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78 Cards in this Set

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wealthy planters, merchants, and other successful people in the colonies, the top of the social classes
indentured servants
signed contracts to work without wages for a period of 4 to 7 years
jonathan Edwards
new england minister that helped start the great awakening
great awakening
religous movement in the English colonies in the early 1700's
person who learns a trade or craft from a master
movement in Europe in the 1600's and 1700's that emphasized the use of reason
george Witefield
english minister who helped spread that great awakening in America
Benjamin Franklin
American thinker, inventor, and statesman who was an example of the Enlightenment spirit
John Peter Zenger
was a newspaper publisher who trial for libel strengthened the idea of freedom of the press
act of publishing a statement that may unjustly damage a person reputation
middle class
in the 13 colonies, a class that included skilled craft workers, farmers, and some trades people
combination of English and West african languages spoken by the African americans in the South Carolina colony
dame school
school that is run by woman in their homes
William Penn
founded pennsylvania colony in 1681
Peter stuyvestant
govenor of New Netherlands and swore to defend city
Puritans took their holy day of rest seriously
a religious group that led the migration to Massachusetts Bay during the 1630s
Charles I
he became king of England in 1625, disapproved of the Puritan ideas, canceled Puritan business charters, and put a few in jail
King philip
chief of local wampanoags indians, waged a war against settlers in Massachusetts Bay Colony, destroying 12 towns and 600 settlers
Roger Williams
challenged leaders of Mass. BAy colony, and as a result was banned from colony, then he left the colony and built a new settlement
founded by John Winthrop in 1630
General court
an assembly in Mass. Bay colony, where Puritan members elected representives
John Winthrop
a lawyer and devout Puritan who became the first governor of Mass. Bay Colony
Great migration
over 15,000 people jouryned to mass. Bay colony form england from 1629 to 1640
the common
a place with an open field where settlers cattle could graze, one at enter of each village in Mass. bay colony
james I
king of england
Where roger williams built a town along the banks of the Conneticut rver
Fundamental orders of connecticut
created a governement in Conn. which is different from Mass. Bay colony
religious tolerance
willingness to let others practice their own religion
meeting house
a building where public meeting are
town meetings
where settlers discussed and voted on many issues: What roads should be built?, How much a schoolmaster should be paid?
in the 1600s, english settlers who sought religious freedom in the Americas
capital of Rhode island, Roger Williams built a new settlement and called it this, this was the beginning of the colony of Rhode island
Thomas Hoocker
founder of Hartford, Connecticut in 1636
duke of york
King Charles II of England gave New Netherlands to him and then he named it New york
THe "holy experiment"
What penn thought of his colony as, wanted it to be a model of religious freedom , peace, and christian living
spreads through delaware river
the great train wagon
The Iroquois trail
owners of huge estates
proprietary colony
the gave land to one or more people in return for a yearly payement
royal colony
in 1702, new jersey became a royal colony , which is a colony under direct control of english crown
one of the most despised religious groups in England
Pennsylvania Dutch
German speaking Protestants , were named this because people could not pronounce the word deuysch
cash crop
crops that are sold for money at market
Mason Dixon line
formed boundaries between Pennsylvania and Maryland
Sir george calvert
planned to build a colony, naming it maryland, where catholics could practice their religion freely, when he died his son lord baltimore had to complete the project
lord baltimore
sir george calverts son, completed job for his dad when he died
chesapeake bay
in 1634, about 200 colonists landed along the upper shores, across from Virginia colony
act of tolerance
was a law passes by the maryland colonial government providing religious freedom to all christians
nathaniel bacon
angry over the Virginia govenors lack of action aginaist, Indian attacks on settlers led his followers to Jamestown and burned the capital
a cash crop plant used to make valuable blue dye
james oglethrope
in 1732 founded the colony of georgia as a place where debtors could make a fresh start
people who owed money but could not pay it off, James oglethrope made a colony where they could go
back country farms
southern planters build bery large farms, and employed from 20-200 slaves on this land close to the ocean shores
middle passage
referred to the route taken by slave ships traveling west across that atlantic ocean
slave codes
where laws were passes in the southern colonies which denied slaves their basic rights
the belief that one race is more superior than the other
bacons rebellion
a 1676 raid led by nathaniel bacon against the governor and native americans in Virginia
savannh river
river that flows along the border of Georgia and south Carolina
triangluar trade
colonial trade route between New England, the west indies, and africa
tidewater plantations
20 to 100 slaves worked on the fields, some where skilled workers, some craftsmen
proclamation of 1763
law forbidding english colonist to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains
owners of buisnesses
navigation acts
series of ENglish laws in the 1650s that regulated trade between England and its colonies
indentured servants
person who agreed to work without wages for a period of time in exchange for passage to the colonies
charles town
quaker rebellion
holy commonwealth
land granted to spanish settlers that included the rights or demand labor or taxes for native americans
benjamin franklin
is an inventor, scientist, his many inventions have helped us out so much in today world
subsistence farming
self- sufficiency farming in which farmers grow only enough food to feed their families
john campbell
Anne hutchinson
purian who questioned minister teaching
also known as king philip, was a chief of wampanoag indians
good sent to markets outside of country
goods that come to makets of country
bill of rights
written lists of freedoms that the government promises to protect
a group of people who had the power to make laws, every colony has one