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48 Cards in this Set

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Who is the Robert Walpole?
He was a British statesman who was generally known as the Prime Minister of Great Britian.
What was the Privy council?
A body council that advises the head of state concerning the exercise of executive authority.
Who was Benjamin Franklin?
He was one of America's founding fathers, and he took part in writing in the Dec. of Independence.
What is New France?
New France was an area in North America that France colonized
What are Paltry Wages?
When colonies had low or minimum wages.
What was the Albany plan?
It was a plan by Benjamin Franklin passed onto the Albany congress in 1754.
French Indian War?
It was a conflict that took place in the time before the revolutionary war.
Louis XIV?
He was the King of France and Navarre also known as the sun god.
Missionary Zeal?
Is a devotion to a relitgious nature or cause.
Louis Joilet?
He was born in 1645 in a french settlement by Quebec city.
Father Jaques Marquette?
He was born in Laon France and he joined the society of Jesus when he was seventeen.
Rene Robert Cavalier?
He studied with the Jesuit religiousn order when he was young.
The Iroquois Confederacy?
It was a sophisticated political and social system. It united five territories of nations.
King Williams War?
It was a war between the British and its American colonies.
Fort Necessity?
The opening action of the French and Indian war.
William Pitt?
He was the driving force that lead to the British win in the seven years war.
Siege of Quebec?
It was the most important engagement of the French and Indian war.
Peace of Paris 1763?
France yielded everything east of the Mississippi except New Orleans to Britian.
Proclamation of 1763?
It was a cause of great celebration in the colonies since it broke down ominous barriers.
Greenville Ministry?
It was a ministry in a christian church in Greenville, Mississippi.
Sugar act?
It was a three-cent tax on refined sugar and coffee, indigo and certain types of wine.
Currency act?
This act prevented the making of new bills and the reissue of existing currency.
Paxton Boys?
They were a vigilante group that killed 20 native americans in events called Conestoga Massacre.
Regulatory Movement?
It was a North Carolina uprising from 1764 to 1771 when the citizens took up the arms because of corrupt colonial officers.
Stamp act?
An act for granting and applying stamp duties. It was passed in March of the year 1765.
Virginia Resolves?
Its about pre-revolutionary resolves against the stamp act.
Sons of Liberty?
The sons of liberty was a group whos main purpose was to protest the stamp taxes.
Mutiny act?
It was an act passed yearly by parliament for governing the British army.
Quartering act?
It was passed to address the deployment of troops.
Townshend act?
It was originated by Charles Townshend and later passed by the english parliament.
Navigation act?
It was for the increase of encouragement of shipping navigation.
Boston Massacre?
Was the killing of 5 colonists by regular british people on March 5th.
Samuel Adams?
He was born in Boston and was the son on a merchant and a brewer.
They believed that Great Britian was justified in its actions.
People who supported the Declaration of Independence and wanted a free nation.
Gaspee Incident?
The Gaspee were chasing a merchant ship suspected of smuggling goods.
Tea act?
The tea act placed a hefty tax on tea for all colonists.
Daughters of Liberty?
They were a successful group of women who proved that women's involvement of politics could be beneficial for the country.
Boston Tea Party?
The Sons of Liberty, dressed as Mohawk Inidans boarded 3 different ships on the boston harbor and dumped 45 tons of tea into the harbor
Coercive acts?
After the French and Indian war the British government decided to reap the greater benifits from the colonies.
First Continental Congress?
They met in Philadelphia. Representitives from each colony except for Georgia.
John Adams?
He was the second president of the United States of America.
Battle of Lexington and Concord?
They both were the first engagements of the American Revolutionary War.
General Thomas Gage?
He was the General of the British Army and then became Govener of Massachusetts.
Paul Revere?
He was the hero of the revolutionary war, he was famous for his midnight run to notify that the British were coming.
John Dickinson Letters to the farmers?
It was a letter from a farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British colonies.
The Tory's?
The Tory's were like the rich, snobby people of the colonies.
The Massachusetts Circular?
It was a letter in which Sam Adams wrote to the British Parliament stating that the Townshend act were unconstitutional.