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15 Cards in this Set

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Demand describes the ablilty and the desire to buy
a good or service
The _________ says that the quantity demanded of a good will fall as the goods price increases.
2 possible responses to a change in price, the ____ and the __________ work together to create the law of demand
subsitution effect and the income effect
You can list deman for a good at all possible prices in a _______ and chart these points in a ____
demand schedule and demand curve
Every individual has a demand sched. for a good, and you can find the ____________ for the entire market by adding up all individual demand.
demand schedule
A deman curve shows:
demand when price varies, but all other factors stay the same.
When other factors change, the demand curve shifts ____ or ______
left or right.
When a rise in income leads a consumer to increase consuption of a good, that good is a _______
normal good
If a higher incime leads to lower consumption of the good, the good is callled an ____
inferior good.
Other factors that can affect denabd are changes in
population, tastes and prices of other goods.
____________- describes how strongly buyer will react to a change in a goods price
when demand is ______ buyers will make relativley big changes to therir consumption of a good when its price rises or falls.
When demand is _______, consumers will only change their consumption slightly relative to the change in price.
Demand will be more ___ if the good has many subsitutes, is considered a luxury, or accounts for a large share of the buyers income.
____________________ can setimate the elasticity of demand for some goods and use this # to make pricing decisions.