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48 Cards in this Set

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Mayflower Compact
John Rolfe
Discovered the key to growing tobacco, married Pocohontas as part of the treaty to end the First Anglo Powahtan War
John Smith
"Don't work, don't eat", revolutionized the Jamestown colony
House of Burgesses, women come to the colonies, first shipment of slaves from Dutch ship
First Great Awakening
First large scale movement in the colonies in 1730s and 40s. Includes leaders like George Whifield and Jonathan Edwards
Arabella Covenant
Idea that God provided the colonies to the Puritans and in return, God would provide a sound colony
New England towns
In charge of education, religious activities, government decisions. Only church members can be involved
Calvinist belief that states that God has already chosen those who will enter heaven, belief of Pilgrims
Roger Williams
Argued that the colonists had violated God's will through their treatment of Indians, exiled to Rhode Island
Anne Hutchinson
Challenged gender roles in New England colonies, argued idea of antinominaism, the idea that truly saved people only needed to follow the rules of God and not of man. Exiled to Rhode Island and later killed in New York
Idea that women in the South retained more rights due to the low life expectancy of men in the Cheseapeake
Half way covenant
Idea that people could enter the church without full communion. This increases members in the New England churches
John Winthrop
Governor of Massachusetts, idea of "Shining city upon a hill" is attributed to him
Jonathan Edwards
First Great Awakening preacher, author of "Sinner's in the Hands of an Angry God"
George Whitefield
First Great Awakening preacher
Sermon reminding people of their morality and encourage repentance, Jonathan Edwards and George Whifield often gave these. "Sinners in the hands of an angry God" is an exmaple
Headright system
System of indentured servitude, servants receive free pasage to the New World in return for work .
Idea that the first son recieves all of the family's inheritance...a major cause of emigration to the colonies
Bacon's Rebellion
Led by Nathaniel Bacon, numbers of indentured servants were angered by their lack of representation in local government as well as their poverty.
Colonial Slavery
First slaves came in 1619 and slavery is allowed in all colonies. Colonists really turn to slavery after Bacon's Rebellion and adhere to the Barbados Slave Code.
By mid 1680s, slaves outnumber white servants
Social scale of Southern colonies
Planters, Small farmers, landless whites, blacks
Slave language. A blending of English and several African languages
Stono Rebellion
Slave rebellion in Stono, South Carolina
New York City Slave Rebellion
slave rebellion in in 1712, 12 whites die and 23 slaves are executed
Great Migration of 1630s
Large migration to the colonies due to religious persecution
Dominion of New England
created by England and attempted to unite all of the New England colonies together
New England Confederation
Unification of New England colonies for the common defense against the Dutch and Indians. Rhode Island is excluded
Glorious Revolution
William and Mary overthrow James II and create a constitutional monarchy
New Netherlands
Dutch control New York and concentrate on fur trade. New Netherlands is handed over the Peter Struyvesant in a bloodless battle
Begun by Quaker William Penn. Total religious toleration, kind to Indians, heavily advertises in Europe (Germany especially)
Bread colonies
Middle colonies largely export grains
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Esentially a constitution for the colony of Connecticut
Great Wagon Road
Trail that hugged the base of the Appalachian and encouraged movement Westward
Scots and Germans
Tend to live in the Western areas of the colonies, considered to be lower than the British colonists,
Regulator Movement
Violent insurrection, spearheaded by the Paxton Boys who protested the lenient treatment of Indians
Molasses Act
Passed with the hope of crushing colonial trade with with the West Indies...colonists just smuggle
Anglican and Congregationlist Churches
Major churches in early colonial America and led to the creation of a number of universities including William and Mary
John Peter Zenger
Put on trial for publishing a nasty article about a governor....he is freed on the grounds of "freedom of speech", laying the groundwork for the 1st amendment
Samuel de Champlain
"Father of New France",
French colonization
No towns or cities, focus on fur (beaver) trade, Jesuits come and modify Catholicism to intrigue Indians...French are kind to Indians
King William's War and Queen Anne's War
Small skirmishes betwene British colonists and the French (who ally with Spanish)
French and Indian War
French spread in to Ohio River Valley and George Washington is sent to defend.
Albany Congress
Called by Ben Franklin as an effort to unite colonists against French. Very few colonies attend
Intercolonial disunity
Due to religious differences, geographic barries, economic discrepancies
Proclamation of 1763
Issued by the British stating the the colonists may not cross the Appalachians. Colonists feel as though they are being deprived of fruits of their labor and go anyway. British hope to avoid skirmishes with Indians
Navigation Acts
Writen in late 1600s but finally enforced under the policy of mercantilism to pay back date from F&I war
Economic policy of having colonies that produce cheap raw goods and then puchase manufactured goods from mother country