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48 Cards in this Set

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What does HAI stand for?

Health Care Associated Infection

Besides HAI, what is another name for infections acquired in a hospital?

Nosocomial Infection

What are the three elements necessary for infection to spread?

•Source or reservoir of pathogens

•Susceptible host

•Route of transmission

What is autogenous infection?

When a person serves as their own source of infection

What is a virulence?

The power of a microorganism to produce disease

What is colonization?

Process which microorganism establishes a presence & grows in or on the human body

What three ways do individuals respond to organisms?

•May be immune

•May be carriers

•May become infected

Name two ways that a patient's chance of acquiring an infection is increased.


•Certain medication or therapy

What microorganism is most likely to cause infection? Bacilli or cocci?


Pseudomonas aeruginosa is what type of microorganism? Where is it most commonly found?

•Gram negative

•In sputum (mucus)

What are the five routes of transmission?



•Common vehicle



How is infection most commonly spread? Direct or indirect?


What is the main cause of direct spread of infection?

Direct body to body contact

What is fomites?

Objects that transmit infectious agent

How far can droplets travel?

Approximately 3 feet

Name two airborne conditions.



What size is airborne droplets?


What is the most common vehicle transmission of infection?

Food/Water borne

Name a vectorborne animal.


According to the American Medical Association, what's the best way to prevent transmission of disease & illness?

Hand washing

Name the two ways healthcare workers can prevent the spread of infection.

•Use barrier & isolation precautions

•Use single patient use disposable equipment

When are sterile gloves used?

For all invasive procedures

What is reverse isolation?

Immunized compromised patient

What type of mask protects individuals from airborne transmission diseases?

N95 (also knows as HEPA mask)

What does PPE stand for?

Personal Protective Equipment

What does PPE consist of?


•Leg covers

•Boot & shoe covers

•Hair covers


What kind of room should a TB patient be placed in?

Negative pressure room

What kind of container do needles/syringes go in after use?

•"Sharps" container

•Red with locked lid

Do we ever recap needles? Why or why not?

No, can poke yourself with a contaminated needle.

What are the three categories of transmission based precautions?

•Contact Precaution

•Droplet Precaution

•Airborne Precaution

Are burn victims in any type of isolation? If yes, which one?

Yes, contact isolation

Define vegetative organisms.

Organisms in active growth

Define spore & give an example.

•Organisms in a resting, resistant stage

•Ex. C. Diff

Define sterilization.

Killing of all organisms, both vegetative & spores

Define disinfection.

Killing of all vegetative forms of organisms, except spores.

Define bacterialcidal.

Something that kills bacteria

Define bacteriostatic.

Something that prevents the growth of bacteria

Name three conditions that affect antimicrobial action

•Chemical concentration



•Number of organisms

Define pasteurization.

Application of moist heat at temperatures below boiling

Define autoclave.

Heat in the form of steam

What is another name for Glutaraldehyde?


What do we commonly clean respiratory equipment with?


What chemical is used to clean bronchoscopes?

Glutaraldehyde (CIDEX)

What is another name for vinegar?

Acetic acid

What chemical do we use to disinfect & clean trachs in the home?

2 parts H2O : 1 part vinegar

What type of solution do we use to clean up blood? What is the dose required?


•1:10 solution

Name three ways to evaluate infection control techniques.

•Equipment processing quality control

•Routine sampling of in use equipment

•Microbiological indentification

Droplet Precautions

• H influenzae, streptococcal pneumonia, epiglottis, pertussis, meningitis

•Private room & mask worn at all times