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77 Cards in this Set

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3 principal paths for Radio waves to travel between antennas

- surface wave

- sky wave

- space wave

3 main methods of propagation and what two make up the 4th?

- Surface wave

- Sky wave

- Space wave

Ground waves are made up of the surface wave and the space wave

4 factors that increase radio wave range

- increasing power output

- using a more efficient antenna

- using a more sensitive receiver

- Reducing the amount of noise (interference)

Surface waves follow the earths surface due to ...



When a wave encounters an obstacle it can... (2)

- Bend around the obstacle

- Spread out past small openings in the obstacle

Space waves follow two distinct paths from a transmitting antenna to receiving antenna

- Direct wave (through the air)

- Ground reflected wave

Radio waves can be reflected by ...

- the ground

- hard, smooth objects

Radio waves can be reflected by ...

- the ground

- hard, smooth objects

Space waves suffer from XX when reflected waves meet direct waves


Radio waves can be reflected by ...

- the ground

- hard, smooth objects

Space waves suffer from XX when reflected waves meet direct waves


When reflected and direct waves are in phase

The resulting wave is increased to the combined total of both waves

Radio waves can be reflected by ...

- the ground

- hard, smooth objects

Space waves suffer from XX when reflected waves meet direct waves


When reflected and direct waves are in phase

The resulting wave is increased to the combined total of both waves

When reflected and direct waves are out of phase

The resulting wave is decreased to the larger wave minus the smaller wave


Minimum Effective Height

Of antennas are too close to the ground:

The received signals will be out of phase and fading will occur

Of antennas are too close to the ground:

The received signals will be out of phase and fading will occur

What is the MEH of an antenna and what does this stand for

MEH = Minimum Effective Height

This is at least one wavelength above the ground

Radio waves are attenuated as they pass through obstacles such as buildings, this attenuation is called ....


Radio waves are attenuated as they pass through obstacles such as buildings, this attenuation is called ....



Two wire open line

Absorption is increased as frequency is ...


In the XX Band absorption occurs due to precipitation such as rain


Line of sight applies to XX waves

Space waves

Line of sight applies to XX waves

Space waves

Visible horizon is about XX km


The radio horizon is about XX more than the visible horizon.

This can be increased by XX

1/3 more

Raisin g antenna height

Several methods are used to enable space wave communication... (3)

- Radio Relay

- Mobile communications

- satellite communications

Several methods are used to enable space wave communication... (3)

- Radio Relay

- Mobile communications

- satellite communications

Radio relay incorporates the use of ...


Several methods are used to enable space wave communication... (3)

- Radio Relay

- Mobile communications

- satellite communications

Radio relay incorporates the use of ...


Space wave line of sight communications are used by military at 3 wave bands




Ground wave contains elements of both XX and XX

Surface wave and Space wave

The dominant method of space and surface wave received from a ground wave is determined by .... (4)

- Antennas - polarisation, position and height

- terrain type

- distance from transmitter

- wave frequency

The dominant method of space and surface wave received from a ground wave is determined by .... (4)

- Antennas - polarisation, position and height

- terrain type

- distance from transmitter

- wave frequency

XX is the propagation of radio waves that are bent back to the earths surface by the ionosphere

Sky wave

A single sky wave skip can be as large as ...


Sky waves can be categorised into 3 ranges. Give range name and distances:

Short range: 0-300km

Medium range: 300km - 1,500km

Long range 1,500km - 4,000 km

The earths atmosphere can be broken down into 3 regions.

Give region names and approx heights

Troposphere: 0 - 14km

Stratosphere: 14km - 40km

Ionosphere: 40km - 400km

The ionosphere contains 4 layers of electrically charged glasses called: (4)

D, E, F1 and F2

The layers in the ionosphere are created by:

- Energy from the sun entering the atmosphere

- ionising waves create charge in the gasses

At night gasses in the ionosphere...

Gradually lose their charge

The steepest angle that skywaves are bent back at any frequency is called the ...

Critical angle

If the angle of a skywave is bigger than the critical angle...

The wave escapes into space

Lower frequencies bend XX when they enter then ionosphere


Useful frequencies for sky wave are in the XX band which is XXto XX


3MHz to 30MHz

Daily variations in the ionosphere can be countered by using a XX frequency at night



Maximum usable frequency


Lowest usable frequency


Optimum working frequency

XX distance is the minimum distance that sky wave can be received


The size of the skywave skip distance depends on...(3)

- The frequency of the wave

- The angle of incidence

- The density of the layer

In the ionosphere, the density of each charge is highest at the XX of each layer


The XX is the point between where the surface wave becomes too weak and the sky wave is first returned to earth

Skip Zone

The size of a skip zone depends on ... (2)

- Surface wave distance

- Skip distance

XX can occur when the sky wave returns to earth within the range of the ground wave

Multipath fading

In XX the sky wave can cancel out or reinforce the ground wave depending on the phase difference

Multipath Fading

Noise can come from a variety of sources (3)

- Man made

- Atmospheric

- Interference

Man made noise mainly effects what bands?


Atmospheric noise mainly effects what band


Interference mainly effects what bands?

HF and VHF

Sometimes layers of warm air are formed between layers of cool air, this is know as ...

Temperature inversion

A tropospheric duct between the earth and a layer of warm air is known as a

Ground based duct

Factors that cause variations in the ionosphere (4)

- Daily Variations

- Sun spots

- Seasonal variations

- Geographic variations

Tropospheric duct between 2 layers of warm air is called a ...

Elevated duct

What are the EW implications of a HF or VHF transmission being propagated in a duct (2)

They will go far beyond line of sight comma meaning:

- Transmissions may be carried long distances into unknown regions

- a lot of interference may be experienced from distant transmissions

The deeper a duct, the Lower The frequency that can be caught.

What will a 5m and 500m duct support

5m - 30GHz

500m - 30MHz

How many distinct layers in the ionosphere at day and at night

Day - 4

Night - 2

Radio waves bend in the ionosphere due to ...


The amount of bending (refraction) of a wave in a layer of the ionosphere depends on ... (3)

- the angle the wave enters the layer

- The frequency of the wave

- the density of the layer

XX polarised antenna are used to project waves towards the sky


Waves that enter the ionosphere from a shallower angle bend...


Waves that enter the ionosphere from a steeper angle bend ...


Height of antenna to wavelength for short medium and high range skywaves

Short range skywave 1/8 - 1/4 of wavelength

Medium range skywave 1/4 of wavelength

Long range skywave 1/2 of wavelength