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26 Cards in this Set

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The _____is the Avasvular, keratinized layer of skin


What kind of membranes line body cavities that do not open to the outside of the body


All epithelial membranes have a layer of______underneath them

Connective tissue

Sebaceous glands are usually associated with_____

Hair follicles

Which of these factors is/ are the most likely caused of permanent hair loss


The terms sheath, bulb, and follicle all related to which of the following?


What of the following is not a characteristic of malignant melanoma?

Smooth border

Burns are assessed by the rule of


As humans age the skin elasticity declines and gets


Lamellar corpuscles___

Are deep pressure- sensitive receptors

Which of then the following statements is not true regarding melanin

More melanin is produced when the skin is not exposed to sunlight

A needle would pierce the skin of the forearm in which order

4- stratum Corneum

2- stratum granulosum

3- stratum spinosum

1- stratum basale

Hair, nails, and the outer layer of the skin are made mostly of a tough waterproof protein called


Mitosis occurs in which layer of the epidermis?

Stratum basale

This type of membrane lines body cavities that are open to the exterior


Which of the following is not a function of skin?

It produces vitamin c in the presence of sunlight on by

One important role of the skin is to produce_____, which is essential for normal calcium absorption.

Vitamin D

Sebaceous glands produce oils whereas the_____glands produce sweat


The epidermis is composed of_____tissue


Which of these is associated with skin allergy?

Contract dermatitis

Glands usually associated with the skin of the genitals and the axlillary region, and which secrete fatty acids and proteins, are called

Apocrine glands


The type of tissue making up the bulk of the dermis is

Dense irregular connective tissue

A mucous membrane

Lines the digestive and respiratory tracts

As cells progress from the deeper portion of the epidermis toward the surface

Be back

Which of the following statement regarding the significance of altercation in skin color is False?

Blanching or pollar may signify anemia, low blood, allergy, or impaired blood flow into an area

As cells progress from deeper portion of the epidermis toward the surface

The tend to die