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42 Cards in this Set

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Iliopectineal Line

Bony ridge of the inner surface of the ilium and pubic bones that divides the true and false pelves.

False Pelvis

Portion of the pelvis cavity that is above the pelvic brim, bounded posteriorly by the lumbar vertebrae, laterally by the iliac fosse and iliac muscles, and anteriorly by the lower anterior abdominal wall.

True Pelvis

Found below the brim of the pelvis; the cavity of the minor pelvis is continuous at the pelvic brim with the cavity of the major pelvis

Coccyges Muscles

Muscles that form the floor of the pelvis.

Levator Ani Muscles

A pair of muscles that form the floor of the pelvis.


Parallel longitudinal lines commonly seen in muscle tissue when images sonographically; appear as hyper echoic parallel lines running in the long axis of the hyoechoic muscle tissue.

Psoas Major Muscles

Begins at the level of the hilum of the kidneys and extend inferiorly along both sides of the spine into the pelvis.

Iliacus Muscles

Paired muscles that form the lateral wall of the pelvis.

Piriformis Muscles

Muscle that arises from the sacrum between the pelvis sacral foramina and the gluteal surface of the ilium.

Obturator Internus Muscles

Arises from the anterolateral pelvic wall surrounding the obturator foramen to insert on the greater trochanter of the femur.

Perimetric (Serosa)

Serous membrane enveloping the uterus;


Periodic flow of blood and cellular debris that occurs during menstruation.

Broad Ligaments

Broad fold of peritoneum draped over the fallopian tubes, uterus, and ovaries.


Upper portion of the broad ligament that enclosed the fallopian tubes.


Posterior portion of the board ligament that is drawn out to enclose and hold the ovary in place.

Round Ligaments

Paired ligaments that originate at the uterine cornea, anterior tot eh fallopian tubes, and course anterolaterally within the brand ligament to insert into the fascia of the labia majora.

Cardinal Ligaments

Wide bands of fibromuscular tissue arising from the lateral aspects of the cervix and inserting along the lateral pelvic floor.

Uterosacral Ligaments

Posterior portion of the cardinal ligament that extends form eh cervix to the sacrum.


Position of the uterus when the fundus is tipped slightly forward.


Position of the uterus when the uterine fundus bends forward toward the cervix.


Position of the uterus when the fundus is tipped posteriorly.


Position of the uterus when the uterine fundus bends posteriorly upon the cervix.


Steroidal hormone secreted by the theca internal and granulose cells of the ovarian follicle that stimulates the development of the female reproductive structures and secondary sexual characteristics; promotes the growth of the endometrial tissue during the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle.


Steroidal hormone produced by the corpus lute that helps prepare and maintain the endometrium for the arrival and implantation of an embryo.

Corpus Luteum

Allow body formed from the Graafian follicle after ovulation that produces estrogen and progesterone.

Ovarian Ligaments

Paired ligament that extends form eh inferior/medial pole of the ovary to the uterine cornea.

Suspensory (Infundibulopelvic) Ligaments

Paired ligaments that extend from the infundibulum of the fallopian tube and the lateral aspect to the ovary to the lateral pelvic wall.


Time period in young girls before the onset of menstruation.


Onset of menstruation; state after reaching puberty in which menses occur normally every 27-28 days.


Cessation of menstruation.

Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormones (GnRHs)

Hormone secreted byt he hypothalamus that stimulates the release of the follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone by the anterior pituitary gland.


A hormonal substance that stimulates the function of the testes and ovaries.

Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

Hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the growth and maturation of graafian follicles in the ovary.

Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

Secreted by the anterior pituitary gland to stimulate ovulation and induce luteinization of the ruptured follicle to form the corps luteum.


Abnormally heavy or long periods.


Abnormally light menstrual periods.


Abnormally frequent recurrence job the menstrual cycle; a menstrual cycle of less than 21 days.


Pain associated with menstruation.


The absence of menstruation.

Vesicouterine Recess (pouch)

Pouch formed but he deflection of the peritoneum from the bladder to the uterus.

Rectouterine Recess (pouch)

Pouch of Douglas (Posterior Cul-De-Sac)

Area in the pelvic cavity between the rectum and the uterus where free fluid can accumulate;

Retropubic Space (Space of Retzius)

Located between the anterior bladder wall and the pubic symphysis; contains exztraperitoneal fat.