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66 Cards in this Set

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pituitary disorders
caused by hormone imbalance-general hypopituitrism or hyperpituitrism
pituitary disorders-disorder related to Antidiuretic hormone imbalance-ADH
also called arginie vasopressin AVP
is sythesized in the hypthalamus and stored and secreted by posterior pituitary gland
insufficent ADH disorder
diabetes insipidus
water loss
excessive ADH disorder
water retention
SSX of diabetes insipidus
poluria, polydipsia, hypoantremia, increased serum osmolality(concentrated blood) and dehydration
fluid retention, weight gain, hyponatremia
diagnostic test for diabetes insipidus
urine specific gravity, urine and plasma osmolaity
diagnostic test for SIADH
serum and urine sodium and osmolaity
therapeutic interventions for diabetes insipidus
synthetic ADH repalcement
therapeutic interventions for SIADH
treat cause
priority nursing diagnosis for diabetes insipidus
risk for deficient fluid volume:<BR>monitor weight daily, I &amp;amp; O, vitals, and urine specific gravity(decreased weight, output greater than intake, low BP, elevated pulse rate, and high urine specific gravity may indicate fluid deficit)
provide free access to oral fluids if the DI is not pyschogenic. If patients thirst mechanism is not intact, give patients fluids every hour
encourage the Pt. to participate in maintaining intake and output records, monitoring weight and checking urine specific gravity, if able.
report a drop in BP and a rising pulse to registered nurse or physcian(this may be signs of hypovolemic shock)
priority nursing diagnosis for SIADH
risk for excess fluid volume
urine specific gravity test normal ranges
1.010 to 1.025
if less than 1.005 in diagnosing diabetes insipidus-use of reagent strip by the bedside
hypovolemic shock occurs if fluid balnce is not restored
signs of hypotension, weakness. poor skin turgor
Syndrome of Inappropiate antidiuretic hormone SIADH
manifestations of dilutional hyponatemia:
bounding pulse
elevated or normal BP
muscle weakness
personality changes
Syndrome of Inappropiate antidiuretic hormone SIADH causes
certain lung cancers, or Hodgkin's disease may be ectopic sites of production of ADH-like substance
some drugs-tricyclic antidepressants and general anesthetics may increase ADH secretions
head trauma or surgery or a brain tumor affecting pituitary function\
or complications of Diabetes Insipidus
nursing diagnosis for SIADH
excess fluid volume related to compromised regulatory mechanism
monitor daily weights, I & O, vitals, urine specific gravity(elevate BP, bounding pulse and low urine specific gravity may all indicate fluid overload)
maintain fluid restriction-fluids high in salt may help correct dilutional hyponatremia)
promote comfort and choice during fluid restriction
offer hard candy
provide ice chips(100 ml of ice chips egual to 50 ml of water)
provide calibrated cups
report change of consciousness immediateley and monitor the Pt for seizures(these are signs of serious fluid imbalance)
disorder related to Growth Hormone Imbalance
GH, also called somatotropin-responsible for normal growth of bones, cartilage and soft tissue(target organs)
GH is synthesized and secreted by the anterior pituitary gland
disorder related to Growth Hormone Imbalance-Dwarfism
GH is deficent due to pituitary
most common cause worldwide is malnutrition

a tumor, or failure of the pituitary to develop
infection or trauma to pituitary
neglect and severe emotional stress causing phychosocial dwarfism
SSX of Dwarfism
children grow to only 3 to 4 feet of height but have normal body proportions
sometimes accompanied by mental retardation
in adults: weakness, hypoglycemia, sexual dysfunction, skin changes and increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
headaches, mental slowness, and visula disturbances may occur
diagnostic tests for dwarfism
GH levels in blood are measured routine lab work
therapeutic interventions for dwarfism
in children administer GH
nursing diagnosis for dwarfism
disturbed body image R/T short statue
proveide opportunity for Pt. to verbalize feelings
consult occup[ational therapist
provide information about support groups
excess GH-rare
usually in 30's or 40's
if it occurs in children it is Giantism
bones increase in size in the hands, feet and facial features
long bones grow in width not lenght because the epiphydeal disks are closed
SC connective tissue increasess causing fleshy appearance
interanl oragns and glands enlarge
impaired tolerance of carbohydrates leads to elevated blood glucose
SSX of Acromegaly
changes in ring or boot sizes
the nose, jaw, brow and hands and feet enlarge
teeth become diplaced
the tongue becomes thick-difficulty in speaking and swallowing
sleep apnea
verbal changes lead to kyphosis
visual disturbances-tumor pressure on the optic nerve
diabetes mellitus may develop due to GH increases blood glucose and causes and increase workload of the pancreas
diagnostic tests for Acromegaly
serum GH levels are measured and radiographs show abnormal bone growth
large dose of glucose-glucose normally suppresses GH but if the hormone continues to be released after glucose-acromegaly is suspected
MRI is done to locate pituitary tumor
therapeutic intervetions for Acromegaly
aimed at cause
Parlodel or sandostatin may decrease GH levels
hypophysectomy or radiation may be indicated if there is a tumor
if pituitary is removed life long replacement of thyroid hormone, corticosteroids and sex hormoness is important to maintain homeostasis
nusring diagnosis for Acromegaly
disturbed body image R/T canges in appearance
in women 30 to 60
in infants-cretinism
in adult -myxedema
hypothyroidism occurs when?
thyroid gland fails to produce enough TH even though there is enough TSH stimulating hormone being secreted by the pituitary
thyroid hormone abnormalties in Hyperthyroidism
Primary- +TH goes up -TSH is down
secondary TH is up and TSH is up
thyroid hormone abnormalties in hypothyroidism
primary- TH is down and TSH is up
secondary- TH is down and TSH is down
etiology of hypothyroidism
congential defect, inflammation, iodine deficiency
Hasimoto thyroiditis is an autimmune disorder-eventually distroys the thyroid tissue
secondary or tertiary hypothyroidism may be caused by pituitary or hypothalamic lesion or postpartum pituitary necrosis-rare disorder in which the pituitary is destroyed following pregnancy and delivery
SSX of hypothyroidism
reduced metabolic rate
cardiovascular-bradycardia, decreased cardic output, cool skin, cold intolerance
neurological-lethargy, slowed movements, memory loss, confusion
pulmonary- dyspnes, hypoventialation
skin-cool, dry, brittle, dry hari
GI-decreased appetite, weight gain, constipation, increased serum lipid levels
reproduction- decreased libido, erectile dysfunction
SSX of Hyperthyroidism
cardiovascular-tacycardia, palpitations, increased cardia output, warm skin, heat intolerance
neurological-fatigue, restlessness, tremor, insommia, emotional instability
diaphoresis;wram, moist skin; fine, soft hair
GI=increased appetite, weight loss, freguent stools, decreased serum lipid levels
reproductive-decreased libido, erectile desfunction, amenorrhea
usually diagnosed in young women
Graves disease is the most common cause
multigoiter is more common in older women
primary-excess TH released
secondary-excess TSH from pituitary is released causing overstimulation of the thyroid gland
tertiary-excess TRH from the hypothalamus
high levels increase metabolic rate
increase the # of beta-adrenergic receptor sites in the body, which enhances the activity of norepinephrin-flight or flight response
thyrotoxic crisis can result in ?
death in 2 hours if untreated
SSX- tachycardia, high fever, hypertension(w/eventual heart failure and hypotension) dehydration, restlessness and delerium or coma
thyrotoxic crisis-treatment is first given to treat the life threatening symptoms
acetaminophen-for fever(asprin is avoided becasue it binds to T4)
IV fluids and cooling blanket
beta-adrenergic blocker-propranolol is given for tacycardia
oxygewn is given and HOB elevated because high metabolic rate requires more oxygen
after life thretening treatment is given the underlying thyroid problem is treated
diagnostic test for hyperthyroidism
serum levels of T3 & T4 are elevated
TSH is low if in primary hyperthyroidism
TSH is high if itis caused by pituitary
thyroid scan for tumor
should not be palpated-
nursing diagnosis for hyperthyroidism
hyperthermia R/T hypermatabolic state
monitor temp-temp may be elevated
administer analgesics
applying cooling blanket-set 1 to 2 degrees below current temp and wrap extremities
enlargement of the thyroid gland is enlarged in response to increased TSH levels
TSH is elevated because of low TH, iodine deficiency, pregnancy or viral, genetic or other conditions
if it is caused by iodine deficiency or other enviromental factors is called an edemic goiter
some food & medications are goitrogens-they interfere with the bodys use of iodine and include foods such as turnips, cabbage, broccoli, horseradish, cauliflower and carrots
goitrogenic medications include propylthioureacil, sulfonamides, lithium, salicylates(asprin)
goiter w/ hyperthyroidism is called a toxic goiter
goiter SSX
thyroid gland is enlarged and swelling in neck
can interfere w/ breathing and swallowing
diagnostic test for goiter
thyroid scan
serum T3 & T4 levels
therapuetic interventions for goiter
aimed at cause
goitrogen-list of food to avoid
iodine deficient-iodized salt is given
synthyroid may be given to reduce TSH levels
nursing care for goiter
breathing and swa;lowing assessed
stridor-if airway is obstructed
stridor should be report to physcian immediately
cancer of the thyroid gland
a hard painless nodule may be palpated
difficulty breathing or swallowing
changes in the voice
most have normal TH levels
diagnostic tests for cancer of thyroid
thyroid scan
cold indicates cancer
nursing postoperative care for Pt. with thyroidectomy surgery
monitor vitals, oxygen saturation, drain(if present), and dressing every 15 minutes initially progressing to every 4 hours
decresed BP w/ increased pulse should alert to possiblity of shock related to blood loss
tacycardia and fever, along with mental status changes may indicate thyrotoxic crisis
check back of neck for pooling of blood
observe for respiratory distress, incresed resp.,rate, dyspnes, or stridor
ask Pt to speak to detect horaness of the voice box which may indicate trauma to the laryngeal nerve
monitor Pt serum calcium level and watch for signs of tetany(low calcium)
parathyroid glands
secrete PTH in respoonse to low levels of calcium
raises serum levels by promoting calcium movement from bones to blood and by increasing absorption of dietary calcium
decreased PTH is called
and incresed PTH is hyperthyroidism
SSX of hypoparathyroisism
neuromuscular irritability
numbness of fingers and tingling
perioral area
muscle spasms
positive Chvostek's and Trousseaus' signs are early indications of tetany
chvosteks-tap on Pt facial nerve just in front of ear-spasm is postive results for hypocalcemia
Trousseaus-place a sphygmomanometer on Pt arm and pump it to above the Pt systolic pressure. Spasm in the thumb and fingers occur within 3 minutes if Pt has hypparathyroisism
diagnostic test for hypoparathyroisism
serum PTH, calcium and phosphate
therapeutic interventions fro hypoparathyroidism
calcium replacement, high calcium, low phosperous diet
nurisng priority diagnosis for parathyroidism
risk for injusry R/T tetany
excess PTH
SSXhypercalcemia, fatigue, pathological fractures-kidney stones, cardiac dysrhythmias, gastric secretions, abdominal pain, peptic ulcer
diagnostic tests-serum PTH, radiographs may show bone density, calcium and phosphate.
therapuetic-calcitonin, parathyroidectomy
Nursing diagnosis-risk for injury R/T to bone demineralization
disorders of the adrenal glands
a rare tumor in the adrenal medulla called pheochromocytoma causes hypersecretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine
hypersecretion of cortisol from the adrenal cortex results in Cushings syndrome
hypofunction of the adrenal cortex results in Addisons disease
SSX of Pheochromocytoma
arises from the chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla
exagerated fight or flight synptoms-because of norepinephrine
tacycardia(HR over 100)
feelings of apprehension
severe pounding HA
glucose may increase
unstable intermitent hypertension is most commone-diastolic>115-at risk for stroke, vision changes and organ damage
diagnostic test for Pheochromocytoma
24 hour urine test for metanephrine and vanillylmandelic acid(VMA)
Pt should avoid caffeine and medications for 2 days before the test-if results are elevated a CT scan or MRI for location of tumor
interventions for Pheochromocytoma
surgical removal of both adrenal glands-must be stabilized before surgery
alph-blocking medication(dibenzyline) dilate blood vessels to control acute hypertension
beta-blocker meds may be added to block beta-adrenergic receptors in the heart and lungs to reduce fight or flight symptoms
adrenocortical insufficiency/addisons disease
insufficient production of the hormones of the adrenal cortex
adrenocortical insufficiency/addisons disease
reduced levels of cortisol or aldosterone or both
and a deficiency in androgens may exist
adrenocortical insufficiency/addisons disease
in Primary-ACTH are up in an attempt to stimulate the adrenal cortex to synthesize more hormones
secondary-deficient ACTH fails to stimulate adrenal steroid synthesis
adrenocortical insufficiency/addisons disease
is thought to be autoimmune-gland destroys itselfin response to TB, fungal infection, AIDs and metastatic cancer
secondary AI-caused by dysfunction of the pituitary or hypothalamus
SSX of adrenocortical insufficiency/addisons disease
hypotension-lack of aldosterone(aldosterone causes sodium and water retention) if deficient sodium and water are lost casuing tacycardia and hypotension
low cortisol levels cause hypoglycemia, weakness, fatigue, weight loss, confusion, and psychosis
in primary AI-ACTH may cause hyperpigmentation of the skin-Pt is tanned or bronzed appearance
coma or death if not treated
adrenal cortex think of salt, sugar, and sex
aldosterone promtes salt
cortisol promotes sugar
androgens-are sex hormones