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40 Cards in this Set

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are early socializtion experience in normal environments important?
Yes, caregivers should be concerned with children's social needs in addition to their physical needs.
For identical twins did the intelligence test show similar scorews when twins were reared apart in similar social settings?
yes, they were also quite different when in dramatically different social settings.
the systematic study of the biological basis of social behavior is...
---suggests that all behavior is result of genetic or biological factors and places little emphasis on social interaction.
The looking glass self is and who created it?
Cooley---the self is the product of our social interaction with other people
our view of ourselves comes for not only out contemplation of personal qualities but also :
out impressions of how others percieve us.
--we learn who we are by interacting with others.
who created the stages of the self?
what are the stages?
Prepatory stage
Play stage
Game stage
what is the preparatory stage?
children imitate people around them
what is the play stage?
children develop skill in communicating through symbols...role taking occurs
what is the game stage?
Children consider actual tasks and relationships simultaneously
the gestures, objects and language that form the basis of human communication is...
the process of mentally assuming the perspective of another happens during the play stage is..
role taking
the attitudes, viewpoints, and expectations of society as a whole that a child takes into account is...
generalized others
who created the theory of the self?
What is the theory of the self?
the slef begins as a privileged, central position in a person's world---me, me, me..---then as a person matures it begins to reflect greater concern about others and their reactions---
what are significant others?
individuals who are most important in the development of the self
Who is associated with the Presentation of the self?
the individual slants the presentation of the self in order to create distinctive appearances and satisfy particular audiences is...
impression management
Dramaturgical Approach is..
where people resemble performers in action...act
Who emphasized the stages human progress through as the self develops?
Who stressed the role of inborn drives and believed that the self is social product?
---he also believed that aspects of personality are influenced by others (parents especially)
What are rites of passage?
a means of dramatizing and validating changes in a person's status.
Rites of passage mark stages in...
development in the life course.
When do we encounter the most difficult soicialization challenges?
the later years of life.
What are the two types of socialization that occur throughtout the life course?
Anticipatory Socialization and
What is the processes of socialization in which a person "rehearses" for furure occupation and social relationships?
ANTICIPAtory socialization
what is resocialization?
the process of discarding former behavior patterns and accepting new one as part of a transition in one's life.
who is the primary agent of socialization?
the family
when does socialization by the family begin?
after birth
what does schools teach children?
the values and customs of the larger society
whats the negative aspect that schools imply in children?
they socialize children into gender roles.
Who increasingly assume the role of Mead's significant others?
peer groups
what do peer groups help?
the ease of transition to adult responsibilities.
what are negatives and positives about peer groups?
they can encourage children to honor cultural norms and values, and they can also be a source of harassment.
what percentage of children 12-18 have t.v's?
________permits imitation and role playing but does not encourage more complex forms of learning.
what is socializing families into multitasking as the social norm?
the _______ has reinstituted many rites of passage including stipulating the ages at which we are permitted to drink, drive, marry, vote, etc.
hwo many mothers with children under 6 are part of the workforce?
what has become the functional equivalent of the nuclear family?
day care centers