between the price of the good and the quantity that a consumer is willing to buy during a particular time period, holding all variables constant
To construct a demand curve, we use the data in a demand schedule, which contains
for each price, the quantity that a consumer is willing to buy
The law of demand states that
the lower the price, the higher the quantity demanded, all other things held constant. Thus the demand curve is negativly sloped
Substituion effect
a fall in the price of the good lowers the opportunity cost of consumer it (the number of other goods you must give up) and thus consumers are likely to substitue this good for others)
Income effect
A fall in the price means that a given amount og money will buy more of all goods; in other words, real income has increased. The consumer is likely to purchase more of this good and of other goods
A change in quantity demanded refers to a movement along
the demand curve
The __________ curve shows the relationship between the price of the good and quantity that all conswumers together are willing to buy
market demand curve
A ________ market is composed of a large number of firms
perfectly competetive
What are the 5 main variables that affect seller decisions?
1. the price of the product
2. The cost of inputs used to produce the product
3. The state of production technology
4. Producer expectations about future prices
5. Taxes or subsidies from the government
When the quantity of a product demanded equals the quantity supplied is called
market equilibrium
If there is ________ the price will tend to increase, causing the quantity demanded to decrease and the quantity supplied to decrease
Excess demand
If there is _________ the price will tend to decrease, causing tje quantity demanded to increase and the quantity supplied to decrease
excess supply
What causes a change in demand?
A change in a variable other than the price
What causes a change in quantity demanded?
A change in the price of the good itself
What are normal goods?
goods for which an increase in income increases demand
What are inferior goods?
goods for which a decrease in income increases demand
If the price of a substitute good rises, demand will
A change in a variable other than the price causes a ________.
change in supply; a change in the price of the good itself causes a change in quantity supplied
Effects of increases in supply
1. a decrease in input costs
2. an advance in technology
3. an increase in the number of producers
4. expectations of lower future prices
5. subsidy (or a decrease in taxes)
Effects of decrease in supply
1. an increase in input costs
2. a decrease in the number of producers
3. expectations of higher future prices
5. taxes
Where the supply curve and the demand curve intersect
What is the equilibrium?
Suppose that the initial price of a mobile phone is $100 and the initial quantity demanded is 500 phonesper day. Depict graphically the effects of a technological innovation that decreases the cost of producing mobile phones. Label the starting point with and i and the new equilibrium with a n.
The graph should illustrate that the supply curve shifts to the right (increases), so the innovation decreases the equilibrium price and increases the equilibrium quantity.
Suppose that bananas and apples are normal goods, and that the price of bananas falls. If the income effect outweights the substitution effect, we would predict that people will consume ______ bananas and _______ apples.
The law of supply states that
firms supply more of a product as the price of the product rises
suppose that the quantity supplied of pizza exceeds the quantity demanded for pizza we would expect that
the price of pizza will decrease
When the price of apples goes up the quantity demanded for apples
will decrease
Becky demands more raisins as her income increases. From this, we can conclude that
raisins are a normal good
Suppose that a prodcut benedits from a successful advertising campaign. The result is that
The demand for the product increases
Two goods are complements if
the demand for one good decreases when the price of the other increases